
Author Archives: hksar gov

Early online application under Sale of Home Ownership Scheme Flats 2019 advised

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority:

     Application for purchase under the Sale of Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) Flats 2019 (HOS 2019) will commence on May 30 and end on June 12. With effect from this application exercise, the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) will provide an e-Submission service in addition to the current paper-based submission. Applicants can submit applications and make payment online.
     It is anticipated that the volume of usage will be large, especially nearer the closing of application, and the system is expected to be very busy. Applicants are therefore reminded to avoid submitting applications nearer the closing of application to ensure a successful submission before the deadline, a spokesman for the HA said today (May 28).
     In order to allow more members of the public to use the e-Submission service at the same time, the application form must be completed within 45 minutes, and the data cannot be saved during the process of application.
     The system will also check if the applicant is still using the system at the specific time when they start filling in the application form and remind the applicant to continue to fill in the application form. If the application is idle for more than two minutes, the application process will be suspended.
     “According to the experience of other organisations and repeated testing, in general, 45 minutes is enough to complete the online application process,” the spokesman said.
     For a more smooth online application and payment process, the spokesman reminded applicants to get ready the required information prior to filling in the online application form. This information includes identity documents of the applicant and related family members (if any), the total household monthly income and the total net asset value of the household, and a valid credit card.
     “In busy hours, e-payments may take a longer time. While waiting for the computer system to process payment, applicants should not press other buttons on the browser. Otherwise, the payment process may be interrupted. After successful payment, the system will automatically send a payment acknowledgement email to the applicant. If the applicant does not receive an acknowledgement email within one day, he or she should contact the issuing bank or call the 24-hour HA sales enquiry hotline 2712 8000 (via 1823) to check whether the payment has been completed. If the application fee is not successfully paid online, the application will be considered invalid.”
     For Green Form (GF) applicants who are living in the HA’s public rental housing estates or the Housing Society’s rental estates, the staff in their estate office will contact them to verify their household information upon receipt of their online application. GF applicants and all family members aged 18 or above are required to sign a copy of the application form prepared by the estate office and return it to the estate office for follow-up action. Application number will be emailed to them later.
     “As for the White Form applicants, the application process is relatively simple. After submitting and paying the application fee online, they will receive an acknowledgement email. An application number will be emailed to them later. If the applicant and his or her family members made duplicate applications, their application will be cancelled and the application fee will not be refunded,” the spokesman said.
     A step-by-step e-Submission video demonstrating how to apply online will be available shortly before the commencement of application on May 30.
     During the application period, the HA will closely monitor the operation of the system. If there is any problem, it will carry out immediate improvement measures to ensure that the use of online application is as smooth as possible.
     For information on HOS 2019, please visit the HOS 2019 website ( Apart from submitting the application online, members of the public can also download an application form from the website from now on, complete the downloaded form and submit it in person or by post within the application period.
     The spokesman reminded members of the public to read the Application Guide before applying. The relevant information has been uploaded to the dedicated website. The sales information on the HOS developments has also been uploaded to the website and can be downloaded at any time.
     Notwithstanding applicants choosing to use the current paper-based submission or online application, WF applicants can choose to apply for HOS 2019, the White Form Secondary Market Scheme (WSM) 2019 or both using a single application form.
     The application period for HOS 2019 and WSM 2019 is from 8am on May 30 to 7pm on June 12. read more

“M” Mark status awarded to three events

The following is issued on behalf of the Major Sports Events Committee:

     The month of June will be an exhilarating month for major sports events. The Major Sports Events Committee (MSEC) has awarded “M” Mark status to the following three major sports events that will be held in June: the FIVB Volleyball Nations League Hong Kong 2019 (June 4 to 6), the Seamaster 2019 ITTF World Tour – Hang Seng Hong Kong Open (June 4 to 9) and the 2019 CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races (June 14 to 16).

     The Chairman of the MSEC, Mr Karl Kwok, said today (May 28) that these events, like all “M” Mark events, will add colour and vibrancy to Hong Kong and help attract more visitors.

     “‘M’ Mark events showcase Hong Kong’s capability to host world-class events and reinforce its position as the events capital of Asia,” Mr Kwok said.

