Key statistics on service demand of A&E Departments and occupancy rates in public hospitals

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     During the winter surge, the Hospital Authority is closely monitoring the service demand of Accident and Emergency Departments and the occupancy rate in public hospitals. Key service statistics are issued daily for public information. Details are in the appended table.

Special traffic arrangements for race meeting in Happy Valley

     Special traffic arrangements will be implemented in Happy Valley today (April 24). The arrangements will come into effect one and a half hours before the start of the first race and will last until the crowds have dispersed after the race meeting.
A. Traffic arrangements before the commencement of the first race

1. Road closure
     Southbound Wong Nai Chung Road between Queen's Road East and the up-ramp outside Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) will be closed except for vehicles heading for Aberdeen Tunnel.

2. Traffic diversions

– Southbound Wong Nai Chung Road between Village Road and the up-ramp outside HKJC will be re-routed one way northbound;
– Vehicles from eastbound Queen's Road East heading for Wan Chai and Happy Valley will be diverted to turn left to Morrison Hill Road;
– Traffic along southbound Morrison Hill Road heading for Happy Valley will be diverted via Sports Road and Wong Nai Chung Road;
– Traffic along Queen's Road East cannot turn right to Wong Nai Chung Road except for vehicles heading to Aberdeen Tunnel;
– Traffic from Cross Harbour Tunnel heading for Queen's Road East will be diverted via the down-ramp leading from southbound Canal Road flyover to Morrison Hill Road to turn right at the junction of Wong Nai Chung Road and Queen's Road East; and
– Traffic from Cross Harbour Tunnel heading for Happy Valley or Racecourse will be diverted via the down-ramp leading from southbound Canal Road flyover to Canal Road East, southbound Morrison Hill Road, Sports Road and Wong Nai Chung Road.

B. Traffic arrangements before the conclusion of race meeting

1. Road closure

     The following roads will be closed from 35 minutes before the start of the last race:

– The up-ramp on Wong Nai Chung Road outside HKJC leading to Aberdeen Tunnel;
– Southbound Wong Nai Chung Road between Queen's Road East and the up-ramp leading to Aberdeen Tunnel;
– Southbound Wong Nai Chung Road between Village Road and the Public Stands of HKJC;
– Westbound Leighton Road between Wong Nai Chung Road and Canal Road East; and
– Southbound Morrison Hill Road between Leighton Road and Queen's Road East.
     In addition, southbound Wong Nai Chung Road between the up-ramp leading to Aberdeen Tunnel and the Public Stands of HKJC will be closed from about 10 minutes before the start of the last race.

2. Traffic diversions

     The following traffic arrangements will be implemented from 35 minutes before the start of the last race:
– Eastbound Queen's Road East at its junction with Morrison Hill Road will be reduced to one-lane traffic heading for northbound Canal Road flyover;
– Vehicles from Cross Harbour Tunnel heading for Wan Chai will be diverted via the down-ramp leading from Canal Road East, U-turn slip road beneath Canal Road flyover, Canal Road West and Hennessy Road;
– Vehicles from Cross Harbour Tunnel heading for Happy Valley will be diverted via the down-ramp leading from Canal Road East, eastbound Leighton Road and Wong Nai Chung Road;
– Traffic on southbound Morrison Hill Road will be diverted to turn left to eastbound Leighton Road;
– Traffic along southbound Morrison Hill Road heading for Happy Valley will be diverted via eastbound Leighton Road and Wong Nai Chung Road; and
– Traffic along westbound Leighton Road will be diverted to Wong Nai Chung Road.

C. Learner drivers prohibition
     Learner drivers will be prohibited to turn left from Caroline Hill Road to Leighton Road between one and a half hours before the start of the first race and one hour after the last race. In addition, learner drivers will be prohibited from accessing the following roads within the above period of time:

– Shan Kwong Road between Yik Yam Street and Wong Nai Chung Road;
– Village Road between its upper and lower junctions with Shan Kwong Road;
– Percival Street between Hennessy Road and Leighton Road;
– Canal Road East; and
– The service road leading from Gloucester Road to Canal Road flyover.

