Red flags hoisted at several beaches

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (May 24) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Stanley Main Beach, Shek O Beach and Big Wave Bay Beach in Southern District, Hong Kong Island; Cheung Chau Tung Wan Beach in Islands District; and Silverstrand Beach, Clear Water Bay First Beach and Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District.  Beach-goers are advised not to swim at these beaches.

2019 edition of “Statistical Digest of the Services Sector” published

     The 2019 edition of "Statistical Digest of the Services Sector" is published by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) today (May 24). The Digest is now available for download (in PDF format) free of charge at the website of the C&SD ( A statistical summary of some major service industries is shown in the attached sheet.

     The services sector is the heart of Hong Kong's economy. Accurate and detailed statistics play an important role in support of the Government's initiatives on promoting the services sector. The C&SD has accordingly compiled this annual publication.

     The Digest brings together in one volume the more important statistical series on 14 major service industries/domains of Hong Kong. Different types of statistics pertaining to a specific service industry/domain are presented in a dedicated section of the Digest, supported by graphical presentations, for easy reference and interpretation. Most of the statistics presented cover the year 2008 and each of the years from 2014 to 2018, to facilitate comparison over the past decade. Where appropriate, quarterly statistics from the third quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018 are also provided to show the latest short-term economic performance of selected service industries/domains within the services sector of Hong Kong.

     Enquiries about this publication can be directed to the Logistics and Producer Prices Statistics Section of the C&SD (Tel: 3903 7255 or email:

Key statistics on service demand of A&E Departments and occupancy rates in public hospitals

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     During the service demand surge, the Hospital Authority is closely monitoring the service demand of Accident and Emergency Departments and the occupancy rate in public hospitals. Key service statistics are being issued daily for public information. Details are in the appended table.

SCED attends OECD and WTO meetings in Paris (with photos)

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, paid a two-day visit to Paris, France, on May 22 and 23 (Paris time) to attend the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) Informal Ministerial Gathering.

     Speaking at the WTO Informal Ministerial Gathering yesterday (May 23, Paris time), he encouraged WTO members to actively participate in the discussions on e-commerce, domestic regulation in services and investment facilitation, which are all indispensable to global trade in the modern-day economy.

     The meeting provided a platform for WTO members to discuss issues relating to the fisheries subsidies rules negotiations, WTO reform and achievable outcomes for the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC12) next year.

     "Another aspect which greatly concerns all of us is how to improve the functioning of our rules-based multilateral trading system. We welcome reform proposals by members to facilitate discussion for improving transparency and monitoring functions of WTO committees, and addressing concerns about the dispute settlement system, including the impasse in the appointments to the Appellate Body. Hong Kong is committed to taking an active part in the discussions with a view to exploring options and identifying priorities for reform at MC12," Mr Yau said.

     Commenting on the fisheries subsidies rules negotiations, Mr Yau said WTO members must redouble efforts to bridge the gaps and demonstrate flexibility to make compromises in order to conclude an agreement by the end of this year.

     "A creditable outcome on fisheries subsidies rules would be essential to demonstrate that the negotiating arm of the WTO is still alive and kicking. Hong Kong remains committed to working closely with all members on this important cause," he said.

     Prior to the WTO Informal Ministerial Gathering, Mr Yau attended the OECD MCM and spoke at a working lunch themed "Reaping and Diversifying the Benefits of Trade in the Digital Era".

     "Digitalisation creates business opportunities and brings consumer benefits. We must equip ourselves in order to facilitate its development and capitalise on the growth opportunities," he said.

     "Many of the potential barriers to digital trade can be bridged by developing harmonised and robust multilateral disciplines on e-commerce. At the WTO, Hong Kong has joined more than 70 like-minded members to initiate exploratory work on possible future negotiations to foster the development of e-commerce and provide greater certainty for our businesses and consumers online. We will continue our active engagement in the process," he added.

     Mr Yau also attended an informal meeting of ministers of WTO members on domestic regulation in services yesterday to discuss how to improve the regulatory environment for trade in services globally. After the meeting, Hong Kong, together with 58 other WTO members, jointly issued a statement to commit to negotiating for an outcome by MC12.

     Mr Yau will return to Hong Kong this afternoon (May 24).

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CFS urges public not to consume a kind of imported prepackaged sauce suspected to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes

     â€‹The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (May 23) urged the public not to consume two batches of prepackaged sauce imported from Australia due to possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes, a pathogen. The trade should stop using or selling the product concerned immediately if they possess it.
     Product details are as follows:
Product name: Miso & Edamame Dip
Brand : Roza's Gourmet
lace of origin: Australia
Importer: Chef's Garden Limited
Packing: 160 grams per pack
Best-before dates: June 5, and June 21, 2019
     "The CFS received a notification from the Australian authorities through the International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) that the abovementioned batches of the affected product might have been contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes and is being recalled. According to the information provided by INFOSAN, the above local importer has imported the affected batches of the product into Hong Kong," a spokesman for the CFS said.
     The CFS immediately contacted the importer concerned for follow up. Preliminary investigation showed that the importer had imported eight cartons of the abovementioned batches of the product and some of them were sold. The CFS has instructed the importer to stop sale and remove from shelves the affected batches of the product and initiate a recall. Enquiries about the recall can be made to the importer's hotline at 2501 5811 during office hours.
     "Listeria monocytogenes can be easily destroyed by cooking but can survive and multiply at refrigerator temperature. Most healthy individuals do not develop symptoms or only have mild symptoms like fever, muscle pain, headache, nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea when infected. However, severe complications such as septicemia, meningitis or even death may occur in newborns, the elderly and those with a weaker immune system. Although infected pregnant women may just experience mild symptoms generally, the infection of Listeria monocytogenes may cause miscarriage, infant death, preterm birth, or severe infection in newborns," the spokesman said.
     The spokesman urged consumers not to consume the affected product if they have bought any. The trade should also stop using or selling the product concerned immediately if they possess them.
     The CFS will alert the trade to the incident, continue to follow up and take appropriate action. Investigation is ongoing.