CE meets Secretary of CPC Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Committee (with photos)

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, met the Secretary of the CPC Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Committee, Mr Lu Xinshe, at Government House this afternoon (May 15). The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Patrick Nip; and the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, were also present.
     Mrs Lam welcomed Mr Lu's visit to Hong Kong to attend the Presentation on Guangxi Integrating the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area-Hong Kong 2019 held this morning to introduce the investment environment and the latest development of the Guangxi Province, which she was pleased to be invited to attend and deliver a speech. She said that the adoption of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as the theme of the presentation fully reflects the readiness of Guangxi to seize the opportunities brought about by the development of the Greater Bay Area. Pointing out that Hong Kong is one of the core cities of the Greater Bay Area and will play an active role in its development, she said that Hong Kong is willing to deepen co-operation with Guangxi to jointly advance the development of the Greater Bay Area.
     Mrs Lam said that Guangxi is an international passage linking the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and that the opening-up of the New Land-Sea Corridor provides a faster passage for the flow of goods between the nation and Southeast Asia as well as Northwest Asia and Europe. She said that Hong Kong, an international maritime and logistics centre, could strengthen co-operation in relevant areas with Guangxi to seize together the opportunities brought about by the New Land-Sea Corridor. In addition, as Hong Kong is also an international aviation hub which is actively taking forward the airport's Three-runway System, the high-end logistics centre and the SkyCity development projects, Mrs Lam said she looks forward to enhancing co-operation in aviation services with Guangxi.

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LCQ16: Franchised bus services

     Following is a question by the Hon Wu Chi-wai and a written reply by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, in the Legislative Council today (May 15):
     Regarding franchised bus services, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) whether it knows, since the Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited (KMB) launched a monthly pass scheme on March 1 last year, (i) the average number of monthly passes sold each month, (ii) the top 10 bus routes with the highest numbers of passengers using monthly passes and the changes in the patronage of these routes before and after the launch of the monthly pass scheme, and (iii) whether the overall patronage has increased and KMB has correspondingly adjusted the bus frequencies; given that some cross-harbour bus routes are jointly operated by KMB and other franchised bus companies, but the monthly passes are applicable only to those trips made on buses of KMB, whether the Government has requested KMB to explore solutions to this problem; if so, of the details;

(2) as it has been reported that KMB is studying the introduction of a monthly pass scheme for short-haul routes, whether it knows (i) the progress of the study, the launch date of the scheme and the districts to be covered, and (ii) if other franchised bus companies have planned to launch monthly pass schemes;

(3) of the details of the bus routes (i) newly introduced and (ii) cancelled in each of the past five years by various franchised bus companies, including the justifications, effective dates and route information;
(4) as the Guidelines on Service Improvement and Reduction in Bus Route Development Programmes provide that in considering the provision of new bus service, priority will be given to railway feeders or new bus routes serving areas that are beyond the catchment area of existing railways, whether the Government will consider amending this provision with a view to improving the situation that public transport services rely heavily on railway service;
(5) as the Government has subsidised franchised bus companies to install real-time bus arrival information display panels at about 1 300 bus stops on a matching basis, of the respective numbers of bus stops at which the installation work (i) has been completed and (ii) is expected to be completed by the end of next year, and set out the locations of those bus stops in the order of District Council districts;

(6) as some members of the public hope that more large bus stops for bus-bus interchange offering interchange concessions will be provided in various districts in Kowloon (e.g. the bus stop near the Regal Oriental Hotel on Prince Edward Road East), whether there are such studies currently in progress; if so, of the details; and

(7) as the lost trip rates of franchised bus services have risen from 1.6 per cent in 2016 to 2.9 per cent in 2018, of the measures the Government has in place to urge various franchised bus companies to improve such a situation?
     Our reply to the Hon Wu Chi-wai's question is as follows:
(1) and (2) KMB launched the monthly pass scheme on March 1, 2018. Based on the information provided by KMB, from the launch of the scheme to March 2019, about 15 000 monthly passes on average were sold by KMB per month. Details of the top 10 bus routes with the highest numbers of passengers using monthly passes are set out at Annex 1. The patronage of these 10 routes has increased by a total of about 4 per cent since the launch of the monthly pass scheme.
     From March 2018 to March 2019, the average daily patronage of KMB has been on the rise, increasing from about 2.82 million passenger trips to about 2.89 million passenger trips. In addition to the monthly pass scheme, the growth in local population, commissioning of new infrastructure (such as the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link), introduction of new routes as well as other fare concessions offered by KMB (such as bus-bus interchange fare concessions) have also driven the passenger growth. The Transport Department (TD) and KMB have been closely monitoring the service level of all bus routes, and will adjust the bus service in a timely manner to cope with passenger demand. In fact, KMB has introduced 30 new bus routes and strengthened the service of 87 bus routes between March 2018 and March 2019.

