SLW visits Wan Chai District (with photos)

     The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, today (April 30) visited Wan Chai District, where he took a closer look at pre-school rehabilitation and elderly services and met with District Council members.
     Accompanied by the Chairman of the Wan Chai District Council (WCDC), Mr Stephen Ng; the Vice-chairman of WCDC, Dr Jennifer Chow; the District Officer (Wan Chai), Mr Rick Chan; and the District Social Welfare Officer (Eastern and Wan Chai), Miss Hannah Yip, he first went to Hong Kong Christian Service Morrison Hill Child Development Centre to visit children with special needs. The centre is both a special child care centre and an early education and training centre. It also provides occasional child care services with extended hours for parents in need.
     The Government has regularised on-site pre-school rehabilitation services (OPRS) to provide training for children with special needs at about 710 kindergartens (KGs) or KG-cum-child care centres by inter-disciplinary teams co-ordinated by non-governmental organisations. Dr Law pointed out that the number of service places has increased from about 3 000 under the Pilot Scheme to about 5 000 at present, and this will be further increased to about 7 000 in the 2019/20 school year. In addition, the Government will launch a pilot project later through the Lotteries Fund to provide support for children in KGs or KG-cum-child care centres who show signs of special needs and are waiting for assessment.
     He then proceeded to Po Leung Kuk Wan Chai Home for the Elderly cum Day Care Centre for the Elderly to better understand the operation of the Pilot Scheme on Residential Care Service Voucher for the Elderly. The Pilot Scheme provides an additional choice for elderly persons in need by allowing them to choose the services provided by eligible residential care homes for the elderly under the Pilot Scheme according to their needs.
     Dr Law also went to the WCDC to exchange views with WCDC members on labour and welfare issues as well as to discuss matters of local concern.

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Import of poultry meat and products from states of Queretaro and Hidalgo in Mexico suspended

     The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced today (April 30) that in view of a notification from the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) about outbreaks of highly pathogenic H7N3 avian influenza in the states of Queretaro and Hidalgo in Mexico, the CFS has instructed the trade to suspend the import of poultry meat and products (including poultry eggs) from these areas with immediate effect to protect public health in Hong Kong.

     A CFS spokesman said that Hong Kong has currently established a protocol with Mexico for import of poultry meat but not for poultry eggs. In the first three months of this year, no poultry meat from Mexico was imported into Hong Kong.

     "The CFS has contacted the Mexican authorities over the issue and will closely monitor information issued by the OIE on avian influenza outbreaks. Appropriate actions will be taken in response to the development of the situation," the spokesman said.


2019 Voter Registration Campaign launched

     The Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC), Mr Justice Barnabas Fung Wah, officiated at the launch ceremony for the 2019 Voter Registration Campaign at the Domain in Yau Tong today (April 30). Also taking part in the ceremony were the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Patrick Nip; the Director of Home Affairs, Miss Janice Tse; and the Acting Deputy Director of Broadcasting (Programmes), Ms Chan Man Kuen. A number of District Council Chairmen and Vice-chairmen also showed up to support the campaign.
     "The aims of the 2019 Voter Registration Campaign are to encourage eligible persons who have yet to register as electors to sign up, and to remind registered electors to update their registration particulars with the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) in a timely manner," Mr Justice Fung said at the launch ceremony.
     He appealed to eligible persons who have yet to register as electors to submit new registration applications by the registration deadline of July 2, so that their registration particulars would be included in the final register to be released in September this year, and they can vote in the District Council Election to be held in November.
     Registered electors are not required to register again, but they are reminded to fulfil their civic responsibility by notifying the REO of any change in residential address or other registration particulars by the statutory deadline of June 2. Electors are required to submit address proof upon changing their registered residential addresses.
     The REO will continue to implement targeted checking measures in the current cycle to enhance the accuracy and completeness of information in the voter registers.
     "The REO will gradually issue inquiry letters to some electors, requiring them to confirm or update their registered addresses. The EAC appeals to electors who receive the letters to reply not later than the deadline of July 2 so as to maintain their registration status," Mr Justice Fung said.
     The launch ceremony was jointly organised by the REO and Radio Television Hong Kong. The REO also set up voter registration counters at the event venue to assist members of the public in registering as electors or changing registration particulars.
     Forms for voter registration and reporting changes in registration particulars can be obtained from the REO, the District Offices and management offices of public housing estates. They can also be downloaded from the voter registration website (
     Completed forms can be submitted by mail to the REO at 13/F, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, by fax to 2891 1180 or by email to
     Members of the public may log in to the Online Voter Information Enquiry System ( anytime to check whether they are a registered voter and whether their registered address is still their principal place of residence.
     To save paper and protect the environment, electors are encouraged to provide or update their email addresses for receiving electoral messages.
     Enquiries can be made to the REO hotline 2891 1001.

Update on measles cases

     The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health (DH) said today (April 30) that no additional case of measles infection had been recorded as at 4pm today.
     Regarding measles control measures implemented at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), a total of 10 persons had received measles vaccination at the airport vaccination station as at 6pm today, bringing the cumulative number of vaccinations given to 8 330.
     From May 2 to 17 (excluding Sundays and public holidays), measles vaccination will be provided to airport staff who:
(1) Were born in or after 1967, and have not received two doses of measles vaccination, and have not been infected with measles before; or
(2) Have laboratory evidence of testing not positive against measles antibody (IgG).
     The vaccination quota for the measles vaccination station at the airport remains at 600 doses daily. The venue and operation hours of the airport vaccination station are as follows:

Venue: Multi-function Room, HKIA Tower (Level 5, Terminal 2)
Hours: May 2 to 17 (excluding Sundays and public holidays)
10am to 1pm
2pm to 6pm

     As for the blood test service, the DH will continue to provide the measles serology test service to about 200 airport staff who were born on or after 1967 on May 2 and 7. Fifteen blood samples have been collected today. The DH will notify the participants individually of the serology results.
     The venue and operation hours of the airport blood test station are as follows:

Venue: South side before the Immigration Hall at Level 3 of Terminal 2 (non-restricted area)
Hours: May 2 and 7
9am to 1pm

     A pilot service at the blood test station on the same designated dates and times to provide measles serology testing for a total of about 200 Filipino foreign domestic helpers who are coming to or returning to work in Hong Kong has started today. Three of such blood samples have been collected so far. The DH will also notify these participants individually of the serology results.
     A hotline (2125 1122) has been set up for public enquiries and operates during office hours from Mondays to Fridays. A total of 3 309 enquiries have been received so far.

International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) released today (April 30) the analytical data on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's foreign currency reserves and foreign currency liquidity as at the end of March 2019 (Annex). These data are published monthly in the Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity in accordance with the International Monetary Fund's Special Data Dissemination Standard.
     At present, four press releases relating to the Exchange Fund's data are issued by the HKMA each month. Three of these releases are issued to disseminate monetary data in accordance with the International Monetary Fund's Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS). The fourth press release, on the Exchange Fund's Abridged Balance Sheet and Currency Board Account, is made in accordance with the HKMA's policy of maintaining a high level of transparency. For the month of April 2019, the scheduled dates for issuing the press releases are as follows:

April 8
SDDS International Reserves
(Hong Kong's Latest Foreign Currency Reserve Assets Figures)
April 12
SDDS Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank
(Analytical Accounts of the Exchange Fund)
April 30 SDDS Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity
April 30 Exchange Fund Abridged Balance Sheet and Currency Board Account