Appointment of members of Equal Opportunities Commission

     The Government announced today (April 26) that the Chief Executive has appointed three new members and re-appointed 11 incumbent members to the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) for a term of two years with effect from May 20, 2019.  

The newly appointed members are:

Mr Vincent Cheng Wing-shun
Ms Anna Thompson
Mr Gary Wong Chi-him

The re-appointed members are:

Professor Cecilia Chan Lai-wan
Professor Andy Chiu Man-chung
Professor Susanne Choi Yuk-ping
Mr Mohan Datwani
Miss Maisy Ho Chiu-ha
Ms Elizabeth Law
Ms Juan Leung Chung-yan
Ms Shirley Marie Therese Loo
Dr Henry Shie Wai-hung
Dr Rizwan Ullah
Miss Yu Chui-yee

      "We are grateful for the contribution of all incumbent members to the work of the EOC in the past two years. They have displayed enthusiasm and commitment in assisting the promotion of equal opportunities. They have also provided valuable input to the various areas of work of the EOC," said the government spokesperson.

     "The membership of the EOC continues to represent a balanced mix of expertise and sectors, including women, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, members from the employment, social services, legal, accounting, academic and education sectors, and the community at large. Their experience and expertise will be instrumental to the work of the EOC in promoting equal opportunities.

     "We would like to take the opportunity to thank Mr Holden Chow Ho-ding, Dr Trisha Leahy and Professor Joseph Lee Kok-long, who will be stepping down from the EOC after six years of service. We are grateful for their staunch support for the work of the Commission.
     "We look forward to effective collaboration of all EOC members under the leadership of the newly appointed Chairperson, Mr Ricky Chu Man-kin, to take new strides in implementing the four existing anti-discrimination ordinances through the promotion of equal opportunities and elimination of discrimination in the community," the spokesperson added.

     Brief background information on the newly appointed members is at Annex.

Communications Authority press release

The following is issued on behalf of the Communication Authority:
     This press release summarises the decisions of the Communications Authority (CA) following its 85th meeting held in April 2019:
Review of the class licence for offer of telecommunications services
     The class licence for offer of telecommunications services (CLOTS) authorises any person meeting the criteria or conditions set out in CLOTS to offer any telecommunications service to the general public without establishment, operation or maintenance of any means of telecommunications. In view of the emergence of new technologies and the adoption of new business models and commercial practices by market players, the CA commenced a public consultation on January 4, 2019, to solicit views and comments from the public on its proposals to strengthen the licensing regime in CLOTS for better consumer protection.
     Taking into account all views and comments received in the public consultation, the CA decided to vary the conditions in the CLOTS with a view to enhancing regulatory oversight. 
     A key feature of the revised CLOTS is the introduction of a registration requirement for those CLOTS licensees with a customer base of 10 000 subscriptions or more. This requirement enables the CA to have better communications with these licensees for more effective regulatory oversight, compliance monitoring and handling of customer complaints. 
     The revised CLOTS is published in the Gazette today (April 26). To allow existing CLOTS licensees sufficient time to make necessary adjustments to their business systems and procedures for compliance with the revised CLOTS, the revised CLOTS will take effect on October 26, 2019, while the registration requirement will be subject to a further three-month grace period after the effective date. The CA will issue guidelines on the relevant administrative procedures for registration and other implementation details to provide practical guidance to the CLOTS licensees. 
     For further details, please refer to the revised CLOTS ( and the CA Statement published on the CA's website (
Non-compliance with reporting and submission requirements by Luxury Hotels International of Hong Kong Limited
     The CA decided that Luxury Hotels International of Hong Kong Limited (LHIHK), an "other licensable television programme service" (other licensable TV) licensee, had breached sections 21(2) and 39(3) of the Broadcasting Ordinance (Cap 562) and Condition 5 of its other licensable TV licence for failing to submit to the CA by April 1, 2018, an annual statutory declaration for 2018, to report to the CA the changes of its directors within seven days of the changes, and to promptly notify the CA of the change of the address of its registered office. The submission of the statutory declaration was late by about 10 months and the reports on the changes of directors were late by 178 days and 52 days, while the change of address of registered office was reported about three years and two months after the change. Taking into account LHIHK's representations, as well as the duration and severity of the breaches, the CA decided that LHIHK should be strongly advised to observe more closely the relevant provisions.