     The TD understands that KMB has no plan to introduce a monthly pass scheme for short-haul routes, nor do other bus companies have any plan to launch monthly pass scheme. Given that KMB monthly passes are not applicable to trips made on jointly-operated cross-harbour routes operated by other franchised bus companies, a monthly pass label has been posted on every KMB bus for which monthly passes are applicable for easy identification by passengers. The Government will continue to encourage the bus companies to offer more fare concessions, including monthly passes, for the benefit of passengers.

(3) Over the past five years, the five franchised bus companies have introduced a total of 194 bus routes and have cancelled a total of 54 bus routes, with the relevant details set out at Annex 2.

(4) Heavy rail, operating on dedicated rail corridor and providing high capacity, convenient and emission-free services, has been serving as the backbone of our public transport system. Nonetheless, other public transport modes, in particular franchised buses with high passenger carrying capacity which serve as the road-based mass carrier, still play an important role, particularly for serving areas without direct railway access as well as providing feeder service connecting the railway network and inter-district service. The TD will continue to work with the franchised bus companies to improve the franchised bus services to meet passenger demand in order to provide better public transport services to the public.

(5) To improve the ancillary facilities of public transportation, the Government provides subsidies to the franchised bus companies for installation of real-time bus arrival information display panels at about 1 300 covered bus stops with electricity supply in the territory. The installation works will be undertaken in three phases. The first phase of the subsidy scheme was completed in end 2018, in which display panels were installed at 283 bus stops. The franchised bus companies plan to proceed with the second and third phases of the installation works at about 990 bus stops by end 2020. The locations of the bus stops with the installation of display panels being completed or expected to be completed in various districts are set out at Annex 3 and Annex 4 respectively.

(6) The Government has been actively searching for suitable locations to set up new Bus-Bus Interchanges (BBIs) or upgrade the services and facilities of existing BBIs so that passengers can enjoy bus network with extended service coverage at the BBIs. This also facilitates better resource allocation of the bus companies and thereby alleviating traffic congestion and air pollution. Over the past few years, the TD and the franchised bus companies have set up new or enhanced existing BBIs at Tuen Mun Road, Tsing Sha Highway, Fanling Highway and the Tai Lam Tunnel Toll Plaza. There are also a wider range of interchange routes and more attractive fare concessions to facilitate passengers commuting between the New Territories, Kowloon and Hong Kong Island.

     With reference to the experience on these BBIs, the Government has planned to construct BBIs in tandem with the development of certain new or extensions of major infrastructure projects, such as tunnels, bridges and highways, so as to facilitate passengers interchanging for more destinations. Such infrastructure projects include the portal of Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel, the toll plaza of Tseung Kwan O Tunnel and the toll plaza of the Northern Connection of Tuen Mun – Chep Lap Kok Link. 

     For developed urban areas with relatively high pedestrian and vehicular flows at narrower pavements and carriageways, it is not easy to set up large-scale BBIs. Nonetheless, the Government has been actively improving the existing bus stops to facilitate passengers interchanging between bus routes. Amongst them, the Government has worked with bus companies and completed upgrading the bus stop facilities at eastbound and westbound (outside The Latitude) of Prince Edward Road East in April 2018, including the erection of a new shelter at the eastbound bus stops and the installation of seats at the eastbound and westbound bus stops for passengers interchanging between bus routes. The Government will continue to search for other suitable locations to set up BBIs or upgrade the existing bus stops for the convenience of passengers interchanging between bus routes.

(7) The TD has been closely monitoring the regularity and level of bus services through various channels, such as examining the operating returns submitted by the franchised bus companies, conducting regular surveys and taking note of passengers' complaints or suggestions, etc. Regarding the factors affecting the regularity of bus services, some are within the control of bus companies, such as shortage of drivers and vehicles, vehicle breakdown, etc. However, some of the factors are external, such as public events, traffic congestion, traffic accidents or inclement weather, etc.

     The TD notes that average lost trip rate of the bus industry has increased in 2018, and the main factor leading to such lost trips was driver shortage. In this regard, the TD has requested bus companies to improve the remuneration of bus captains, take more proactive and effective actions in bus captain recruitment, and review the journey time of the bus routes concerned, having regard to the actual traffic condition. The TD will also continue to examine with the franchised bus companies the causes of lost trips, direct them to tackle such causes within their control, and urge them to adopt suitable measures to address other external factors as far as possible.

