Flag-raising ceremony cancelled

     Owing to the thunderstorm warning, the flag-raising ceremony to be conducted at Golden Bauhinia Square, Wan Chai at 8am today (June 3) will be cancelled.

7th Hong Kong Games concludes successfully (with photos)

     The 7th Hong Kong Games (HKG) Closing cum Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at Kowloon Park Sports Centre this afternoon (June 2) after completion of all contests of the Games.
     The HKG is a territory-wide major multi-sports event held biennially with the 18 District Councils as the participating units. Held between April 28 and June 2, the inter-district sports competitions of the 7th HKG covered eight sports, namely athletics, badminton, basketball, futsal, swimming, table tennis, tennis and volleyball.
     Speaking at the ceremony, the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Lau Kong-wah, said competitions of the eight sports events were held smoothly in the past four weeks, with more than 3 300 athletes striving for excellence to win honour for the districts they live in. He said that the athletes, who demonstrated unyielding sportsmanship, deserved applause and support, and thanked different sectors of the community for their support. Mr Lau expressed the hope that District Councils and community organisations would sustain the spirit of "Our City, Our Games" to promote Hong Kong as a healthy and vibrant city.
     Other officiating guests at the ceremony included Legislative Council Member Mr Lau Kwok-fan; the President of the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC), Mr Timothy Fok; the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Ms Michelle Li; the Commissioner for Sports, Mr Yeung Tak-keung; the Chairman of the 7th HKG Organising Committee, Mr David Yip; and the Executive Adviser of the 7th HKG Organising Committee, Mr William Tong.
     The Games' winning athletes and teams were awarded for their achievements at the ceremony. The 7th HKG overall championship went to Yuen Long District, which achieved the highest total score across the eight sports competitions. The overall first runner-up was Sha Tin District and North District was the overall second runner-up.
     The champions in the eight sports competitions were Sha Tin District (athletics and basketball), Yuen Long District (badminton, futsal, tennis and volleyball), Kowloon City District (swimming) and Central and Western District (table tennis).
     Prizes to encourage district participation were also presented at the ceremony. For the Cheering Team Competition, Yuen Long District was the champion of the Best Performance Award, with Islands District and Tuen Mun District as the first and second runners-up respectively. Yuen Long District also won first place for the Best Local Characteristics Award, while Wong Tai Sin District was the first runner-up, and Tuen Mun and Islands District came third. Kwai Tsing District won the Highest Popularity Award.
     Details of the prize-winning districts are listed in the attachment.
     A series of community participation programmes were also organised for members of the public to take part in the 7th HKG. They included elite athletes' demonstration and exchange programmes, a sports seminar, the Jockey Club Vitality Run, Sports Legacy – Exercise to Get Super Fit, the HKG 7-minute School Vitality Run, the 18 Districts' Pledging cum Cheering Team Competition, the Dynamic Moments Photo Contest, voting and guessing activities and an opening ceremony.
     Wan Chai District and Central and Western District won the public voting for "My Favourite Sporty District" through online votes and paper votes respectively. A lucky draw for winners of the voting and guessing activities was held before the ceremony. The winner list will be uploaded to the 7th HKG website (www.hongkonggames.hk) and published in Sing Tao Daily and the Standard on June 11.
     The submission deadline for the Dynamic Moments Photo Contest is June 12 and the results will be announced in mid-July.
     The 7th HKG was organised by the Sports Commission and co-ordinated by the Community Sports Committee, with the 18 District Councils, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the SF&OC and relevant National Sports Associations as co-organisers. The Hong Kong Jockey Club was the Principal Contributor.

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Food Safety Day 2019 encourages consumers to ensure food safety actively (with photos)

     The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (June 2) held Food Safety Day 2019, an annual event highlighting "Empower Consumers to Ensure Food Safety" this year, with the aim of encouraging consumers to work together with the Government and the food trade to ensure food safety and protect public health.
     Speaking at the launch ceremony of Food Safety Day 2019 today, Consultant (Community Medicine) (Risk Assessment and Communication) of the CFS, Dr Samuel Yeung, said that to tie in with the first World Food Safety Day on June 7 this year which was newly designated by the United Nations, the CFS has adopted the theme "Empower Consumers to Ensure Food Safety" for Food Safety Day this year to raise public awareness of the shared responsibility of the Government, the food trade and consumers to safeguard food safety, in which consumers can play a more active role. With a good grasp of clear and reliable information, consumers can understand the health risks posed by food and make informed choices of safe and healthy food.

