Schedule for issuing press releases on statistical data

     Following is a reminder of the press releases on statistical data to be issued between June and September 2019. The schedule for issuing press releases on statistical data in 2019 was provided to the media in September 2018. No change has been made to the original schedule.

June 2019
Date Press Release
—– ——————
4 Statistics on vessels, port cargo and containers for first quarter 2019
10 Quarterly business receipts indices for service industries for first quarter 2019
11 Construction output statistics for first quarter 2019
11 Statistics on trade involving outward processing in the mainland of China for first quarter 2019
14 Index of industrial production and producer price index for industrial sector for first quarter 2019
17 Gross National Income and external primary income flows for first quarter 2019
17 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for April 2019
18 Chain volume measures of Gross Domestic Product by economic activity for first quarter 2019
19 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for March – May 2019
21 Consumer Price Index for May 2019
21 Employment and vacancies statistics for March 2019
21 Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics for first quarter 2019
25 External merchandise trade statistics for May 2019
27 Wage and payroll statistics for March 2019
July 2019
Date Press Release
—– ——————
2 Retail sales statistics for May 2019
16 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for May 2019
18 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for April – June 2019
19 Business expectations for third quarter 2019
22 Consumer Price Index for June 2019
25 External merchandise trade statistics for June 2019
31 Advance estimates on Gross Domestic Product for second quarter 2019 (Note)
August 2019
Date Press Release
—– ——————
1 Retail sales statistics for June 2019
2 Restaurant receipts and purchases statistics for second quarter 2019
13 Mid-year population for 2019
15 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for June 2019
16 Revised figures on Gross Domestic Product for second quarter 2019 (Note)
19 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for May – July 2019
20 Consumer Price Index for July 2019
26 External merchandise trade statistics for July 2019
30 Retail sales statistics for July 2019
September 2019
Date Press Release
—– ——————
5 Statistics on vessels, port cargo and containers for second quarter 2019
9 Quarterly business receipts indices for service industries for second quarter 2019
10 Statistics on trade involving outward processing in the mainland of China for second quarter 2019
11 Construction output statistics for second quarter 2019
12 Index of industrial production and producer price index for industrial sector for second quarter 2019
16 Gross National Income and external primary income flows for second quarter 2019
17 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for June – August 2019
17 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for July 2019
19 Employment and vacancies statistics for June 2019
19 Chain volume measures of Gross Domestic Product by economic activity for second quarter 2019
20 Consumer Price Index for August 2019
23 Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics for second quarter 2019
26 External merchandise trade statistics for August 2019
26 Wage and payroll statistics for June 2019
Note: Starting from the reference period of the first quarter of 2019, C&SD will issue press releases on advance estimates on quarterly GDP. C&SD will compile and release revised figures on GDP in the "Gross Domestic Product (Quarterly) Report" when more data become available. The revised figures on GDP for the second quarter of 2019 will also be included in the "Half-yearly Economic Report 2019" and the press release to be issued by the Office of the Government Economist under the Financial Secretary's Office on the economic situation in the second quarter of 2019 and second update of GDP and price forecasts for 2019 as a whole. No separate press release on the revised figures on GDP will be issued by C&SD.  

     The schedule for regular press releases in the other months of 2019 can be downloaded at the website of the Census and Statistics Department (

Retrofitting of escalators for footbridge near MTR Tai Wo Hau Station authorised

     The Chief Executive in Council has authorised the retrofitting of escalators for a footbridge across Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung near MTR Tai Wo Hau Station Exit B. The notice was gazetted today (May 31).
     Details of the works are set out in the Annex.

Government announces re-appointment to Hong Kong Tourism Board

     The Government today (May 31) announced the re-appointment of Mrs Carrie Yu to the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) for a term of two years from August 1, 2019, to July 31, 2021.
     "During the past four years, Mrs Yu has provided valuable suggestions on various aspects of the HKTB's work. We are delighted that she has accepted the re-appointment," a spokesman for the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau said.

     Appointments to the HKTB are made by the Financial Secretary under section 9 of the Hong Kong Tourism Board Ordinance (Chapter 302), under authority delegated by the Chief Executive.

Construction of seawater outfall at northern end of former Kai Tak Airport runway for District Cooling System proposed

     The Government has proposed to construct a seawater outfall at the northern end of the former Kai Tak Airport runway to support the District Cooling System at the Kai Tak Development. The extent of the area of foreshore and seabed affected is described in a notice published in the Government Gazette today (May 31).

     The proposed works involve modification of the existing seawall and associated dredging works within an area of approximately 3 200 square metres of foreshore and seabed at the northern end of the former Kai Tak Airport runway. The proposed works are tentatively scheduled to commence in late 2019 for completion by 2022.
     The notice and its related plan are posted near the site. The plan is also available for inspection at:

* Survey and Mapping Office of the Lands Department (23/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong) (where copies can be purchased on order);

* Kowloon City Home Affairs Enquiry Centre of the Kowloon City District Office (LG/F, Kowloon City Government Offices, 42 Bailey Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon);

* Kwun Tong Home Affairs Enquiry Centre of the Kwun Tong District Office (G/F, The Grande Building, 398 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon);

* Wong Tai Sin Home Affairs Enquiry Centre of the Wong Tai Sin District Office (Unit 201, 2/F, Lung Cheung Office Block, 138 Lung Cheung Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon); and

* Lands Department’s website ( under Government Notices.

     Any person who considers that he or she has an interest, right or easement in or over the foreshore and sea-bed involved may submit a written objection to the Director of Lands, 20/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong, within two months from the above-mentioned date, i.e. on or before July 31. The notice of such objection shall describe the interest, right or easement of the objector and the manner in which he or she will be allegedly affected.

United Nations Sanctions (Central African Republic) Regulation 2019 gazetted

     The Government today (May 31) gazetted the United Nations Sanctions (Central African Republic) Regulation 2019 (the 2019 Regulation), which came into operation today.
     "The 2019 Regulation implements sanctions against the Central African Republic as renewed by the United Nations Security Council under Resolution 2454," a Government spokesman said.
     The sanctions imposed under the 2019 Regulation include:

  • prohibition against the supply and carriage of arms or related materiel to the Central African Republic or connected persons;
  • prohibition against the provision to connected persons of any assistance related to military activities or the provision, maintenance or use of any arms or related materiel;
  • prohibition against making available economic assets to certain persons or entities, or dealing with economic assets of such persons or entities; and
  • prohibition against entry into or transit through the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by certain persons.