Application for new niches at Tsang Tsui and Wong Nai Chung Road columbaria to open from May 15

     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) will allocate some 20,000 new extendable niches at Tsang Tsui Columbarium, Tuen Mun, and Wong Nai Chung Road Columbarium, Wan Chai, which will be open for application starting from May 15.
     An FEHD spokesman said today (May 2), "The FEHD will make available 163,320 new niches located at Tsang Tsui Columbarium for allocation in phases. With the 20,160 standard niches, including 7,080 smoke-free niches and 13,080 non-smoke-free niches, and 220 non-smoke-free large niches for allocation in the first phase, together with 855 smoke-free standard niches at Wong Nai Chung Road Columbarium, a total of 21,235 niches, all extendable, will be allocated in this exercise. The application period will start from May 15 till June 14."
     Applicants should only file one application form to apply for either a large niche or standard niche for the same deceased person. When applying for a large niche, the applicant has to fill in at least three deceased persons' particulars in the application form. For applications for a standard niche, the applicant has to fill in at least one deceased person's particulars.
     The spokesman said, "In order to expedite the allocation process, the priorities of successful applicants for niche allocation and the designated niches assigned to them are to be decided by drawing of lots and computer balloting. The niches will not be chosen by the applicants themselves. The successful applicants can make use of the niche location enquiry system on the FEHD website to enquire regarding the location of the niches concerned. If the applicant decides to take up the designated niche, he or she must complete the relevant formalities and settle the payments at the Public Niche Allocation Office according to the scheduled date and time.
     "In addition, to encourage co-location of ashes and take those who have failed in the last allocation exercise into consideration, these two categories of applicants, if satisfying the criteria for the respective category, will be given an additional ballot paper under that category to enhance the chance of successful balloting.
     "As regards the ashes interment period, the initial interment period is 20 years after the allocation of a niche and it can be extended at 10-year intervals. On expiry of the 20-year/10-year interment period, as long as the related persons confirm extension of the interment period and pay the prevailing prescribed fee, the use of the allocated niche can be continued," he said.
     Starting from May 15, application forms can be downloaded from the FEHD's website ( or obtained from the department's Hong Kong or Kowloon Cemeteries and Crematoria Office, District Environmental Hygiene Offices, Home Affairs Enquiry Centres, Post Offices on Cheung Chau, Lamma Island, Peng Chau and at Mui Wo and Tai O or by fax through enquiry hotline 2841 9111.
     The completed application form together with copies of the required documents shall be submitted by fax (2333 1716) email (, or in person to the Hong Kong or Kowloon Cemeteries and Crematoria Office or by post to the above offices. The applicant holding "Permit to Take Away Cremated Ashes" or "Certificates of Cremation" of the deceased issued by FEHD may fill in the electronic application form and submit the application online.
     The spokesman added, "Since the type and number of niches (standard/large; smoke-free/non-smoke-free) available for allocation in the two columbaria are different, the chance of successful allocation varies. When deciding the type of niche to be selected for application, applicants may make reference to relevant information for assessing the chance of successful allocation."
     The FEHD will notify the successful applicants by SMS, email, or post of the serial number of the designated niche allocated. Applicants can also check the results of their applications on the day after the drawing of lots and computer balloting at the FEHD's website, Hong Kong or Kowloon Cemeteries and Crematoria Office, Public Niche Allocation Office and through the enquiry hotline 2841 9111.
     Leaflets about the arrangement of this niche allocation exercise are available for collection from today at the department's Hong Kong or Kowloon Cemeteries and Crematoria Office, District Environmental Hygiene Offices, Home Affairs Enquiry Centres, Post Offices on Cheung Chau, Lamma Island, Peng Chau or at Mui Wo and Tai O. For details, please visit the FEHD's website, or call 2841 9111 or email to for enquiries.
     Information on the Cemeteries and Crematoria Offices and Public Niche Allocation Office of FEHD is as follows:

Hong Kong Cemeteries and Crematoria Office
Address: 1J, Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
Tel: 2570 4318
Fax: 2591 1879
Kowloon Cemeteries and Crematoria Office
Address: Upper Ground Floor, 6 Cheong Hang Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon
Tel: 2365 5321
Fax: 2176 4963
Public Niche Allocation Office
Address: Upper Ground Floor, Block B, 6 Cheong Hang Road, Hung Hom
Tel:2330 5635
Fax:2333 1716

Effective Exchange Rate Index

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Thursday, May 2, 2019 is 103.9 (same as Tuesday's index).

Public invited to enjoy Cheung Chau Climbing Carnival (with photos)

     The Cheung Chau Climbing Carnival will be held at the soccer pitch of Pak Tai Temple Playground, Cheung Chau, from noon to 6pm this Saturday (May 4). Members of the public are invited to join and experience the exciting atmosphere of bun scrambling.
     Interested members of the public who are at least 1 metre in height can participate in the bun tower climbing activity by making an on-site application. They can then climb the 14-metre-tall bun tower set up for the Bun Scrambling Competition to experience the fun of climbing.
     Bun Tower Climbing Relays involving 20 teams from local tertiary institutions, government departments, public utilities and commercial and industrial organisations will also be staged, during which the fastest teams to finish the races will be the winners.
     Members of the China Hong Kong Mountaineering and Climbing Union will be invited to brief visitors on climbing skills and safety aspects of bun tower climbing to let them learn more about the technical and safety aspects concerned.
     Moreover, the public can make wishes at the Wishing Bun Tower at the venue. Other activities will include an exhibition of winning works from students' colouring and drawing competitions as well as variety shows, game stalls and handicrafts to enhance the fun of the carnival for families and friends.
     The Climbing Carnival is one of the highlights of the 2019 Bun Carnival which is  jointly organised by the Hong Kong Cheung Chau Bun Festival Committee and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), with the support of the Cheung Chau Wai Chiu County Association Limited, the Cheung Chau Rural Committee, the Islands District Office, the China Hong Kong Mountaineering and Climbing Union and the Islands District Council.
     For enquiries, please contact the Islands District Leisure Services Office of the LCSD on 2852 3220, or visit the department's website.

Photo  Photo  

Notification letters on reallocation of constituencies for 2019 District Council Election

     The boundaries and names of constituencies for the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election were specified in the Declaration of Constituencies (District Councils) Order 2018, which was published in the Gazette on December 14, 2018. In view of the alteration of some constituency boundaries and names, the allocated constituencies of some electors have changed accordingly. In the next few days the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) will notify about 240 000 electors whose allocated constituencies have changed.
     "The REO is now sending letters to these electors to inform them of the details of their constituencies after the change," a spokesman for the REO said today (May 2).
     "The 2019 District Council Ordinary Election will be held on November 24. All electors will be informed of the polling arrangements when they receive the poll cards and other relevant information sent by the REO close to polling day," the spokesman added.
     For enquiries, please call the REO hotline 2891 1001.

Red flag at Chung Hom Kok Beach lowered

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

    The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (May 2) that the Environmental Protection Department has classified the water quality at Chung Hom Kok Beach in Southern District, Hong Kong Island, as Grade 1, which means the water quality has improved and the beach is now suitable for swimming. The red flag has been lowered.

     The red flag was hoisted on the beach earlier on due to the water quality being classified as Grade 4 and unsuitable for swimming.