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LCQ17: First-hand residential units offered for sale by way of tender

     Following is a question by the Hon Jeremy Tam and a written reply by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, in the Legislative Council today (May 22):


     On June 29 last year, the Government announced amendments to the Consent Scheme for the pre-sale of uncompleted flats, requiring developers to offer for sale, at each turn of sale, no less than 20 per cent of the total number of residential units subject to the relevant pre-sale consent, regardless of the sales method (including public sale, tender and auction) used. However, it has been reported that developers can achieve offering for sale less than 20 per cent of the units and yet satisfying the aforesaid requirement, just by announcing that certain pre-sale flats, which they have no intention to sell, are offered for sale by way of tender (and they can simply announce after the completion of the sales activities that the units offered for sale by way of tender have not been sold as the bids of prospective buyers were lower than the reserve prices). On the other hand, the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong (REDA) announced on April 4 this year the introduction of three measures, including that the first sale of units in non-luxury residential developments will be conducted by way of public sale. There are views that the relevant price lists and registers of transactions can increase the transparency of the selling prices of units and provide reference for prospective buyers participating in future biddings for the units in the developments concerned. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) whether it has studied if the developers’ adoption of the aforesaid practice in coping with the requirement on the ratio of units offered for sale runs contrary to the policy intent of the requirement and indicates that there are loopholes in the requirement;
(2) as developers have reached a consensus on the three measures introduced by REDA although they are merely self-regulatory in nature, whether the Government will consider codifying such measures to ensure that developers will not contravene the requirements concerned; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(3) while the measures introduced by REDA have increased the transparency of the prices of the units offered for sale by way of tender, prospective buyers participating in the biddings are still subject to unfavourable conditions (e.g. their bids must be higher than the developer’s reserve prices as well as other bids in order for them to successfully purchase the units), whether the Government has measures in place to protect the rights and interests of such prospective buyers; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(4) as the Government indicated in reply to a question raised by a Member of this Council on March 27 this year that, at the current stage, it had no intention to stipulate under the Consent Scheme the number or ratio of units to be offered, or the number of times for which the units might be offered, for sale by way of tender by the developers, of the justifications for this stance?

     The consolidated reply to various part of the question raised by Hon Jeremy Tam is as follows:
     The Government has all along been closely monitoring the movement of the private residential property market, and will introduce appropriate measures as and when necessary to ensure the healthy development of the property market. With a view to encouraging more timely supply of first-hand private residential units and improving sales practices, the Chief Executive announced the amendment of the Consent Scheme on June 29, 2018. Developers are required to offer for sale no less than 20 per cent of the total number of residential units subject to the relevant pre-sale consent at each turn of sale. If the remaining unsold residential units are less than 20 per cent, the developer has to offer for sale all remaining units in one go. Having considered the varying circumstances of different developments, the Consent Scheme does not specify what sales method should be adopted by the developers. Regardless of the sale methods, developers have to follow the above requirement. 

     The Chief Executive announced on the same day another measure, that is the proposal to amend the Rating Ordinance for the introduction of “Special Rates” on vacant first-hand private residential units. “Special Rates” will be collected by the Rating and Valuation Department annually at two times (i.e. 200 per cent) the rateable value of the units concerned. The Government has consulted the stakeholders and the Housing Panel of the Legislative Council (LegCo) on the proposed legislative amendments, and is now preparing the Rating (Amendment) Bill for introduction into LegCo as soon as practicable. The above two measures complement one another and help achieve the policy objective of encouraging more timely supply of first-hand residential units.

     On regulation of the sales of first-hand residential properties, the Government has been taking a three-pronged approach by seriously enforcing the relevant Ordinance, continuously improving the trade’s compliance with the Ordinance and fostering public awareness with a view to ensuring consumer protection in the purchase of first-hand residential properties.
     According to section 67 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (the Ordinance), provisions in Division 3 of Part 2 of the Ordinance on price list do not apply if a developer offers a first-hand residential property to be sold by way of tender, but other provisions of the Ordinance still apply, such as the requirements of making available sales brochure, documents containing sales arrangements and the Register of Transactions.
     In respect of law enforcement, the Government has earlier pointed out that there were some individual first-hand residential properties offered to be sold by way of tender where the sales process was undesirable and not transparent enough. In this connection, the Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Authority (SRPA) has proactively monitored the sales process of developments on the market and has spotted cases with insufficient transparency in the sales process and the transaction information, which might have contravened the Ordinance. The SRPA has been investigating the cases and would strictly enforce the Ordinance based on evidence. The SRPA does not rule out the possibility of taking prosecution action. Meanwhile, the Estate Agents Authority (EAA) is looking into cases to ensure that estate agents are strictly observing the Estate Agents Ordinance and EAA’s guidelines when participating in the sales of residential properties by tender.

