
Author Archives: hksar gov

Update on number of dengue fever cases

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (May 17) reported the latest number of cases of dengue fever (DF), and again urged the public to maintain strict environmental hygiene, mosquito control and personal protective measures both locally and during travel.

     From May 10 to 16, the CHP recorded three imported DF cases. The patients had been to Cambodia (one case), Indonesia (one case) and Malaysia (one case) during the incubation period.

     As of yesterday (May 16), 48 cases had been confirmed this year, all of which were imported. The cases were mainly imported from Indonesia (10), Malaysia (10) and Thailand (eight). 

     DF remains endemic in some areas of Asia and beyond. In Guangdong, there were 105 cases in the first four months of this year. The latest figures for 2019 reveal that 20 733 cases had been recorded in Thailand, 3 455 in Singapore (since December 30, 2018) and 99 in Japan.

     The public should take heed of the following advice on mosquito control:

  • Thoroughly check all gully traps, roof gutters, surface channels and drains to prevent blockage;
  • Scrub and clean drains and surface channels with an alkaline detergent compound at least once a week to remove any deposited mosquito eggs;
  • Properly dispose of refuse, such as soft drink cans, empty bottles and boxes, in covered litter containers;
  • Completely change the water of flowers and plants at least once a week. The use of saucers should be avoided if possible;
  • Level irregular ground surfaces before the rainy season;
  • Avoid staying in shrubby areas; and
  • Take personal protective measures such as wearing loose, light-coloured, long-sleeved tops and trousers and apply insect repellent containing DEET to clothing or exposed parts of the body when doing outdoor activities.
     To reduce the risk of infections spread by mosquitoes, apart from general measures, travellers returning from areas affected by DF and Zika virus infection should apply insect repellent for 14 days or at least 21 days respectively upon arrival in Hong Kong. If feeling unwell, seek medical advice promptly and provide travel details to the doctor. DEET-containing insect repellents are effective and the public should take heed of the tips below:
  • Read the label instructions carefully first;
  • Apply right before entering an area with risk of mosquito bites;
  • Apply on exposed skin and clothing;
  • Use DEET of up to 30 per cent for pregnant women and up to 10 per cent for children*;
  • Apply sunscreen first, then insect repellent; and
  • Re-apply only when needed and follow the instructions.
* For children who travel to countries or areas where mosquito-borne diseases are endemic or epidemic and where exposure is likely, those aged two months or above can use DEET-containing insect repellents with a DEET concentration of up to 30 per cent.

     The public may refer to the CHP’s tips for using insect repellents for details. read more

Tenders invited for Fanling North New Development Area, Phase 1: Reprovisioning of North District Temporary Wholesale Market for Agricultural Products

     â€‹The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) today (May 17) invited tenders for the contract for Fanling North New Development Area, Phase 1: Reprovisioning of North District Temporary Wholesale Market for Agricultural Products (Contract No. ND/2019/06).
     The works are scheduled to commence in September 2019 and will take about 19 months to complete. The works mainly comprise:

  • construction of an in-situ reprovisioned North District Temporary Wholesale Market for Agricultural Products and its facilities which mainly comprise a steel canopy covering the trading area and a management office building;
  • construction of a temporary trading area and its facilities during the construction stage; and
  • ancillary works including footpaths, lighting, traffic aids, drainage, sewerage, water mains, landscaping works, slope improvement works and electrical and mechanical works.

     The CEDD has appointed AECOM Asia Company Limited as the consultant to design and supervise the works. Interested contractors can obtain the tender forms and other particulars from the company at 8/F, Grand Central Plaza, Tower 2, 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road, Sha Tin.
     The invitation to tender was gazetted today. The closing time for the tender is noon on July 5, 2019. 
     Details of the tender notice are available at the CEDD’s website ( For enquiries, please call AECOM Asia Company Limited at 3922 9000 during office hours. read more