Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo meeting (with video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at a media session before the Executive Council meeting this morning (April 30):
Reporter: Mrs Lam, you are calling on lawmakers to make some constructive proposals to alleviate people's concern, but would there be any new proposals or changes from the Government to address people's concern, and whether you will meet pan-democratic lawmakers to discuss their concerns?
Chief Executive: As far as meeting with Legislative Council members from across the political spectrum, as you will all recall, since taking office, I have taken a very forthcoming and positive attitude, not only in increasing my attendances at the Legislative Council to once or twice a month, but also welcoming meetings with different political parties, including of course from the pan-democratic camp. But I have to understand the purpose of their latest request for meeting on this particular subject, because if the meeting's main purpose is to pressurise me to withdraw the bill, then there is no purpose for that sort of meeting. But if the purpose of meeting is to go into the safeguards in the proposed legislation, then I think the best platform to do that is the Bills Committee of the Legislative Council and not a closed-door meeting with the Chief Executive.
     As far as new proposals, let me just make it very clear that we have taken quite a bit of time to come up with these latest legislative proposals since the matter came to surface early last year, because this is a very complicated matter. The policy team in the Security Bureau and the legal team in the Department of Justice have been working very hard to study our domestic legislation, to look at overseas jurisdiction's practice, before they present these proposals to the public and to the Legislative Council. But I of course cannot rule out the possibility of good proposals to be suggested by the Bills Committee. As I have said yesterday and repeated just now, we will listen very attentively to what the members have to say on the content of the bill, and if there are good suggestions, practical proposals that could allay the fears and the anxiety of some members of the public, but at the same time achieve the two objectives of this legislative exercise, then we will certainly follow up on that score.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Red flags hoisted at Shek O Beach and Clear Water Bay Second Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (April 30) that due to big waves, the red flag has been hoisted at Shek O Beach in Southern District, Hong Kong Island.  

     Meanwhile, due to inclement weather, the red flag has been hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District.

     Beach-goers are advised not to swim at these beaches.

Schedule for issuing press releases on statistical data

     Following is a reminder of the press releases on statistical data to be issued between May and August 2019. The schedule for issuing press releases on statistical data in 2019 was provided to the media in September 2018. No change has been made to the original schedule.

May 2019
Date Press Release
—– ——————
2 Advance estimates on Gross Domestic Product for first quarter 2019 (Note1)
3 Retail sales statistics for March 2019
7 Restaurant receipts and purchases statistics for first quarter 2019
16 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for March 2019
17 Revised figures on Gross Domestic Product for first quarter 2019 (Note1)
20 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for February – April 2019
23 Consumer Price Index for April 2019
27 External merchandise trade statistics for April 2019
31 Retail sales statistics for April 2019
June 2019
Date Press Release
—– ——————
4 Statistics on vessels, port cargo and containers for first quarter 2019
10 Quarterly business receipts indices for service industries for first quarter 2019
11 Construction output statistics for first quarter 2019
11 Statistics on trade involving outward processing in the mainland of China for first quarter 2019
14 Index of industrial production and producer price index for the industrial sector for first quarter 2019
17 Gross National Income and external primary income flows for first quarter 2019
17 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for April 2019
18 Chain volume measures of Gross Domestic Product by economic activity for first quarter 2019
19 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for March – May 2019
21 Consumer Price Index for May 2019
21 Employment and vacancies statistics for March 2019
21 Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics for first quarter 2019
25 External merchandise trade statistics for May 2019
27 Wage and payroll statistics for March 2019
July 2019
Date Press Release
—– ——————
2 Retail sales statistics for May 2019
16 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for May 2019
18 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for April – June 2019
19 Business expectations for third quarter 2019
22 Consumer Price Index for June 2019
25 External merchandise trade statistics for June 2019
31 Advance estimates on Gross Domestic Product for second quarter 2019 (Note2)
August 2019
1 Retail sales statistics for June 2019
2 Restaurant receipts and purchases statistics for second quarter 2019
13 Mid-year population for 2019
15 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for June 2019
16 Revised figures on Gross Domestic Product for second quarter 2019 (Note2)
19 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for May – July 2019
20 Consumer Price Index for July 2019
26 External merchandise trade statistics for July 2019
30 Retail sales statistics for July 2019
Note1: Starting from the reference period of the first quarter of 2019, C&SD will issue press releases on advance estimates on quarterly GDP.  C&SD will compile and release revised figures on GDP in the "Gross Domestic Product (Quarterly) Report" when more data become available. The revised figures on GDP for the first quarter of 2019 will also be included in the "First Quarter Economic Report 2019" and the press release to be issued by the Office of the Government Economist under the Financial Secretary's Office on the economic situation in the first quarter of 2019 and first update of GDP and price forecasts for 2019 as a whole. No separate press release on the revised figures on GDP will be issued by C&SD.
Note2: Starting from the reference period of the first quarter of 2019, C&SD will issue press releases on advance estimates on quarterly GDP.  C&SD will compile and release revised figures on GDP in the "Gross Domestic Product (Quarterly) Report" when more data become available. The revised figures on GDP for the second quarter of 2019 will also be included in the "Half-yearly Economic Report 2019" and the press release to be issued by the Office of the Government Economist under the Financial Secretary's Office on the economic situation in the second quarter of 2019 and second update of GDP and price forecasts for 2019 as a whole. No separate press release on the revised figures on GDP will be issued by C&SD.