     Dr Yeung advised consumers to be aware of the source of food, read the nutrition labels and expiry dates, and follow the "Five Keys to Food Safety", namely "Choose wisely", "Keep clean", "Separate raw and cooked food", "Cook thoroughly" and "Safe temperature", when preparing food so as to prevent food-borne diseases effectively.
     He noted that besides the Consumer Liaison Group, a platform set up by the CFS to strengthen its communication with the public, the CFS would continue to disseminate food safety information to the public through different channels including the CFS' Facebook page.
     The CFS will also hold a series of talks for the public and the trade between July and December to introduce to them the health hazards posed by high-risk food and share tips on how to read nutrition labels and select food safety information.

     Food Safety Day 2019 featured exhibition panels, game booths, talks by guests and stage performances. Also officiating at the ceremony were the Chairman of the Expert Committee on Food Safety, Professor Chen Zhenyu, and the Vice-Chairman, Professor Wang Wenxiong; the Programme Director of the Domestic Worker Empowerment Project, EmpowerU, Dr Michael Manio; the Principal Research and Survey Officer of the Consumer Council, Dr Keith Kwok; and Council member of the Hong Kong Federation of Women Dr Leung Tung-yeung.

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Applications for 6th First Feature Film Initiative to open tomorrow

     The 6th First Feature Film Initiative (FFFI), administered by Create Hong Kong under the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (CEDB), will be open for applications from tomorrow (June 3) to August 15. Young talent and their production teams who wish to join the film industry are encouraged to participate. The maximum number of winning teams and the sponsorship will be increased from this edition onward.

     A spokesman for the CEDB said, "The FFFI aims to identify and nurture prospective film production talent, with a view to promoting the sustainable development of Hong Kong's film industry. With the new injection of $1 billion into the Film Development Fund (FDF) pursuant to the 2018 Policy Address, we will enhance our support for young talent. From this edition onward, we will double the maximum number of winning teams to six and increase the sponsorship by around 50 per cent. Coupled with the continued support of the film trade, the enhanced scheme will encourage more young people to join the film industry and help them realise their dreams."

     The FFFI takes the form of a competition. The competition is divided into the Higher Education Institution Group (HEIG) and the Professional Group (PG). There will be a maximum of three winners each for the HEIG and the PG, and the sponsorship for each winning team of the HEIG and the PG will increase to $5 million and $8 million respectively. The winning teams will be fully subsidised to implement their film proposals as their first commercial feature films. The director of the team should not have previously directed any commercial film of 80 minutes or more.

     The FFFI has identified 13 new directors since its inception in 2013. The Initiative not only gives a fresh impetus to the talent pool of Hong Kong's film industry, but has also brought to the audience an array of quality films.

     For details of the application guidelines and assessment criteria, please visit the FFFI Facebook page (www.facebook.com/HKFFFI) or Create Hong Kong's website (www.createhk.gov.hk/fffi/en).   

Transcript of remarks by SJ and S for S on Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, and the Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, at a media session on Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019 today (June 2):

Reporter: Secretary, I have two questions. One is to follow up on my colleague's question that the Government refuses to write in the law the extra human rights safeguard, and many critics say it doesn't actually protect the human rights of the suspect. Are these only paying lip service to the idea and are these only empty promises? Secondly, have you found out which is the Taiwan central authorities?

Secretary for Justice: Shall I start with the first one? The importance of the protection of human rights is something, of course, we have taken care of from the views that have been expressed. Therefore the suggestion from the Government is to allow these to be included in the case-based arrangement that is going to be used. It will maintain flexibility by being not to be prescriptive in listing out in the laws but by allowing that to be in administrative arrangement of policy statement that is being adopted. So that depending on the case, depending on where is the jurisdiction requesting for the surrender of the fugitive and of course depending on the need, we can adopt the relevant provisions. So that flexibility is very important that will make the arrangement even more effective, bearing in mind that the arrangement or the undertaking will have to be signed by both the requesting place and Hong Kong. The protection would still be something that the court would be looked at because this arrangement which will be attached to the Chief Executive's Certificate will be made public in the committal court proceedings. At that stage, anyone or the particular fugitive who is the subject of the proceedings will no doubt be able to take account of that and perhaps to take the matter further to the court in Hong Kong.

Secretary for Security: In regard to our discussion with the Taiwan side, as I have explained earlier, in the same way as we deal with any ad hoc requests. Then it will be during our discussion with the requesting party that we will have to ask for the competent authority to be the representative because we will be asking the other side to make guarantee, which the Secretary for Justice has explained. It will have to be a competent authority which is going to represent the jurisdiction to give those guarantee. So that matter will be discussed when we negotiate and make the arrangement with the Taiwan side.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)