Speech by CS at International Engineering Alliance Meetings 2019 opening ceremony (English only) (with photos/video)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, at the International Engineering Alliance (IEA) Meetings 2019 opening ceremony today (June 10):
Ir Ringo Yu (President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers), Ir Dr Philco Wong (Chairman of the IEA Meetings 2019 Organising Committee), Professor David Holger (Chair of the Governing Group of the IEA), Mr Damien Owens (Deputy Chair of the Governing Group of the IEA), distinguished delegates, guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good morning. It is my great pleasure to join you all at the opening ceremony of the International Engineering Alliance Meetings 2019.
     I would like first to express my warmest congratulations and appreciation to the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers for bringing this prestigious meeting back to Hong Kong. The International Engineering Alliance Meetings aim to improve engineering education and competence globally, upkeep the standards of professional engineers and engineering technologists practised around the world and dismantle the borders of engineering professionals of different places, thereby enhancing mobility of engineering professionals and ensuring a high standard of professional practice. 
     Engineers in Hong Kong have contributed greatly to Hong Kong's phenomenal development over the years. Using innovation, creativity, a wealth of knowledge and expertise, they have been instrumental in transforming our city from a tiny fishing village to one of the world's most dynamic cities, with unrivalled connectivity with any place across the globe, advanced soft and hard infrastructure, as well as a pool of world-class talents to propel this international city forward.
     This Asia's world city is constantly changing and engineers are those behind so much of this development, from developing better water supplies, municipal sewer systems, wastewater treatment plants to the design of buildings to protect us from natural hazards and from health care to rapid and dramatic changes in transportation systems to improve people's quality of life.
     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government sees government expenditure as an important investment in Hong Kong's future. Over the past 10 years, Government's capital works expenditure has grown from HK$45.3 billion (about US$6.5 billion) in 2009-10 to HK$78.6 billion (about US$10 billion), up by a significant 74 per cent. This explains why Hong Kong's performance in infrastructure is always at the forefront of the international community. We are ranked second in the world for infrastructure competitiveness by the Global Competitiveness Report 2018 of the World Economic Forum based in Switzerland.
     Government's annual capital works expenditure is expected to rise to over HK$100 billion (about US$12.5 billion) soon. A host of capital projects ranging from public housing developments, new town projects and a major hospital development plan to the third runway at the Hong Kong International Airport are in full swing.
     We are seeking funding approval from the Legislative Council to commence studies on the phased reclamation for formation of artificial islands in central waters between Hong Kong Island and Lantau. The studies are one of the key initiatives of the Lantau Tomorrow Vision, which will be a mega development to sustain Hong Kong's continuous growth. It is estimated that the Kau Yi Chau artificial islands under the first phase of Lantau Tomorrow Vision development will be able to provide 150 000 to 260 000 housing units, 70 per cent of which will be public housing. The Kau Yi Chau artificial islands will also support the development of Hong Kong's third core business district providing some 200 000 diversified employment opportunities.
     The HKSAR Government is equally committed to conserving rural Lantau, striking a balance between development and conservation. We are seeking funding approval for the establishment of a Lantau Conservation Fund of HK$1 billion to support projects that will contribute to the overall conservation of rural Lantau, raise community awareness and mobilise the community to put conservation into practice.
     Land is the essential building block for the challenges faced by Hong Kong. In the spatial context of Hong Kong, Lantau commands an unparalleled strategic location with a comprehensive air, road and rail transport network connected to other cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Mainland and beyond while accessing the well-established core business area at Central speedily.
     Creation of land for meeting housing and economic needs in Lantau will also allow a more balanced spatial distribution of population and jobs. The strategic transport facilities in support of the Lantau development can also help relieve existing transportation constraints in Northwest New Territories while enhancing connectivity between urban areas and the New Territories.
     We are mindful that Lantau Tomorrow Vision is a mammoth and challenging project that will require enduring collaborative efforts of the entire community, including professional engineers, in the next 20 to 30 years. Engineers from different disciplines will play critical roles in the entire development process from planning, analysis, design, build and maintain the infrastructure stock. As in the past, we look to the continuous support from professional associations like the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers for nurturing engineering experts in sustaining Hong Kong's long-term development. The International Engineering Alliance Meeting today is indeed a shining example.
     Speaking of visibility, the opening of the Central – Wan Chai Bypass this year is an outstanding testimony to Hong Kong's first-rate infrastructure. The 4.5-kilometre bypass includes a 3.7-kilometre tunnel that connects the Rumsey Street Flyover in Central and the Island Eastern Corridor in North Point. The Bypass relieves significantly the long-standing traffic problem along the northern shore of Hong Kong island, reducing travel time between Central and North Point to only five minutes. An advanced ventilation system is installed in the tunnel to improve air quality and enhance safety of tunnel users by containing and discharging smoke inside the tunnel efficiently in case of fire. The latest effective air purification system is also set up to clean the air exhausted from the tunnel to a higher standard.
     Last year marked the notable achievements of the engineering discipline in Hong Kong. The commissioning of the 26-kilometre High Speed Rail (Hong Kong Section) connects Hong Kong with Mainland China's 25 000-kilometre national high-speed rail network, linking us up, so far, with 44 Mainland stations without interchange at 200 kilometres per hour along the Hong Kong Section and up to 350 kilometres per hour on the Mainland Section.
     The 55-kilometre Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge also commenced operation last year. It is the longest bridge-tunnel system and sea crossing in the world linking Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao. This one-of-a-kind sea crossing comprises 12-kilometre Hong Kong Link Road, 29.6-kilometre Main Bridge and approximately 13.4-kilometre Zhuhai Link Road. It substantially cuts the travel time between Hong Kong, Macao and Zhuhai, while further connecting Hong Kong to the Greater Bay Area and cities of Guangxi Province.
     The Greater Bay Area is an enormous market with a population of 70 million, similar to that of the UK, and generates gross domestic product around US$1.6 trillion or the size of South Korea or Australia. As one of the most open and economically vibrant regions in China, the Greater Bay Area offers boundless opportunities to Hong Kong's world-class professional services including different disciplines of engineering services.
     More importantly, the Greater Bay Area is an important support pillar for the mega strategic Belt and Road Initiative. Many countries along the Belt and Road corridors lack infrastructure such as railways, highways, wharfs, power grids, telecommunications networks and energy. Hong Kong's engineering professionals are well prepared for this development given that Hong Kong and Mainland China have signed six mutual recognition agreements including architects, structural engineers, planners, material surveyors, construction surveyors and industrial surveyors.
     Hong Kong enterprises have established close relationships with their counterparts across the boundary. We are also a hub for foreign contractors looking for opportunities on Mainland China and other places through joint ventures, representative offices, as well as mergers and acquisitions. All these advantages help strengthen Hong Kong companies to bid for major national and multinational projects and promote their professional service brands throughout the Greater Bay Area and along the Belt and Road corridors.
     Ladies and gentlemen, in an advanced technological world, engineers play a critical and pivotal role in turning ideas into reality, developing solutions to big technical issues. The wide range of disciplines that fall under the engineering title means that the engineering portfolio knows no bound. We are thankful for the selfless devotion of our engineers in propelling this vibrant international city forward on all fronts over the years.
     On this note, I would like to express my warmest appreciation to the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers for bringing this important meeting to Hong Kong, signifying their achievements in raising the status, standards and visibility of engineering professionals in the region. I wish this year's International Engineering Alliance Meetings every success and every one of you a rewarding and enjoyable day. Thank you.