Applications invited for 39th Personalised Vehicle Registration Marks exercise

     The Transport Department (TD) today (April 26) announced that the 39th invitation exercise of the Personalised Vehicle Registration Marks (PVRMs) Scheme will be launched on May 1.
     "Starting from May 1, applications are invited under the 39th invitation exercise for the allocation of PVRMs upon sale by auction. Completed application forms should reach the department no later than May 31. If there are more than 1 500 applications, those to be considered will be selected by lot," a TD spokesman said.
     Interested persons should complete and submit the application forms (TD569). Those who possess a digital certificate may also make use of the online application service at the GovHK website (
     Application forms (TD569) and Guidance Notes for Application can be downloaded from the TD's website ( or obtained from the TD's Licensing Offices as well as the Public Enquiry Service Centres of the Home Affairs Department. Completed applications can be put in the drop-in box at any of the TD's Licensing Offices or posted to Vehicle Registration Marks Unit, Transport Department, Room 506-508, 5/F, Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. Applications received by mail will be dated by the postmark. No payment of deposit is required at this stage.
     Applicants are advised to read carefully the Guidance Notes for details of the scheme before completing the application forms. They can also check whether a proposed PVRM is in compliance with the basic combination requirements by using the online service at the GovHK webpage at
     Each applicant may submit only one application in each exercise. If an applicant submits more than one application, none of his/her applications will be processed. Once submitted, the applicant cannot withdraw the application or change the arrangement of the PVRM stated in the application form.
     An acknowledgement will be immediately sent to the applicant upon successful submission of an online application. Those who submit the applications by TD569 will receive TD's acknowledgement by ordinary post within two weeks after submission. Applicants who do not receive the acknowledgement within this time frame should call the TD hotline at 2804 2600.

Works in relation to seawall and landing steps to facilitate Yau Tong Bay comprehensive development proposed

     The Government intends to allow Start Treasure Limited to carry out proposed works in relation to seawall and landing steps within an area of approximately 35 600 square metres of the foreshore and seabed at Kwun Tong Tsai Wan (Yau Tong Bay). The proposed works aim to facilitate the implementation of the proposed Yau Tong Bay comprehensive development. The extent of the area of foreshore and seabed affected is described in a notice published in the Government Gazette today (April 26).

     The proposed works include the repair and strengthening of seawalls and construction of new seawalls at Kwun Tong Tsai Wan (Yau Tong Bay), as well as the construction of two flights of landing steps along the existing seawall at Kwun Tong Tsai Wan (Yau Tong Bay), which involve modification, demolition and reconstruction of the existing seawall and related works. To facilitate the proposed works, a temporary works area would need to be erected at Kwun Tong Tsai Wan (Yau Tong Bay). The proposed works are scheduled to commence in 2020 for completion by 2023.

     The notice and its related plan are posted near the site. The plan can also be viewed at the following locations:
* Survey and Mapping Office of the Lands Department (23/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong) (where copies can be purchased on order);
* Kwun Tong Home Affairs Enquiry Centre of the Kwun Tong District Office (G/F, The Grande Building, 398 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon); and
* Lands Department's website ( under Government Notices.

     Any person who considers that he or she has an interest, right or easement in or over the foreshore and sea-bed involved may submit a written objection to the Director of Lands, 20/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong, within two months from the above-mentioned date, i.e. on or before June 26. The notice of such objection shall describe the interest, right or easement of the objector and the manner in which he or she will be allegedly affected.

Appointment of members of Equal Opportunities Commission

     The Government announced today (April 26) that the Chief Executive has appointed three new members and re-appointed 11 incumbent members to the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) for a term of two years with effect from May 20, 2019.  

The newly appointed members are:

Mr Vincent Cheng Wing-shun
Ms Anna Thompson
Mr Gary Wong Chi-him

The re-appointed members are:

Professor Cecilia Chan Lai-wan
Professor Andy Chiu Man-chung
Professor Susanne Choi Yuk-ping
Mr Mohan Datwani
Miss Maisy Ho Chiu-ha
Ms Elizabeth Law
Ms Juan Leung Chung-yan
Ms Shirley Marie Therese Loo
Dr Henry Shie Wai-hung
Dr Rizwan Ullah
Miss Yu Chui-yee

      "We are grateful for the contribution of all incumbent members to the work of the EOC in the past two years. They have displayed enthusiasm and commitment in assisting the promotion of equal opportunities. They have also provided valuable input to the various areas of work of the EOC," said the government spokesperson.

     "The membership of the EOC continues to represent a balanced mix of expertise and sectors, including women, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, members from the employment, social services, legal, accounting, academic and education sectors, and the community at large. Their experience and expertise will be instrumental to the work of the EOC in promoting equal opportunities.

     "We would like to take the opportunity to thank Mr Holden Chow Ho-ding, Dr Trisha Leahy and Professor Joseph Lee Kok-long, who will be stepping down from the EOC after six years of service. We are grateful for their staunch support for the work of the Commission.
     "We look forward to effective collaboration of all EOC members under the leadership of the newly appointed Chairperson, Mr Ricky Chu Man-kin, to take new strides in implementing the four existing anti-discrimination ordinances through the promotion of equal opportunities and elimination of discrimination in the community," the spokesperson added.

     Brief background information on the newly appointed members is at Annex.