D. Suspension of parking spaces

     Parking spaces on southbound Wong Nai Chung Road between Sports Road and Blue Pool Road will be suspended from 11am to 7pm during day racing, from 4.30pm to 11.59pm during evening racing, and from 5pm to 11.59pm during night racing.

     Any vehicles found illegally parked within the precincts of the above affected areas will be towed away without prior notice.

     Actual implementation of road closure and traffic diversion will be made by the Police at the time depending on traffic conditions in the areas. Motorists should exercise tolerance and patience, and follow the instructions of Police on site.

LegCo joint-Panel begins duty visit in Hangzhou (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Economic Development, Panel on Commerce and Industry, Panel on Financial Affairs, and Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting continued the joint-Panel duty visit in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) Region today (April 23). 

     In the morning, the delegation attended a seminar, themed "The latest development of regional integration of the Yangtze River Delta", in Shanghai. The Director of the Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Mr Ma Chunlei, briefed Members on the latest progress of the integrated development of the YRD Region.  Regarding the relationship between Hong Kong and the YRD Region, Mr Ma emphasized that while both places utilize their edges and complement each other, they can strengthen collaboration to achieve synergy in development more effectively. 

     The delegation then took the high-speed train to Hangzhou.  Upon arrival in Hangzhou, the delegation visited the Hangzhou Public Service Centre to learn about the Zhejiang Provincial Government's "At Most One Visit" project participated by more than 20 departments in providing one-stop public services for residents and enterprises.

     In the evening, the delegation met with the Secretary of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, Mr Che Jun, to gain a better understanding of the recent development in Zhejiang Province and its policy initiatives to promote innovation and technology.

     The delegation then attended a large-scale outdoor performance, "Impression West Lake – Enduring Memories of Hangzhou", and followed by visiting a teahouse, "Hu Pan Ju".  Members took the opportunity to learn about the features of cultural tourism in Hangzhou.

     The delegation will visit the Headquarters of Alibaba Group, Hangzhou National High-Tech Industries Development Zone, Hangzhou LHD New Energy Technology Co. Ltd. and WeDoctor Group tomorrow (April 24).  The delegation will also meet with groups of Hong Kong people living in Zhejiang and then return to Hong Kong at night.

     Led by the LegCo President, Mr Andrew Leung, a total of 22 Members participated in the joint-Panel duty visit.  Deputy delegation leaders are the Chairman of Panel on Commerce and Industry, Mr Yiu Si-wing; the Chairman of Panel on Financial Affairs, Mr Christopher Cheung; the Chairman of Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting, Dr Elizabeth Quat; and the Chairman of Panel on Economic Development, Mr Chung Kwok-pan.  The delegation visits Shanghai and Hangzhou from April 21 to 24.  The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Patrick Nip; the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang; the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr James Lau; and the Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Dr Bernard Chan, also participated in the duty visit.

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Speech by FS at Chartered Institute of Management Accountants Centenary Dinner (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, at the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) Centenary Dinner today (April 23):

Steven (President of CIMA, Mr Steven Swientozielskyj), William (Chairman of CIMA Hong Kong Branch Committee, Dr William Chen), Ms Li (Regional Vice President, North Asia, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, Ms Vicky Li), government colleagues, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good evening.  

     As a practising CPA (certified public accountant) in my earlier life and an Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, I'm delighted to be here with you, on this milestone occasion – CIMA's Centenary Celebration Dinner. 

     Not too many organisations get to add "centenary" to the title of their annual dinner. CIMA has managed to do it, with rewarding dividends for all concerned. As one of the world’s largest professional bodies of management accountants, CIMA has, from its beginnings, played a central role in the global development of management accounting. 

     Today's management accountants focus on much more than costs. They are problem solvers, data analysts and strategic planners. Their goal is driving maximum value and efficiency for businesses everywhere.