     “‘M’ Mark events also help generate economic benefits for Hong Kong by attracting tourists. They also instil a sustainable sporting culture in the community, and help foster a sense of pride and social cohesion,” he added.

    The “M” Mark System was launched in 2004 to help local national sports associations organise more major sports events and nurture them into sustainable undertakings. Sports events meeting the assessment criteria will be granted “M” Mark status by the MSEC. Funding support will also be provided to some of the event organisers.

     The number of recognised “M” Mark events has been increased from four in 2005 to 12 in 2018. So far, around $136.3 million has been approved to support recognised “M” Mark events.

     For details of other “M” Mark events, please visit read more

Make prior work arrangements for rainstorms

     The Labour Department (LD) today (May 28) reminded employers to make prior work arrangements for staff during and after rainstorms.
     “To avoid disputes and confusion, employers should make prior work arrangements for staff and contingency measures during and after rainstorms,” an LD spokesman said.
     “In working out and enforcing the arrangements, employers should give prime consideration to employees’ safety both in the workplace and during their journeys to and from work, and adopt a flexible approach. Whenever possible, they should consult their staff.”
     The work arrangements should cover the following matters:
* Whether employees are required to report for duty when different rainstorm warnings are issued;
* How wages and allowances will be calculated for staff who are required to report for duty, as well as those who are late for work or absent from work during rainstorms;
* For employees who are required to travel to and from workplaces during rainstorms, whether transport facilities will be provided for them and, if so, the arrangements; and
* The time for staff who have not reported for duty to resume work after a rainstorm warning is cancelled, and other relevant arrangements as well as contingency measures.
     “Employers should make realistic assessments of the requirements for staff and require only absolutely essential staff to report for duty in adverse weather conditions. If an Amber, Red or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued during working hours, employees working indoors should remain on duty as usual and stay where they are unless it is dangerous to do so. Supervisors of employees working outdoors in exposed areas should suspend outdoor duties as soon as practicable. They should arrange for their employees to take shelter temporarily and resume duty when weather conditions permit. When the Black Rainstorm Warning is issued, those employees should not resume duty until the warning is lowered and weather conditions permit. If the Black Rainstorm Warning remains in force at the end of working hours, for safety reasons, employers should provide employees with an area in the workplace as temporary shelter for them to stay if they want to.
     “If possible, employers should provide transport services for employees who are still required to travel to and from workplaces when the Black Rainstorm Warning is in force, or give them a special travelling allowance as encouragement.
     “For staff who have practical difficulties in resuming work on time upon cancellation of a rainstorm warning, employers should give due consideration to the circumstances of individual employees and handle each case flexibly.
     “As rainstorms are natural occurrences that cannot be avoided, employers should not deduct wages of employees who are absent from or late for work because of inclement weather. Neither should employers dismiss an employee summarily based on these grounds,” he said.
     The spokesman also reminded employers to observe the statutory liabilities and requirements under the Employment Ordinance, the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance, the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance and the Minimum Wage Ordinance.
     Employers should not deduct the annual leave, statutory holidays or rest days employees are entitled to under the Employment Ordinance so as to compensate for the loss of working hours resulting from employees’ failure to report for duty upon the announcement of a Black Rainstorm Warning. An employer who without reasonable excuse fails to comply with relevant provisions under the Employment Ordinance is liable to prosecution.
     Employers should also note that they have an obligation to maintain a safe workplace for their employees under the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance.
     “If employees are required to work in times of rainstorms, employers should ensure that the risks at work are properly controlled and reduced to levels that are as low as reasonably practicable,” the spokesman said.
     Under the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance, employers are liable to pay compensation for deaths or injury incurred when employees are travelling by a direct route from their residence to their workplace, or from their workplace back to their residence after work, four hours before or after working hours on a day when Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or a Red or Black Rainstorm Warning is in force.
     To provide practical guidelines and samples of work arrangements for the reference of employers and employees, the LD has issued the booklet “Code of Practice in times of Typhoons and Rainstorms”. The booklet can be obtained from branch offices of the Labour Relations Division or downloaded from the department’s webpage ( read more