Hong Kong Customs steps up enforcement action against cross-boundary drug trafficking between Hong Kong and Macao (with photos)

     Hong Kong Customs has stepped up enforcement action against drug trafficking activities between Hong Kong and Macao during the period of March 18 and yesterday (May 4) and detected 11 cases with seizures of about 1.5 kilograms of different kinds of suspected dangerous drugs. The estimated market value of the seizure is about $1.34 million and 12 persons were arrested.

     Of the abovementioned cases, ten were effected at Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal in which one was an inbound case and nine were outbound cases, while the remaining one was an inbound case effected at China Ferry Terminal.

     The seized suspected dangerous drugs, including heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine and cannabis buds, were found concealed inside the clothes, shoes and personal belongings of the arrested persons.

     One of the arrested persons is a 17-year-old student, and the rest aged between 20 and 39.

     Except the inbound case detected on April 28 during which about 1.3 kg of suspected heroin with an estimated market value of about $1.18 million was seized at Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal, each of the other cases only involved a small quantity of suspected dangerous drugs which were packed in small packages for further distribution.

     Customs believes that the arrested persons attempted to traffick in drugs by using the "ants moving home" tactic at different time period.

     A Customs spokesman stresses that stringent enforcement action would be taken at the incoming and outgoing passage of every boundary control point.

     The spokesman reminds members of the public, in particular the youth that they should not take any chances and think hiding small quantity of dangerous drugs can easily evade investigation. They also should not participate in drug trafficking activities for monetary returns. Trafficking in a dangerous drug is a serious offence and will lead to a criminal record upon conviction. This would exert considerable impact on further education as well as other aspects.

     Under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, the maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $5 million and life imprisonment.

     Members of the public may report any suspected drug trafficking activities to the Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email (crimereport@customs.gov.hk).

     The spokesman reiterates that Hong Kong Customs will continue to strengthen law enforcement actions at all control points to combat cross-boundary trafficking activities of dangerous drugs.

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380 families commended for selfless devotion to foster care service (with photos)

     The Director of Social Welfare, Ms Carol Yip, commended 380 foster families for their selfless commitment to foster care services at the Foster Families Service Award Presentation Ceremony 2019 today (May 5). She said that the Social Welfare Department (SWD) will provide residential care services in a family setting for more children in need by making full use of existing resources and keeping a close watch on the recruitment situation of foster families.

     Addressing the ceremony, Ms Yip praised foster families for their contributions to society, adding that foster parents' selfless devotion over the years has been essential to the sustainable development of foster care services. She said foster parents offer a helping hand to children whose parents are temporarily unable to take care of them by giving them a home which provides protection and shelter.

     In addition to making foster children feel loved and giving them greater trust in people, foster parents also help foster children's own families to deal with their problems and overcome adversity, thus helping them to consider taking care of their own children again and achieving family reunion.

     At today's ceremony, co-organised by the SWD and the 11 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) providing foster care services, various long-service awards were presented to foster families that have provided foster care services for five to more than 25 years. Special awards were also given to foster families with an outstanding performance in the past two years.

     This year, the number of award-winning foster families hit a record high. Among them, 84 have been serving as foster families for more than 15 years, while nine of them have served for over 25 years.

     Mr and Mrs Lai, who have been foster parents since 2010, were given a Long Service Silver Award. The couple started to take care of a two-year-old foster boy in 2013. The boy was diagnosed with developmental delay and did not know how to chew, speak, or walk properly at that time. With the unfailing care of the couple, the boy has grown up and is now comparable to an ordinary child of the same age. Apart from getting the boy back on track, the couple's devotion has also encouraged positive changes in the boy's birth mother, who has started to live an active life and has been able to quit undesirable habits which had been affecting her for 30 years. Returning to the right track, she is now also working hard to learn how to take care of her child.

     Mr and Mrs Yiu, who have been emergency foster parents since 2002 and have taken care of a total of 67 children, received an Outstanding Award at today's ceremony. They said that family problems and sudden life changes may cause regression in foster children's abilities. Emergency foster families can provide a peaceful and safe environment for foster children to calm down and equip themselves so that they can return home and reunite with their families when their family problems are resolved.

     Established in 1982, the SWD's Central Foster Care Unit currently oversees and co-ordinates the provision of foster care services provided by 11 NGOs. Foster care provides substitute family care for children whose parents cannot adequately take care of them for different reasons, so that the children can continue to enjoy family life until they can be reunited with their families or when other long-term welfare plans are arranged for them.

     Four of the NGOs provide emergency foster care services, which include the provision of immediate and short-term home-based residential family care to needy children whose parents cannot care for them because of emergency or sudden crisis situations, so that they can continue to enjoy family life until they can reunite with their families or secure a long-term placement. The duration of this type of care should not exceed six weeks.

     As at the end of March this year, there were 900 registered foster families and 907 children receiving foster care services. Among the registered foster families, 141 were emergency foster families.

     There are currently 1 130 foster care places in total. To enable more needy children to receive residential care services in a family setting, the SWD increased the level of various foster care allowances in December 2017 and has started to provide 240 additional foster care places in phases from 2017-18. Among the additional places, 60 places have been added in 2018 and the remaining 180 places will be added in phases. The SWD will continue to work closely with the 11 NGOs in publicising the service and recruiting foster families through various channels.

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Red flag hoisted at Hap Mun Bay Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (May 5) that due to big waves, red flag has been hoisted at Hap Mun Bay Beach in Sai Kung District. Beach-goers are advised not to swim at the beach.

Liquor Licensing Board to meet on Tuesday

The following is issued on behalf of the Liquor Licensing Board:

     The Liquor Licensing Board will meet on Tuesday (May 7) to consider nine applications for new issue, renewal, transfer and amendment of liquor licences.

     The applications are (not in order of discussion):
Hong Kong:
Noodies in Sai Ying Pun
"Wong Hin Private Kitchen" in Tsim Sha Tsui
The Brew Job Coffee in Tai Kok Tsui
MAIN PLACE, Luxe, Point After and FUTURE LOUNGE in Prince Edward
New Territories:
"Kam Yee" and Sing Wan Catering Ltd. in Sheung Shui
     The board will also consider revoking the liquor licence of Burger Bar in Central.
     The meeting will be held at 9.45am in the conference room, Room 102, 1/F, 258 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai. Members of the public are welcome to attend, except during the private session on confidential items.

HK blooms at BJ expo

     Hong Kong's unique mix of urban and natural landscapes is being creatively showcased through the Hong Kong Garden at the 2019 Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition.
     News.gov.hk spoke to three Architectural Services Department architects to find out more about the planning and construction of the garden, and how it also promotes urban greening in Hong Kong.
     The story appears on news.gov.hk today (May 5) in both text and video format.