
Author Archives: hksar gov

HKSARG responds to European Commission report

     In response to media enquiries, a spokesman for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government made the following response today (May 8) to a report on Hong Kong issued by the European Commission and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy:

     “Since the return to the Motherland, the HKSAR has been exercising ‘Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong’ and a high degree of autonomy in strict accordance with the Basic Law. The ‘one country, two systems’ principle has been fully and successfully implemented.

     “Human rights and freedom in Hong Kong, including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of association, the right to vote and the right to stand for election, etc. are fully protected by the Basic Law, the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance and other legislation. The HKSAR Government attaches great importance to them and is determined to safeguard them.

     “At the same time, the HKSAR Government has a duty to implement and uphold the Basic Law and to ensure that all elections will be conducted in accordance with the Basic Law and relevant electoral laws.

     “The Basic Law clearly stipulates that the HKSAR is an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Any suggestion for ‘Hong Kong’s independence’ is a blatant violation of the Basic Law and a direct affront to the national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the PRC. ‘Hong Kong’s independence’ runs counter to the successful implementation of ‘one country, two systems’ and undermines the HKSAR’s constitutional and legal foundations as enshrined in the Basic Law. Relevant international human rights convention and court cases have clearly pointed out that freedom of speech is not absolute.

     “For other issues mentioned in the report, including the prohibition of the operation of the Hong Kong National Party, a visa application case and the co-location arrangement of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link, etc. the HKSAR Government emphasises that it has all along been handling Hong Kong affairs strictly in accordance with the ‘one country, two systems’ principle, the Basic Law and the laws of Hong Kong.

     “In respect of environmental protection, the HKSAR Government has been taking comprehensive actions to reduce emissions from different air pollution sources including power plants, vessels and motor vehicles to improve air quality over the years. For instance, in addition to the traffic measures cited by the report, we have banned new coal-fired plants and have required the power plants to install control equipment and use more natural gas to reduce their emissions. Concentrations of major air pollutants have been reduced by more than 30 per cent since 2013.

     “The HKSAR Government reiterates that foreign institutions should not interfere in any form in the internal affairs of the HKSAR.” read more

Speech by FS at THE ONE Award Gala Dinner (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, at the THE ONE Award Gala Dinner today (May 8):

David (Founder and Global Chair of THE ONE Humanitarian Award, Dr David Harilela), Mr Wong (Co-Chairman of THE ONE International Humanitarian Award, Mr Peter Wong) , Mr Fong (Co-Chairman of THE ONE International Humanitarian Award, Mr Eugene Fong), Mr Fung (Chairman of THE ONE Hong Kong Humanitarian Award, Mr H W Fung), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good evening.

     It gives me great pleasure to be part of tonight’s award presentation ceremony, to salute the selfless contributions of the six individuals nominated for THE ONE Hong Kong and THE ONE International Humanitarian Awards.

     For these awards and the great good they have done, and continue to do, here in Hong Kong and all over the world, I am grateful to Rotary International District 3450.  Embracing Hong Kong, Macao, Guangdong Province and Mongolia, this sprawling Rotary District has organised THE ONE International Humanitarian Award since 2012, when it was founded by David who was the then District Governor. The District then expanded its admirable efforts, establishing THE ONE Hong Kong Humanitarian Award in 2015.

     The Rotary motto is “Service Above Self”. As a past president of the Rotary Club of Kowloon, I know it well, know that it lies at the heart of these Awards – and the individuals we honour this evening.

     They are society’s unsung heroes, working tirelessly to better the lives of all those in need. 

     I’ve read the profiles, and the stories, of the six finalists. While they come from a variety of backgrounds, they share essential commonalities. They are ordinary people who, day after day, do extraordinary things. And they do them not for fame or fortune, but from a deep well of compassion, an inextinguishable desire to make a difference.

     The Awards echo with the commitment of the Hong Kong SAR Government to build a caring and inclusive society, to enhance the livelihood of the people of Hong Kong, especially our disadvantaged and vulnerable.

     That goal drives our recurrent expenditure for social welfare, which exceeds $84 billion this fiscal year. That’s more than 19 per cent of our total estimated recurrent expenditure and represents a 55 per cent increase as compared with the figure five years ago.

     We can’t, of course, do it alone. The way forward is a community-business-government collaboration, working together to address changing societal needs and issues collectively. 

     A good example of that is the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund, which implements a variety of community development projects.

     And the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged provides matching grants for business donations in support of a wide range of social service projects.

     Then there’s the Child Development Fund, which promotes cross-sector collaboration among Government, families and the business sector. The laudable goal here is to stem the tide of inter-generational poverty.

     With your support and encouragement, we hope the above programmes can make a difference for our underprivileged. Can make Hong Kong a community we are all proud to call home.

     Rotary International District 3450 is also making that difference through THE ONE Humanitarian Awards. And I am proud to know that the spirit of “Service Above Self” is alive and flourishing here in Hong Kong.

     My sincere thanks, as well, to the many donors involved in THE ONE for their generous and continuing support.

     My congratulations and heartfelt thanks to the winners and finalists of this year’s THE ONE Hong Kong and THE ONE International, for bringing hope and love to the lives of so many people. In doing so, you light the way for us all. And in that, I am reminded of the following, from Mother Teresa, and I quote: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

     I wish you all the most memorable evening. Thank you. read more

Kowloon West Cluster announces a serious untoward event

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Kowloon West Cluster (KWC) announced a serious untoward event today (May 8) as below:

     A 69-year-old male patient attended Accident and Emergency Department (AED) of the Caritas Medical Centre (CMC) for lower limb weakness on April 25. He was diagnosed with myocardial infarction upon admission to the Medical Ward. Anticoagulant was prescribed for the patient. The patient developed stroke symptoms soon afterwards. Emergency computed tomography scan of the brain showed cerebral infarct. After discussing with the relatives and with their agreement, the patient was escorted by healthcare staff to Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) for further assessment.

     Upon arrival at PMH AED, the patient was assessed by healthcare staff, with documentation of relevant diagnosis and treatment received in CMC.  As the patient has symptoms of stroke, further assessment for intravenous thrombolytic therapy by the stroke team was immediately arranged. Intravenous thrombolytic therapy proceeded after reviewing the computer tomography scan of the brain by the stroke team.  During the infusion of thrombolytic drug, the team noted that the patient had received anticoagulant for myocardial infarction within 24 hours and immediately stopped the infusion right away to prevent escalating the risk of haemorrhage.

     The patient developed a haemorrhagic transformation of the cerebral infarct, subsequently deteriorated and also developed a pneumonia.  He finally succumbed on May 5. 

     KWC is very concerned about the incident and has had ongoing discussions with the patient’s family, and provided support as necessary. The case has been referred to the Coroner and was reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office (HAHO) as a Serious Untoward Event. A root cause analysis panel will be set up for investigation. The report will be submitted to HAHO in eight weeks. read more