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EMSD announces latest sampling results for legionella at fresh water cooling towers

     The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (June 10) announced that the department tested 90 water samples collected from cooling towers in 71 buildings in its routine inspections in May this year. One sample was detected to have a total legionella count at or above the upper threshold, which is 1 000 colony-forming units per millilitre. The latest statistics are set out in Annex 1.

     The cooling tower in which the one sample was collected in May is located at Kam Lung Mansion, 22 Fung Kam Street, Yuen Long. The EMSD has issued nuisance notice under the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance to the owner of the cooling tower requiring appropriate disinfection work to be done. Disinfection of the cooling tower in the case has already been completed by the owner. Details of the case can be found in Annex 2. The EMSD publishes the latest statistics of the above information on a half-monthly basis on its website (www.emsd.gov.hk/en/other_regulatory_services/cooling_towers/water_sampling/index.html).

     The EMSD reminds the owners of fresh water cooling towers that they have the responsibility to design, operate and maintain cooling towers properly. They should arrange regular inspections, timely maintenance and periodic testing of the water quality in their cooling towers in accordance with the Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers issued by the department to prevent the proliferation of legionella.

Appointments of two new members to Advisory Committee on Gifted Education

     The Education Bureau today (June 10) announced the appointment of two new members to the Advisory Committee on Gifted Education (ACGE). Their appointments will take effect today and end on March 31, 2021.
     The ACGE was set up in April 2017 to advise the Secretary for Education on the use and management of the Gifted Education Fund, long-term development of gifted education in Hong Kong, and measures and initiatives for promoting gifted education.

