Cluster of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus cases in Tuen Mun Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:
     The spokesperson for Tuen Mun Hospital (TMH) made the following announcement today (May 18):

     A 22-day-old female baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of TMH was confirmed to be Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) carrier on May 6. She is hospitalised under medical surveillance and isolation. In accordance with the prevailing infection control guidelines, the hospital performed screening and two more babies (35-day old male and 9-day old female) in the Unit were confirmed to have MRSA. They are hospitalised under medical surveillance and isolation. One of them was in critical condition and the other two were serious, due to their underlying diseases.
     The following enhanced infection and cleansing measures have already been adopted in the concerned ward:
1. Isolate the confirmed and carrier MRSA cases at designated area in the same ward and to be taken care by dedicated healthcare staff so as to prevent cross-contamination
2. Enhance disinfection and cleansing of the ward concerned;
3. Reinforce contact precautions and hand hygiene;
4. Enhance attention to contamination-prone procedures; and
5. Continue to closely monitor the conditions of concerned patients.

     The cases have been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow up. The hospital will continue to closely monitor the situation of the ward.

Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse to resume operation tomorrow

     Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse (SSSH) will resume operation tomorrow (May 19) to provide slaughtering services.

    Meanwhile, the Government has been notified by the General Administration of Customs (GAC) that the importers may resume importing Mainland live pigs into Hong Kong. 

     The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) declared SSSH as an infected place upon detection of African Swine Fever (ASF) virus in a pig sample collected therein on May 10, and, in accordance with the Public Health (Animals and Birds) Regulations (Cap. 139A), ordered culling of all pigs in the slaughterhouse to minimise the risk of spread of the virus. Supply of live pigs from the Mainland has since been suspended. 

     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has carried out comprehensive cleansing and disinfection in the slaughterhouse and finished the work today (May 18).

     To prevent ASF, control and surveillance at source are of utmost importance. As a result of the detection of ASF, preventive measures against ASF have been further strengthened. 

     The GAC has been exercising stringent inspection and quarantine measures with respect to Mainland live pig supply to Hong Kong. All pigs must come from registered pig farms supplying Hong Kong and be segregated for 15 days to ensure the pigs are free of ASF symptoms before they are discharged from the farms. Monitoring and inspection will be conducted at all checkpoints during transportation as well as in and out of the Qingshuihe transfer house located in Shenzhen. Pigs showing abnormality at any stage will not be supplied to Hong Kong. 

     The FEHD at Man Kam To Control Point will also ensure that all Mainland live pigs arriving in Hong Kong are accompanied with valid health certificates issued by the Mainland Customs. The FEHD will closely monitor the health conditions of live pigs entering Hong Kong. For pigs with ASF symptoms, ASF-test will be immediately performed by the AFCD.

    It is an internationally recognised practice to carry out ASF screening among live pigs through inspection of clinical symptoms. On top of the current inspection mechanism, the Government will strengthen the inspection on pigs before they are admitted into the slaughterhouse. ASF-test will be conducted on any dead pigs found. 

     Regarding local supply of live pigs, the AFCD has been implementing various preventive measures against ASF. Pig farmers are required to adopt proper biosecurity measures; strictly control the vehicles and personnel entering pig farms; enhance cleansing and disinfection of vehicles and personnel entering and leaving pig farms as well as carefully handle excrement.

     ASF will not infect humans and pose food safety risk. Well-cooked pork is safe for consumption.

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected illicit cigarettes (with photo)

     Hong Kong Customs yesterday (May 17) seized about 1.3 million suspected illicit cigarettes in Kwai Chung with an estimated market value of about $3.6 million and a duty potential of about $2.6 million. 

     During an anti-illicit cigarette operation yesterday, Customs officers found about 900 000 suspected illicit cigarettes at a logistics site in Kwai Chung. Later, Customs officers further found about 400 000 suspected illicit cigarettes at another logistics site nearby.

     Investigation is ongoing.

     Smuggling is a serious offence. Under the Import and Export Ordinance, any person found guilty of importing or exporting unmanifested cargo is liable to a maximum fine of $2 million and imprisonment for seven years.

     Under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance, anyone involved in dealing with, possession of, selling or buying illicit cigarettes commits an offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $1 million and imprisonment for two years.

     Members of the public may report any suspected illicit cigarette activities to the Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (


Transcript of remarks by FS (with photo/video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, at a media session after attending a radio programme this morning (May 18):

Reporter: Good morning Secretary. Regards to the uncertainty and the ever changing situation about the US and China trade talks and disputes, is it going forward that it is going to look worse for Hong Kong and do you think it is appropriate for you to slightly adjust our GDP growth forecast so as to better reflect the situation?

Financial Secretary: We are monitoring the situation of the US and China's trade negotiation very closely. The negotiation has been quite bumpy. Although lately there are some negative news, we do think that it is premature to adjust our GDP growth forecast for the year at this stage. We will continue to follow our practice to update this forecast in August. In the meantime, we will monitor the situation very closely and we would like to remind the public that because of these changes in sentiment in the trade negotiation, the financial market may react quite volatilely. So watch out for risk, and be careful when you invest.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)


Thirty-three schools commended for meritorious green projects (with photos)

     Thirty-three schools were commended today (May 18) at a prize presentation ceremony for the Greening School Project Award held by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) in recognition of their meritorious green school projects and contributions to environmental greening.
     The LCSD is committed to promoting greening. To enhance students' interest in and knowledge of greening, the department's Greening School Subsidy Scheme provides subsidies to schools to organise more greening activities and encourage students to plant more trees and shrubs on campuses.
     Speaking at the prize presentation ceremony, the Chief Leisure Manager (Green Campaign) of the LCSD, Ms Wendy Or, said the Greening School Subsidy Scheme has been well received, with the number of participating schools increasing from over 300 in the first year to more than 880 this year. Ms Or added that the standard of green projects has also been rising. Both teachers and students have worked very hard to make their schools' environment greener and more beautiful, she said.
     The Greening School Project Award is presented in seven categories. The champions are as follows:
(1) Large Garden Plot Project (Secondary School Section):
Shatin Pui Ying College
(2) Large Garden Plot Project (Primary School Section):
CCC Kei Wai Primary School (Ma Wan)
(3) Small Garden Plot Project (Secondary School Section):
Yuen Long Public Secondary School
(4) Small Garden Plot Project (Primary School Section):
Kowloon Tong School (Primary Section)
(5) Garden Plot Project (Kindergarten Section):
Po Leung Kuk Tang Bik Wan Memorial Kindergarten
(6) Tree Planting Project:
Talent Kindergarten and Nursery
(7) Horticultural Maintenance:
Shap Pat Heung Rural Committee Kung Yik She Secondary School
     The list of other winners of the Greening School Project Award is available at the LCSD webpage
     Other officiating guests were the Chairman of the Tsuen Wan District Council, Mr Wong Wai-kit; member and Green Ambassador of the Southern District Council, Ms Judy Chan; non-official member of the Community Involvement Committee on Greening of the Development Bureau, Mr Cheung Yung-pong; the Principal Education Officer (New Territories) of the Education Bureau, Ms Cynthia Chan; and the Chairman of the Young Landscape Architects Group of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects, Mr Keith Huang.

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