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Speech by CE at official opening ceremony of Le French May Arts Festival 2019 (English only) (with photos/video)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at the official opening ceremony of Le French May Arts Festival 2019 today (May 4):
Consul General  (Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, Mr Alexandre Giorgini), Andrew (Chairman of the Board of Le French May, Dr Andrew Yuen), Anthony (Chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club; Mr Anthony Chow), ladies and gentlemen,
     Bonsoir. It gives me great pleasure to join you tonight for the opening ceremony of Le French May Arts Festival, one of Hong Kong’s largest and most anticipated annual events, and certainly the most ambitious international showcase of arts and culture in our creative calendar.
     Nothing underlines that more than the exhibition featuring the works of the late Niki de Saint Phalle, one of the highlights of this year’s Festival. As the first female Chief Executive of Hong Kong, I naturally admire Niki, one of the most significant female and feminist artists of the 20th century. Opening here at the Exhibition Gallery alongside the Festival itself, I am happy that the exhibition features nearly 100 works of art, including some of the artist’s monumental “Nanas” sculptures – as famously flamboyant, original and utterly unforgettable as the artist herself.
     The same might be said of the Festival as a whole, which turns 27 this year. Despite its “May” title, it actually runs  through the month of June, showcasing everything French from film and animation to theatre and music, including a spotlight on Hector Berlioz by the Paris Mozart Orchestra in honour of the 150th anniversary of the great French composer’s death. There’s the usual avant-garde French music, fashion and food in this edition, even an exhibition of French-inspired cheongsams. And speaking of fashionable food, Le French GourMay returns this year with an appetite and a thirst for the blessed bounty of the Loire Valley.
     In all, more than 120 events will be staged by the talent and artistry of some 350 performers and artists under the theme of “Voyage”. It will, I have no doubt, prove a remarkable, and remarkably creative journey, once again enabling the people of Hong Kong and our many tourists and visitors to experience and indulge in authentic French culture.
     I’m equally grateful for Le French May’s commitment to education and outreach. With the support of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Outreach and Arts Education Programme, the Festival offers internships and apprenticeships, while presenting guided tours, workshops, master classes, public rehearsals and post-performance events. It will provide participants with an invaluable opportunity to see, hear and learn from world-class artists.
     I should just add that my Government places a high priority on arts and culture as well, on creating here in Hong Kong an international cultural hub, a city that embraces art and culture, East and West, at every level, for every sector of our community. I’d say we’re getting there thanks to exciting recent developments, including the opening last May of Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts and the Xiqu Centre in January this year, as well as the continuing progress of the West Kowloon Cultural District and the face-lifting of the Hong Kong Museum of Art. Thanks, too, to such major events as Le French May, the Hong Kong Arts Festival, the International Film Festival, the World Cultures Festival and a great deal more.
     Finally, I wish Le French May Arts Festival 2019 another memorable year full of drama and delight, insight, entertainment and joy. Thank you very much.

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Update on measles cases

     The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health (DH) said today (May 4) that no additional case of measles infection had been recorded as at 4pm today.      Regarding measles control mea… read more

SDEV to visit Beijing

     The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, will depart for Beijing tomorrow afternoon (May 5) to meet with officials of Mainland ministries with policy portfolios relating to the work of the Development Bureau.     … read more

SCED speaks to the media

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, at a media session after attending a radio programme this morning (May 4):

Reporter: Secretary, Hong Kong recorded 0.5 per cent GDP growth in the first quarter, are we expecting the economy to rebound later in the year? Or are we expecting a more gloomy outlook?  And what are the factors that are affecting our economy?

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development: I think the first quarter figures revealed that we are at the crossroad, i.e. while sentiment towards the general economic situation has slightly improved with easing of tension between the US and China over the trade dispute, export figures remain negative, we are still in the negative trend.  We are also in a rather stagnated situation as far as retail figures are concerned. Overall, the first quarter’s 0.5 per cent (GDP) growth suggested that there are still a lot of uncertainties ahead. I think a lot will depend on whether and how far the US and China would come to an agreement on the trade dispute. Having said that, even if there is an agreement, whether that would bring a sharp return of economic performance would depend on (handling of ) tariffs and on whether more fundamental issues between China and the US are being resolved by further trade negotiations or agreements.

     I just came back from Beijing biennial Belt and Road summit, from what I heard among the countries taking part, and also after reading the speeches and the concluding remarks made by our nation (leader),  a positive note is that there is a very strong and deep commitment for China to adopt a more open and liberalising rule-based system, and a lot of respect and regards to bilateral international agreements. They also went further to say China would certainly respect the protection of intellectual property rights, and will also curb corruptive moves. All these in aggregate represent a very firm and important commitment to the whole world that China will be a responsible trading partner. So, this is not just a response to the US issues, but a commitment to the wider world. And that fits very well with Hong Kong’s agenda, because Hong Kong survives much better in a rule-based, barrier-free trading environment. And that’s what Hong Kong has been advocating. We hope this will bring some positive signs beyond the US-China trade dispute.

Reporter: Do you see businesses confidence coming back?

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development: Business sentiment will act on what sort of news and indications they see from the trade talks. In terms of survey, reference can be drawn to the Hong Kong Productivity Council’s recently released index which measures the sentiment (on business confidence), there has been a rebound from the figure of 40 to 46. It is a clear rebound, meaning people are less pessimistic, but it is still below 50 mark, which means the overall situation remains cautious. I think that is quite an appropriate description of the sentiment now. We are also observing a similar trend globally. The IMF has adjusted downward the projection of the global GDP growth from 3.6 per cent to 3.3 per cent, and saying that it could rebound to the original projection of 3.6 per cent in the years to come if the US-China trade dispute could be resolved satisfactorily.

     I think the whole world, including Hong Kong, is facing similar situation. Currently we are still suffering from the impact of the trade dispute. We are also watching very carefully on the way forward. For Hong Kong in particular, I think there should be no sparing of efforts in reaching out and going out and reinforcing the need for a more liberalising trade community globally.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.) read more