     In respect of a case of insufficient transparency in the transaction information, the SRPA has initiated prosecution action against the relevant vendor. The case will be heard on July 9, 2019.
     On enhancing the trade’s compliance with the Ordinance, section 61 of the Ordinance states that the purpose of Register of Transactions of a development is to provide a member of the public with the transaction information relating to the development for understanding the market conditions. Prospective purchasers can thus get accurate market information and make an informed decision when purchasing first-hand residential properties. The SRPA has issued a Reminder to the Trade and a Frequently Asked Question and Answer requiring vendors to set out full details of the terms of payment in the Registers of Transactions of first-hand residential developments, and has reminded vendors that in the sales of first-hand residential properties, if they have offered any discount, gift, financial advantage or benefit (no matter in terms of cash or not) to the purchasers, they should set out the full details of the terms of payment as agreed between the vendor and the purchaser for the purchase of each specified residential property. Moreover, the Register of Transactions should be self-contained so that prospective purchasers do not have to refer to other documents or materials for details of the terms of payment.
     Meanwhile, the EAA has also issued a Letter to Licensees to remind all licensees participating in the sales of first-hand residential properties to comply with the Estate Agents Ordinance and the relevant guidelines set out in the Practice Circular issued by the EAA, regardless of the method of sales adopted by developers for selling their properties.  In particular, the EAA reminds licensees that without obtaining a vendor’s written endorsement, they must not issue any materials promoting the sales of any first-hand residential properties by tender, including the materials containing information on the suggested bidding price.
     On promoting public awareness of the Ordinance, the SRPA launched a new radio Announcement in the Public Interest on May 17, 2019, named “Bidding First-hand Residential Properties”, to remind prospective purchasers the points to note before bidding first-hand residential properties.
     The Government will continue to monitor closely the effectiveness of the above measures and the sales of first-hand residential properties by tender. It will take any possible measures when necessary to ensure the level of transparency of the sales of first-hand residential properties by tender is the same as that for open sales with price lists. read more