      The schedule for regular press releases in the other months of 2019 can be downloaded at the website of the Census and Statistics Department (

LRC issues report on voyeurism and non-consensual upskirt-photography

The following is issued on behalf of the Law Reform Commission:
     The Law Reform Commission (LRC) released a report on "Voyeurism and Non-consensual upskirt-photography" today (April 30) recommending the introduction of a new and specific offence of voyeurism to deal with an act of non-consensual observation or visual recording (for example, a photograph, videotape, or digital image) of another person for a sexual purpose; and a new and specific offence in respect of non-consensual upskirt-photography.
     The report follows a study on the overall review of substantive sexual offences by the LRC's Review of Sexual Offences Sub-committee (Sub-committee), chaired by Mr Peter Duncan, SC, which issued three consultation papers in September 2012, November 2016 and May 2018 respectively. Noting the strong sentiments received in the consultation exercises and the imminent need for the introduction of these new offences, it was decided that it would be to the benefit of our community to expeditiously publish the report ahead of the remaining work of the Sub-committee. The responses to the consultation papers have been taken into account in formulating the final recommendation as regards voyeurism and non-consensual upskirt-photography in the report.
     The report recommends that a specific offence of voyeurism should be introduced along the lines of section 67 of the English Sexual Offences Act 2003 to criminalise acts of non-consensual observation or visual recording of another person for a sexual purpose. Such an act is a serious violation of another person's sexual autonomy. The English approach is favoured as it covers all aspects of the conduct including observation, channelling and recording; the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification is an element of the offence; and the definition of "a private act" is provided for in the legislation.
     The report also recommends that a specific offence of non-consensual upskirt-photography should be introduced along the lines of the newly added section 67A of the English Sexual Offences Act 2003 while taking into account a few issues.
     Firstly, the act of non-consensual upskirt-photography should be outlawed irrespective of its purpose. A catch-all provision would also have the advantage of criminalising acts of non-consensual upskirt-photography which are committed by persons under the employment of a third party and may do so for the purpose of obtaining a monetary return rather than for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification or for humiliating, alarming or distressing the victim.
     Secondly, there should be an additional offence to criminalise an act of non-consensual upskirt-photography done for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification. Such an offence would then qualify as a sexual offence and be covered by the Sexual Conviction Record Check Scheme.
     Thirdly, the catch-all provision would be a statutory alternative offence if the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification cannot be proved at trial.
     Lastly, the new offence of non-consensual upskirt-photography should cover any place (i.e. irrespective of whether the act took place in public or private).
     Copies of the report are available on request from the Secretariat of the Law Reform Commission at 4/F, East Wing, Justice Place, 18 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong. The report can also be accessed on the Commission's website at

Temporary service relocation of Tung Wah Hospital General Out-patient Clinic for renovation

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

  The spokesperson for Hong Kong West Cluster (HKWC) announced today (April 30) the temporary service relocation (details are appended) of Tung Wah Hospital General Out-patient Clinic (GOPC) (12 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan) from May 6 (next Monday) due to the renovation works of the clinic to improve its environment and facilities. The service hours will remain unchanged. The renovation is expected to be completed in the last quarter of 2019 and the clinic service will then resume at the original location.
  According to the spokesperson, patients with chronic illnesses requiring regular follow-up at the clinic and those requiring nursing services have already been informed and arranged to attend follow-up appointments at the temporary location during the renovation period. For those patients with episodic illnesses, they can make appointment via the Telephone Appointment System as usual.
  "We have already communicated with the public on the service arrangement through various channels, including poster notice, information pamphlets and briefing to respective district councilors. Reminder messages will also be added to the Telephone Appointment System of Tung Wah Hospital General Out-patient Clinic," the spokesperson added.