
Author Archives: hksar gov

Speech by CS at opening ceremony of “A History of the World in 100 Objects from the British Museum” exhibition (English only) (with photos)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, at the opening ceremony of “A History of the World in 100 Objects from the British Museum” exhibition today (May 17): 

Mr Andrew Heyn (British Consul General to Hong Kong and Macao), Ms Nadja Race (Director of International Engagement of the British Museum), Dr Anthony Chow (Chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club), Mr Stanley Wong (Chairman of the Museum Advisory Committee), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, government colleagues,

     Good afternoon. It is my honour to be here at the opening ceremony of “A History of the World in 100 Objects from the British Museum” exhibition.

     The collaboration between Hong Kong and the British Museum can be dated back to almost three decades ago. More recently in the past two years, two phenomenally successful blockbuster exhibitions on ancient civilisations were jointly presented by the Trustees of the British Museum and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The response to the “Eternal Life: Exploring Ancient Egypt” exhibition was particularly overwhelming. Over 850 000 visitors were attracted to the mummies on display, breaking all attendance records for thematic exhibitions ever held at the Hong Kong Science Museum. Indeed, it was also one of the most popular thematic exhibitions held by any museum in Hong Kong. 

     Building on previous success, we collaborated with the British Museum again to stage “A History of the World in 100 Objects” exhibition to explore the history of humanity from 2 million years ago to the present. These 100 sets of man-made objects from all corners of the earth and from various cultures reveal the shared concerns and aspirations for life and death, rituals and beliefs, power and control, exploration and enlightenment, technology and development. These stunning objects don’t just retell engrossing stories of the past. More importantly, they show how we humans have shaped the world and been shaped by it. I have no doubt that after travelling back in time and across the globe with these 100 objects, visitors will find the exhibition profoundly inspiring.

     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is committed to playing a pivotal role in fostering arts and cultural development in Hong Kong and promoting cultural exchanges with the rest of the world. To this end, we are pressing ahead with the development of the West Kowloon Cultural District, which underscores our strong commitment to strengthening Hong Kong’s position as an international arts and culture metropolis. In addition to bringing treasures of the world’s cultures to Hong Kong, we also strive to foster collaboration with prestigious museums around the world in enhancing professionalism in heritage conservation and museology. For example, in 2017 the hosting of the first international Museum Summit jointly with the Palace Museum in Beijing put Hong Kong on the world’s museum map.  

     This year, we will hold the second Museum Summit in late November in partnership with the British Museum. Thanks to the strong network of our valued British partner, many speakers and moderators from world-renowned museums and institutions have kindly accepted our invitation. Over 30 eminent leaders in the field will speak at the Summit, themed on “Formation and Transformation”, and share with the audience their expertise and insights on the changing landscape and transformation of museums across the world. The Summit will mark a new milestone in our partnership with the British Museum.

     The exhibition we open today will further demonstrate Hong Kong’s strength as a vibrant city for arts and cultural exchange. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the British Museum for bringing this invaluable collection to Hong Kong. My special thanks also go to Ms Nadja Race, Director of International Engagement, and her dedicated team who assisted us in every way to make this exhibition possible. I would also like to thank the British Consulate-General in Hong Kong for their continuous and ardent support. My gratitude and appreciation, of course, also go to the sole sponsor, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, for their generous support. 

     On this exciting note, I wish the exhibition a resounding success and every visitor to this exhibition an enlightening and memorable tour. Thank you.

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CE expresses sorrow over passing of Mr I M Pei

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (May 17) expressed deep sorrow over the passing of Chinese American architect Mr I M Pei.

     “One of the world’s most renowned architects, Mr Pei won numerous awards over the years including the Pritzker Architecture Prize, sometimes called the Nobel Prize of architecture, in 1983, along with many other highly recognised achievements. He lived in Hong Kong for a period of time when he was young. His works are widely known to Hong Kong people, including the iconic Bank of China Tower in Central and the glass pyramid at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. The former has become a landmark of the city and the pride of Hong Kong people.

     “I am deeply saddened by the passing of Mr Pei. On behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to his family,” she said. read more

Navigation Scheme for Young Persons in Care Services boosts social welfare care sector (with photos)

     The Director of Social Welfare, Ms Carol Yip, gave her support to about 300 young persons who have joined the social welfare care services at the Award Presentation Ceremony for Young Persons Joining the Social Welfare Care Services held by the Social Welfare Department (SWD) today (May 17). She expressed her gratitude to the young persons for their contribution in the frontline of social welfare care services, adding that it has not only helped revitalise the sector, but also brought delight to elderly persons and rehabilitees.

     She said that the social welfare care sector is expanding, with more diversified development opportunities, and is in need of more young persons with knowledge of professional nursing and technology applications.

     Addressing the ceremony, Ms Yip said that in light of the manpower shortage and ageing workforce faced by the social welfare care sector, as well as the rising demand for long-term care services, the SWD launched the Navigation Scheme for Young Persons in Care Services in 2015 to encourage young persons to join elderly and rehabilitation care services. Under the scheme, which adopts a “first-hire-then-train” approach and offers on-the-job training opportunities, the Government also provides trainees with subsidies to pursue a two-year part-time course to progressively qualify as health workers and achieve multi-skill qualifications, with a view to better equipping them and improving the social welfare sector’s professional competency and image.

     Ms Yip said she was happy to see that the Navigation Scheme has gained support and recognition, noting that more than 1 000 trainees have been recruited so far, and that the service operators will provide an additional 200 training places in 2019-20.

     Ms Yip thanked the social welfare agencies implementing the Navigation Scheme for providing full-time employment and professional training for the trainees. She also thanked the employers offering on-the-job training opportunities and mentors for their support and encouragement given to the trainees, and paid tribute to the trainees’ parents for their care and understanding which have motivated their children to further develop their career in the sector.

     As announced in the 2018 Policy Address, the Navigation Scheme will continue with enhancements, providing a total of 1 200 training places in five years starting from 2020-21, with a view to further encouraging young persons to join the elderly and rehabilitation care services.

     Today’s ceremony aimed to recognise young persons contributing to the social welfare care sector and outstanding participants of the Navigation Scheme, with a view to encouraging them to pass on their love and care. It also aimed to encourage more young persons to join the social welfare care services. A total of 305 young persons were commended at the ceremony.

     Mr Poon Kwan-kit, who has been a health worker in the social welfare care sector since graduating from the first round of the Navigation Scheme, was awarded with a certificate of appreciation. Mr Poon, who worked in a residential care home for the elderly and then joined a rehabilitation centre, said that it is very important to have more communication with ex-mentally ill persons and carefully observe any changes in their daily behaviour and mental condition, so that appropriate assistance can be rendered. He said that his work experience has motivated him to study hard in acquiring more knowledge of nursing, such as the efficacy and side effects of psychiatric medications, in order to upgrade his professional standard.
     Mr Kwan Ho, a graduate of the second round of the Navigation Scheme, was presented with a certificate of appreciation – New Star. Mr Kwan has been a health worker in a residential care home for the elderly since completing the scheme. Apart from taking care of the daily routines of elderly residents, he is also responsible for the distribution of medicines and assisting new young colleagues in adapting to the work of the residential care home. Saying that the job is fulfilling and diversified in nature, he added that his deep emotional bonds with the elderly residents has also contributed to his determination to further his career in the sector. Given the developments in gerontechnology, he said he believed that young persons with a knowledge of technology applications would be very competitive in the social welfare care sector.
     Also officiating at the ceremony were representatives from the non-governmental organisation operators of the Navigation Scheme and members of the Project Steering Committee of the Navigation Scheme.

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