LCQ2: Use of van-type light goods vehicles by government departments

     Following is a question by the Hon Frankie Yick and a reply by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr James Lau, in the Legislative Council today (May 22):
     At present, certain government departments have signed contracts with cargo transportation services companies or platforms for hiring van-type light goods vehicles (vans) on a long-term basis. Although vans may, under the law, only be used for transporting goods, it has been reported that some government departments have used vans for other purposes, such as transporting staff to and from workplaces and transferring suspects. Some staff members who travel on such vehicles are worried that the third party risks insurance for such vehicles may have been rendered invalid as a result of such vehicles being used for illegal purposes, thereby depriving them of the protection. Moreover, as van drivers are not government officers, the use of vans for carrying out law enforcement operations increases the risk of leakage of confidential information. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) of the details of the hiring of vans by the various government departments in each of the past three years, including the respective numbers of vehicle hiring companies and vehicles involved, the numbers of hires, the uses of the vehicles, and the amounts of expenditure incurred;
(2) whether the various government departments have issued their staff with directives which forbid the use of vans for purposes other than transporting goods; if so, of the details, and whether any government officer was penalised in the past three years for contravening such directives; if so, of the details; if not, whether it has studied if it was due to inadequate monitoring; and
(3) of the measures put in place to ensure that the various government departments use vans in a lawful way to avoid the third party risks insurance for such vehicles being rendered invalid and the Government’s confidential information being leaked?
     According to Clause 267 of the General Regulations, commercial transport may be hired for duty journeys only when no suitable government departmental vehicle or the Government Logistics Department (GLD) transport service is available. Departments must seek approval from the Director of the Government Logistics before hiring commercial transport. For hiring vehicle types that are not available at the GLD Transport Pool, approval should be sought from the Controlling Officers of the respective departments concerned.
     The procedures for hiring commercial transport are set out in the relevant GLD Circular. To facilitate departments in coping with additional or non-recurrent transport service needs, including seasonal demand or short-term needs, the GLD will consolidate the forecast of usage from various departments and arrange bulk contracts for hiring light goods vehicles (LGVs) to provide services to departments in a cost-effective manner. If individual departments require a large amount of transport services to cope with their operational needs, they may arrange their own LGV hiring contracts.
     It is stipulated in the Conditions of Contract or Service Specifications that contractors shall comply with the laws of Hong Kong, including the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 374), and the vehicles shall only be used for transporting goods and passengers accompanying the goods. This applies to both the LGV hiring contracts arranged by the GLD and individual departments. User departments have the responsibility to ensure the lawful and proper use of hired LGVs.
     After consulting various departments, a consolidated reply to the three parts of the question is as follows:
(1) As at March 31, 2019, the Hongkong Post, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, the Water Supplies Department, the Immigration Department, the Buildings Department, the Department of Health, the GLD and the Judiciary have entered into LGV hiring contracts with a contract period of one year or above. In general, the goods transported by LGVs arising from the operational needs of departments include documents and files, uniforms, tools, cleansing products, office furniture and equipment, etc. Information on the numbers of contractors, vehicles, hiring orders, as well as the expenditure incurred in hiring LGV service by the above departments in the past three years under contracts with a period of one year or above is set out at Annex. The information does not include LGV hiring service procured through one-off quotation or contracts with a contract period shorter than one year.
(2) and (3) The GLD has been monitoring the usage of LGV hiring services. The GLD has regularly reminded all departments that they shall comply with the laws when using LGV service, and LGVs should not be used for carrying passengers. According to the information provided by departments, they have also issued guidelines or reminded their staff that the use of LGV for purposes other than transporting goods is forbidden.
     The GLD is responsible for administering the LGV hiring contracts that it has arranged, including assessing the requirements of user departments, inviting tenders and awarding contracts, issuing guidelines to user departments, requesting user departments to report on the performance of contractors regularly and monitoring the fulfilment of contracts, etc. To monitor the performance of contractors, the GLD also conducts surprise inspections, which include checking whether the vehicles and drivers comply with contractual terms and specifications. User departments should ensure the proper use of the vehicles provided by the GLD’s contractors. If irregularities are spotted by the GLD or upon referral from contractors concerning departments’ use of LGVs, the GLD will follow up the cases with the departments concerned.
     If the LGV hiring contracts are arranged by individual departments, the departments concerned shall be responsible for the day-to-day contract administration, including supervising their staff to use the hired vehicles and monitoring the service quality, etc.
     Before the said media reports, the GLD had already issued inspection guidelines to all departments, requesting them to conduct inspections from time to time and submit inspection reports, so as to monitor and ensure that the LGVs would be used by their staff in accordance with the law.
     Over the past three years, the GLD and various departments had conducted over 4 000 inspections. There were no reports on the use of hired LGVs for purposes other than transporting goods. The GLD has not received any complaint or report on disciplinary actions regarding inappropriate use of LGV hiring services.
     In general, the departments concerned shall take appropriate administrative measures or disciplinary actions in case of incompliance of staff’s behaviour, conduct and performance of departmental staff with government regulations, rules, orders or codes (such as inappropriate use of LGV hiring services) or contravening the Civil Service Code in disclosing confidential information received in the course of their duties. If the GLD discovers that departments do not use the LGV hiring services properly, it will remind the departments concerned to take appropriate administrative measures or disciplinary actions as appropriate.
     Thank you, President. read more

LCQ7: Promoting the development of new sports

     Following is a question by the Hon Chan Hoi-yan and a written reply by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Lau Kong-wah, in the Legislative Council today (May 22):

     Some participants of new sports, or alternative sports, such as kin-ball, dodgebee and cycle ball, have relayed that such sports have been gaining popularity in Hong Kong in recent years, and they are fairly popular among members of the education sector and members of the community.  However, the tight supply of local sports venues has made it difficult for athletes as well as members of the public to find suitable venues for such activities.  Furthermore, as the majority of new sports are at an early stage of development and are not known to members of the public, efforts made to promote such sports have been rather ineffective.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) of the terms and conditions adopted by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) for vetting and approval of applications for hiring its venues for conducting activities relating to new sports;
(2) of the respective numbers of applications (i) received and (ii) approved by LCSD in each of the past five years for conducting activities relating to new sports in its venues, with a breakdown by the District Council districts in which the venues are located;
(3) whether the needs and demands relating to the various types of new sports have been taken into account in the planning and design of sports venues, so that sufficient and suitable venues will be provided for such kind of activities; if so, of the details; if not, whether it will conduct relevant studies;
(4) whether it will develop multi-purposes sports venues for new sports in order to address the problem of the lack of venues for such sports; if so, of the details; if not, whether it will conduct relevant studies;
(5) whether it will take measures to assist in the development and promotion of new sports and facilitate their popularisation; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(6) of the roles and duties of the Commissioner for Sports in promoting new sports; and
(7) given that a list of sports organisations eligible for hiring school facilities is provided under the “Opening up School Facilities for Promotion of Sports Development Scheme”, whether the authorities have put in place any mechanism for selecting organisations relating to new sports for inclusion in the list?
     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) is committed to promoting “Sport for All” to encourage members of the public to develop habits of regular exercise through participation in various recreation and sports programmes.  My reply to Hon Chan Hoi-yan’s question is as follows:

(1) To cater for different sports, the leisure venues under the management of LCSD are, in general, multi-purpose sports venues with various facilities and markings.  Of these venues, activity rooms of indoor sports centres and a lot of outdoor leisure venues can be used for various sports activities.  For venues with designated use, they can be used for other sports and activities, including various new sports, subject to the suitability of the venues and consent from the venue management.  At present, organisations which would like to hold competitions or training activities for new sports may submit block booking applications to suitable leisure venues.  LCSD will consider such applications in light of factors such as the nature of activities, possible impact on other users in the venues, safety measures during the activities (including whether damage will be caused to the venues or facilities) and ancillary facilities available at the venues.  

(2) The numbers of applications for conducting activities relating to new sports in LCSD venues received and approved by District Leisure Services Offices in the past five years are at Annex.

(3) & (4) In the planning of new sports venues, LCSD will make reference to the guidance in the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines and take account of other relevant factors, including policy objectives for sports development, existing provision of sports facilities in various districts, usage rates of existing facilities, demographic changes, views of relevant District Councils, availability of land sites and technical feasibility.  To dovetail the development of various sports, the existing sports venues of LCSD in general can be used for various purposes.

(5) To dovetail with sports development and meet the needs of the public, LCSD reviews from time to time the usage and conditions for use of its facilities and closely monitors the needs of the public.  In order to meet public aspirations for new sports, LCSD will launch a trial scheme in the second half of this year, making the non-peak hour sessions of arenas of designated sports centres available for booking by members of the public directly for activities related to new sports such as dodgebee, kin-ball, dodgeball through the Leisure Link computerised booking system.  Details of the trial scheme will be announced in due course.  

(6) Since his appointment in February 2016, the Commissioner for Sports has been leading the Recreation and Sport Branch of the Home Affairs Bureau in promoting and implementing the Government’s three policy objectives and taking forward the various initiatives to promote and support sports development.  Major sports initiatives include Kai Tak Sports Park project, Five-Year Plan for Sports and Recreation Facilities, Opening up School Facilities for Promotion of Sports Development Scheme (the Scheme), Major Sports Events Matching Grant Scheme and District Sports Programmes Funding Scheme.  The above work helps provide a favourable environment and conditions for the development of new sports.

(7) Given that some schools and parents are concerned that opening up school facilities may pose security and operational problems, and that some places of the activities held under the Scheme are also reserved for students, the Scheme is currently open to national sports associations recognised by the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China and their affiliated club members, district sports associations and sports organisations subvented by LCSD.  These organisations are experienced with proven track record in organising sports programmes, so that the participating schools, students and parents could have more confidence in them.  If other organisations, including organisations promoting new sports or parties which intend to develop new sports, are interested in hiring school facilities to organise sports programmes, they may collaborate with eligible sports organisations (e.g. district sports associations) to join the Scheme.  This could also help these organisations promoting new sports to develop at the community level.

     The Education Bureau and the Home Affairs Bureau will continue to enhance the Scheme and take into account schools’ feedback in considering whether to further expand the list of eligible sports organisations so that more school facilities can be used for sports activities. read more

Transcript of remarks by Secretary for Justice at media session

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, at a media session after attending the Chief Executive’s Question Time at the Legislative Council today (May 22):

Reporter: What steps are you going to take in relation to the two Hong Kong asylum seekers in Germany? How does it reflect on Hong Kong’s traditional freedom?

Secretary for Justice: Your statement is based on an assumption that I haven’t seen the evidence of. It is a statement that is reported in a particular media. I am not able therefore to really comment on that media report or that basis of the assumption at this stage.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.) read more