     Which is why, just two years ago, CIMA and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) launched the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. 

     The joint venture between CIMA and AICPA sets out to drive relevance and opportunity for management accountants, as well as making management accounting a global profession. It creates an influential network of top accountants around the world and helps the profession to stay ahead of market changes and developments, which is particularly important in a time of rapid changes and increasing competition.

     The two organisations also developed the Global Management Accounting Principles, a universal standard of quality for management accounting. The Principles have been well received by employers and management accountants worldwide. Members and students of the two organisations also benefit from the increased recognition of their qualifications and competence under the new global brand.

     In Hong Kong, accounting professionals have long contributed – and substantially, let me add – to the global success of our financial services industry. And even more, Hong Kong accountants have played a key role in the economic development of the Mainland of China over the years. In return, the Mainland's powerhouse economy presents enormous business opportunities for the accounting sector. 

     Those opportunities are about to get even greater, with the Greater Bay Area development and the Belt and Road Initiative going full steam ahead. These far-reaching national initiatives will serve to boost prospects for the accounting profession, particularly for management accountants. 

     The Greater Bay Area brings together Hong Kong, Macao and nine consumer-rich cities in the Guangdong Province. Together, this cluster city development counts a population of some 70 million people and a collective GDP worth US$1.6 trillion. That, ladies and gentlemen, compares favourably with Australia or the Republic of Korea.  

     The Outline Development Plan for the Greater Bay Area was announced in February. It focuses on co-operation among the 11 centres, taking advantage of the varying strengths and expertise of each partner city. 

     Not surprisingly, Hong Kong has been tasked with driving the Greater Bay Area's financial services, as well as its trade and transport, while supporting the Greater Bay Area's rise as an international hub for innovation and technology. 

     That will boost the flow of people, goods, capital and information throughout the region, creating outsized business opportunities for Hong Kong businesses, and professional services.

     I know that CIMA has built up good relations with its counterparts in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, and those connections, I'm confident, will continue to expand, for mutual benefit. 

     The Hong Kong SAR Government will, rest assured, support and promote our accounting services within the Greater Bay Area, helping the profession to realise the boundless promise of the Area.

     Then there's the Belt and Road Initiative, which will create stronger economic and trade opportunities along its vast corridors, including such large-scale infrastructure projects as railways, highways and ports, all in the pipeline. 

     These will generate immense demand for professional services, in the financing, consultancy and management of infrastructure and related projects. Hong Kong accountants are well-placed, and supremely well-qualified, to meet that need.  

     Lastly, allow me to thank CIMA for its unwavering efforts in supporting the development of management accounting in Hong Kong and in providing top quality policy advocacy to the Government over these many years. 

     Speaking of many years, my congratulations, once again, to CIMA on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. I wish CIMA another century of surpassing success here in Hong Kong – where people and businesses connect and excel – and of course  around the world.  

     I wish you a most enjoyable and memorable evening.  

     Thank you for having me here tonight.

Three Directors of Bureaux conduct third-day programme of LegCo joint-panel duty visit to Yangtze River Delta Region (with photos)

     The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Patrick Nip; the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang; and the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr James Lau, continued the Legislative Council (LegCo) joint-panel duty visit to the Yangtze River Delta Region today (April 23).

     The three Directors of Bureaux and LegCo members attended a seminar organised by the Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission (SDRC) in the morning during which they were briefed by the Director of the SDRC, Mr Ma Chunlei, on the latest progress of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta Region.
     In the afternoon, the delegation left Shanghai and travelled to Hangzhou by high-speed railway. They first visited the Hangzhou Public Service Center to learn about how the municipal government streamlined procedures to provide one-stop service to process different kinds of applications from residents and enterprises.

     The delegation met with the Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, Mr Che Jun, to exchange views on issues relating to Hong Kong-Zhejiang co-operation in the evening. They also attended programmes relating to tourism and cultural promotion afterwards.

     The delegation will continue their visit in Hangzhou tomorrow (April 24) and return to Hong Kong in the evening.

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