Update on measles cases

    The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health (DH) said today (May 15) that no additional case of measles infection had been recorded as at 4pm today.
    To better grasp the overall immunity against measles among Filipino foreign domestic helpers working in Hong Kong, the DH will extend the pilot service of blood testing for this group of people. A blood test station will be set up at the Immigration Tower in Wan Chai tomorrow (May 16) and on Friday (May 17) to provide measles serology testing for a total of about 200 Filipino foreign domestic helpers working in Hong Kong. Participants will be informed of the results individually and measles vaccination will be provided for those who do not test positive for the measles antibody.
    The venue and operation hours of the blood test station are as follows:

Venue: G/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
Hours: May 16 to 17
10am to 1pm
2pm to 5pm

     Regarding measles control measures implemented at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), a total of 33 persons had received measles vaccination at the airport vaccination station as at 6pm today, bringing the cumulative number of vaccinations given to 8 447.
     From May 16 to 17, measles vaccination will be provided to airport staff who:

(1) Were born in or after 1967, and have not received two doses of measles vaccination, and have not been infected with measles before; or
(2) Have laboratory evidence of testing not positive against measles antibody (IgG).

     The vaccination quota for the measles vaccination station at the airport remains at 600 doses daily. The venue and operation hours of the airport vaccination station are as follows:

Venue: Multi-function Room, HKIA Tower (Level 5, Terminal 2)
Hours: May 16 to 17
10am to 1pm
2pm to 6pm

HA staff commended for outstanding performance (with photo)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:
     The Hospital Authority (HA) today (May 15) announced and presented the Outstanding Staff and Teams and Young Achievers Award for 2019. This year, 19 staff members and five teams (list of awardees appended) were awarded for their outstanding performance, provision of quality patient-centred care, enhancing team spirit and improving the overall operational effectiveness of the organisation.
     Since 1993, the HA has been organising this corporate-wide staff reward and recognition programme annually to commend outstanding staff members and teams. Starting from 2018, to recognise the good performance of the new generation in the workforce, all staff members aged 40 or below are eligible to be nominated for the Young Achievers Award. 
     Commending the award-winning staff and teams, the HA Chairman, Professor John Leong said, "They contributed to patient services or the development of the HA in different aspects. They fully embrace the core values of the HA, which are 'people-centred care, professional service, committed staff and team work'."
     The 2019 Outstanding Staff and Teams and Young Achievers Award Selection Panel was chaired by the HA Board Member and Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, Mrs Ann Kung. Addressing the ceremony, Mrs Kung said, "The winners not only demonstrate professionalism and commitment in their professions, but are also willing to walk an extra mile to reach out to every colleague and patient."
     Other members of the Selection Panel include another Board Member, Ms Lisa Lau; the HA Chief Executive, Dr Leung Pak-yin; the Head of Human Resources, Dr Pang Fei-chau; Cluster Chief Executive of Kowloon West Cluster, Dr Doris Tse; and 2018 Outstanding Staff Award winner Dr Yan Wing-wa.
     Nominations fior the Award this year were overwhelming. A total of 70 submissions from various departments of hospitals and Head Office were received. Contributions of participants to the following core values of the HA were adopted as selection criteria for the Outstanding Staff and Teams by the selection panel:
(a) People-centred care
(b) Professional service
(c) Committed staff
(d) Team work

As for the Young Achievers, nominees were considered in terms of the following areas:

(a) Demonstrate the HA core values
(b) Possess the following preferred attributes:
 (i) Be an advocate for his/her profession
 (ii) Always energise the team
 (iii) Always think out of the box
 (iv) Be a good communicator


Hong Kong Customs hosts “Hong Kong Government Canine Forum” (with photos)

     Hong Kong Customs hosted a seminar on government dogs called the "Hong Kong Government Canine Forum" today (May 15) at Hong Kong Customs College, with the participation of the Hong Kong Police Force, the Correctional Services Department (CSD), the Hong Kong Fire Services Department and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, which use working dogs for daily operations. Representatives from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals also joined.

     In the forum, the participating parties discussed and exchanged experiences in various topics related to dog management and development programmes, including the areas of canine breeding, welfare and training. 

     Joining the forum for their first time, representatives from the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China and the Australian Border Force also shared dog management experiences with their Hong Kong counterparts.

     A group exercise by government canines was held after the experience sharing and discussion session. By navigating through hurdles, retrieving objects on command and staying and walking at heel, the agility and obedience of the canines were well demonstrated.

     Speaking at the end of the event, Assistant Commissioner of Customs and Excise (Boundary and Ports) Mr Chan Tsz-tat remarked that the forum aimed to strengthen the exchange of experience among departments and to formulate an agenda on future co-operation with a view to fostering cohesion for the enhancement of crime detection capabilities.  

     After Mr Chan's remarks, an officer from the CSD received a wooden plaque symbolising the handover of the host status to the department for the next forum.  

     Detector dogs are important and loyal partners of Customs officers in their daily operations at the airport, land boundary control points and container terminals, helping them to intercept drugs, explosives and cash in large amounts. Currently, 68 detector dogs serve in the Customs Detector Dog Division (CDDD), making it the second-largest dog team in the Hong Kong Government. They are all passive-alert detector dogs, characterised by reacting in a non-intrusive way, like sitting quietly upon detection of suspicious objects.

     Hong Kong Customs will continue to maintain a sustainable development for the CDDD, making its detector dogs excellent partners in law enforcement action.

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