
Author Archives: hksar gov

Local museums to offer free admission in support of International Museum Day

     In support of International Museum Day (IMD), the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will hold International Museum Day 2019, Hong Kong (IMD 2019, HK) on May 18 and 19 (Saturday and Sunday). During this period, some 40 cultural institutions including museums and cultural venues under the LCSD as well as other local cultural institutions will offer free admission to the public. A wide range of educational and entertainment programmes will also be held.

     The IMD theme this year is “Museums as Cultural Hubs: The Future of Tradition”, which recognises that museums are reinventing themselves in a quest to be more audience-focused, community-oriented, interactive, flexible, adaptable and mobile agencies, providing visitors with platforms where creativity combines with knowledge. Museums are also finding new ways to honour their collections, histories and legacies, creating traditions that will give new meaning for future generations and relevance for an increasingly diverse contemporary audience at a global level, in the hope of translating local communities’ needs and views into a global concern.
     The participating local cultural institutions will offer free admission to the public, except for thematic exhibitions and fee-charging programmes. The institutions include 16 LCSD museums and cultural venues, as well as the Asia Society Hong Kong Center, the Tung Wah Museum, the Po Leung Kuk Museum, the University Museum and Art Gallery of the University of Hong Kong, the Stephen Hui Geological Museum of the University of Hong Kong, the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), the CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, the Hong Kong Maritime Museum, the Dr & Mrs Hung Hin Shiu Museum of Chinese Medicine of the Hong Kong Baptist University, the Hong Kong Museum of Education of the Education University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Racing Museum, the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, the Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum, the Heritage of Mei Ho House, the City Gallery, the AFCD Lions Nature Education Centre, the Tao Heung Museum of Food Culture, the Jao Tsung-I Academy, the kaitak, the Centre for Research and Development in Visual Arts, the Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre, the Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre and the Police Museum.
      For details of IMD 2019, HK, please visit the website of the Hong Kong Public Museums at
     The LCSD has held Hong Kong events annually in support of IMD since 2001. The International Council of Museums designated May 18 as IMD in 1977 to raise public awareness of the important role that museums play in society. read more

SFH to attend 72nd World Health Assembly in Geneva

     The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, will depart for Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in the early morning on May 17 to meet healthcare professionals and attend the 72nd World Health Assembly (WHA) of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland.
     Professor Chan will attend the 72nd WHA on May 20 (Geneva time) as a member of the People’s Republic of China delegation. The agenda of this year’s assembly will cover a wide range of important public health issues requiring global attention and concerted efforts from all member states. Among others, a number of strategic priority matters to be discussed at the meeting include public health preparedness and response, health and environment and climate change, prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, ending tuberculosis and global shortage of and access to medicines and vaccines.
     Professor Chan will also take the opportunity to exchange views on healthcare-related issues with senior health officials of other member states.
     Before attending the WHA, Professor Chan will visit the Netherlands on May 17 and 18 to learn more about the latest developments in primary healthcare services.
     Professor Chan will visit Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). LUMC is a modern university medical centre for research, education and patient care. Its research ranges from pure fundamental medical research to applied clinical research, in particular in the field of public health with an impact on society.
     She will also visit Buurtzorg Nederland, a healthcare organisation with a nurse-led system that provides community care in the Netherlands. 
     The Director of Health, Dr Constance Chan, will accompany Professor Chan to attend the WHA in Geneva.
     Professor Chan will depart Geneva in the morning on May 22 and arrive back in Hong Kong on May 23. The Under Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Chui Tak-yi, will be the Acting Secretary for Food and Health during her absence. read more

Government receives tentative results of 2019 Pay Trend Survey

     A spokesman for the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) said that the bureau received the tentative results of the 2019 Pay Trend Survey from the secretariat of the Pay Trend Survey Committee (PTSC) today (May 16).

     The tentative results, presented in the form of “gross pay trend indicators”, show the rates of pay adjustment in the private sector in three salary bands for the period from April 2, 2018, to April 1, 2019. The PTSC will meet next week to decide whether to validate the “gross pay trend indicators”.

     “As in the past, the Chief Executive-in-Council will consider all factors under the established annual civil service pay adjustment mechanism in determining the 2019-20 civil service pay adjustment. These factors include the “net pay trend indicators” (Note) calculated from the “gross pay trend indicators”, the state of Hong Kong’s economy, the Government’s fiscal position, changes in the cost of living, the pay claims of the staff side and civil service morale,” the CSB spokesman said.

     “The Pay Trend Survey is effective and credible. Over the years, it has provided objective and reliable data on the annual pay movements of organisations in different sectors. The PTSC is a tripartite committee comprising representatives of the staff side of the four central consultative councils, the two independent advisory bodies (namely the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service and the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service) and government officials. Every year, before the Pay Trend Survey commences, the PTSC carefully reviews the survey arrangements in detail. All suggestions raised by members during the review process are thoroughly discussed by the PTSC,” the CSB spokesman added.

Note: The Government will deduct the civil service payroll cost of increments for each salary band from their respective “gross pay trend indicators” to arrive at the “net pay trend indicators”. read more

Pay Trend Survey Committee Meeting on May 16, 2019

The following is issued on behalf of the Pay Trend Survey Committee:
     The 2019 Pay Trend Survey (PTS) Report, compiled by the Pay Survey and Research Unit of the Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service, was released today (May 16) to Members of the Pay Trend Survey Committee (PTSC).
     The survey indicated the following average pay adjustments in surveyed companies over the 12-month period from April 2, 2018 to April 1, 2019.
Tentative findings of the 2019 PTS (subject to verification)

  Basic Pay Indicator + Additional Pay Indicator = Gross Pay Trend Indicator
Lower Salary Band
(below $22,865 per month)
4.93% + 0.39% = 5.32%
Middle Salary Band
($22,865 – $70,090 per month)
5.49% + 0.80% = 6.29%
Upper Salary Band
($70,091 – $140,560 per month)
4.57% + 1.22% = 5.79%
     Members of the PTSC are at present studying the survey report in detail. Subject to their analysis and deliberation, the PTSC will verify and consider validating the findings of the survey at its meeting on May 23, 2019. After that, the PTS results will be submitted to the Government. 
     In accordance with established practice, the Government will take into account the Pay Trend Indicators derived from the PTS and other pertinent considerations (such as the state of Hong Kong’s economy, the Government’s fiscal position, changes in the cost of living, pay claims of the staff side and civil service morale) before making a decision on the 2019-2020 civil service pay adjustment.
     The survey results reflect the pay trend in 108 companies covering 146 116 employees over the 12-month period from April 2, 2018 to April 1, 2019. Among these companies, there are 80 larger companies (employing 100 or more staff) and 28 smaller companies (employing 50-99 staff). These companies are regarded as typical employers in their respective fields, generally known as steady and good employers with rational and systematic salary administration.
     The survey is conducted in accordance with the improved methodology as approved by the Chief Executive-in-Council in March 2007. The survey takes into account adjustments to basic salary and additional payments awarded to employees of the surveyed companies attributable to factors in relation to cost of living, general prosperity and company performance, general changes in market rates, merit and inscale increment.
     The PTSC is chaired by Mr Lee Luen-fai, who is a member of the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service. Mr Lee wishes to express the PTSC’s sincere appreciation of the co-operation and assistance rendered by the companies which participated in the 2019 PTS. read more