
Author Archives: hksar gov

Recycling site in Yuen Long convicted again for illegal storage of hazardous electronic waste

     A recycling site in Shek Wu Wai, Yuen Long, was once again found illegally storing hazardous electronic waste (e-waste). The operator, Leung Kee Recycle Limited, and the person-in-charge of the recycling site were convicted and fined a total of $29,500 at the Fanling Magistrates’ Courts today (May 28) for contravening the Waste Disposal Ordinance and the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation. The company was convicted for illegal storage and import of hazardous e-waste in March last year and February this year and was fined a total of $91,000.

     A spokesman for the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) said that during a blitz operation in November last year, EPD enforcement officers successfully raided a recycling site in Shek Wu Wai, Yuen Long, and found that around 120 waste LCD monitors, which are classified as chemical waste, with an estimated export market value of approximately $20,000 were illegally stored at an open space in the site. The EPD initiated prosecutions against the operating company and the person-in-charge of the recycling site under the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation after gathering evidence. Lately, EPD enforcement officers conducted another inspection of the site and noticed that no waste LCD monitors or other chemical waste were stored at the site. The EPD believes that a series of enforcement actions taken by the department has strengthened the deterrent effect.

     The spokesman stressed that dismantled waste printed circuit boards, LCD monitors and cathode ray tubes are hazardous e-waste, containing heavy metals and other toxic substances. They are classified as chemical waste. Chemical waste is hazardous by nature and, if not properly handled and transported, will pollute the environment as well as pose a risk to the health of relevant trade practitioners and the general public. The EPD will continue to strictly combat the illegal collection, storage, handling and import of hazardous e-waste by recycling sites. The spokesman reminded operating companies and persons-in-charge of recycling sites that offenders would be liable to a maximum fine of $200,000 and six months’ imprisonment for the first conviction. For subsequent offences, offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $500,000 and two years’ imprisonment.

     For more information about the control of chemical waste, please visit the EPD’s website: read more

Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo meeting (with video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at a media session before the Executive Council meeting this morning (May 28):
Reporter: Mrs Lam, you’ve faced accusations about lying about whether China was originally purposefully excluded from extradition laws. Former officials Anson Chan and Chris Patten have said that they were. Would you now retract your claim? And secondly, many Hongkongers are remembering the Tiananmen massacre victims this week, ahead of the 30th anniversary of the crackdown. Would you express any criticism of Beijing’s actions in 1989?

Chief Executive: On the first question, what I told members of the Legislative Council and the Hong Kong community was based on what was recorded in official documents, including official documents of the Legislative Council, or what we called the Hansard. Those are very authoritative official documents. At that time – 1996 and 1997 – I was a middle-rank official, so I was not involved first-hand in this particular bill going through the Legislative Council. Myself and my colleagues could only refer to the official documents on both sides – on the part of the Government, why we put forward in those days, the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance; in the official records of the Legislative Council deliberations and the official record of the debate in the Legislative Council on what each member said in the debate. Actually, in those days, there weren’t many members speaking on this bill. What the other persons that you have quoted said was not based on those records. If they have insider information, perhaps it is for them to prove that their insider information is something that we should know. But up till now, I think another month has lapsed, we have not seen the documentation or the substantiation of that insider information.
     As far as the second question, Hong Kong is a free society. As the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, I safeguard and uphold the freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of gathering, so we respect whoever in Hong Kong wants to express whatever views on the subject matter. Thank you very much.  
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)  read more