     The two new members are Miss Ada Li Yuen-yung and Mr Cheng Ho-wai. Miss Ada Li is a student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong undertaking the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Programme; and Mr Cheng Ho-wai is the Chief Operating Officer of a charitable institution. They are both appointed under the Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth.

     The full list of membership of the ACGE from June 10, 2019 to March 31, 2021, is as follows:

Dr Pang Yiu-kai
Non-official members
Professor Cheng Shuk-han
Dr John Tan Kang
Sister Anita Kwok Ming-ying
Ms Sonia Cheng Chi-man
Dr Allen Fung Yuk-lun
Ms Carrie Leung Ka-lai
Ms Cecilia Lee Sau-wai
Dr Lam Hiu-fung
Ms Ada Li Yuen-yung
Mr Cheng Ho-wai

Ex-officio members
Permanent Secretary for Education
Deputy Secretary for Education (5)
Chairman, Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education
Chairperson, Committee on Gifted Education of the Curriculum Development Council

Global video creation platform taps Hong Kong’s regional hub advantage (with photo)

     Corporate video production specialist 90 Seconds announced today (June 10) that it has opened its new office in Hong Kong to meet growing demand from local companies and to tap into the city's strategic location to expand its coverage in North Asia, especially the Mainland and Taiwan markets.
     90 Seconds is a simple-to-use video creation platform that connects brands with video creators worldwide through a streamlined workflow, according to its Co-founder and Vice President of Strategic Growth, Mr Nick Erskine-Shaw. After the client has input essential information such as budget, project due date and briefs about its creative vision, 90 Seconds will match the project with experienced creators that can best deliver the videos. Content plans can be revised via the platform before and after purchase.
     Mr Erskine-Shaw said, "We've seen an increasing demand from clients in Hong Kong as corporate video is a big part of branding and marketing. In order to serve our clients better, we decided to have a physical presence here with Jessica Triffitt, our Business Director HK leading the way. The Hong Kong office will also be our North Asia headquarters helping us serve clients from the fast growing Mainland and Taiwan markets, as the city is close to both places."
     He added, "Hong Kong is a highly strategic international market for the region. With many regional businesses and key decision makers based here, our entry into the market gives us the opportunity to continue building on our vision to create quality video at scale."
     Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion, Dr Jimmy Chiang, said, "We're happy to see that 90 Seconds chose Hong Kong as its North Asia headquarters, leveraging the city's geographical proximity to the Mainland and Taiwan as well as its world-class Internet connectivity to take its business to the next level. We wish it every success in Hong Kong and beyond."
About 90 Seconds
     Founded in 2010, 90 Seconds is a global video creation platform that provides access to more than 12,000 creators in over 160 countries and 900 cities across categories including videographers, directors, editors, animators, drone operators, photographers and many more. The company has a global team of 150 employees, based in Singapore, London, Tokyo, Manila, San Francisco, Sydney, Auckland and Hong Kong, working on product, growth opportunities and customer success. For more information, please visit www.90seconds.com.
About Invest Hong Kong
     Invest Hong Kong is the department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government responsible for attracting foreign direct investment and supporting overseas and Mainland businesses to set up or expand in Hong Kong. It provides free advice and customised services for overseas and Mainland companies. For more information, please visit www.investhk.gov.hk.
     For an event photo, please visit www.flickr.com/photos/investhk/albums/72157708950462896.


Statement by Non-official ExCo Members on public procession on amendments to Fugitive Offenders Ordinance

The following is issued on behalf of the Executive Council Secretariat:

     The Non-official Members of the Executive Council (ExCo Members) today (June 10) issued the following statement on the public procession on the Government's proposed amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance yesterday.

     The ExCo Members noted that a large number of people took part in a public procession yesterday on the Government's proposed amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance. The procession, which was conducted in an orderly manner, illustrated that the rights of Hong Kong people to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression were fully protected by the Basic Law. The ExCo Members, however, expressed regrets over the violent acts of a small number of protesters near the Legislative Council Complex in the small hours of today.

     The ExCo Members reiterated their support to the Government's legislative exercise to ensure that justice be done, observe Hong Kong's obligations in combating transnational crimes, avoid Hong Kong from becoming a bolt-hole for criminals and safeguard Hong Kong's international reputation in the legal aspects. The Government has explained in detail on multiple occasions the rationale behind the amendments, the respective categories of offences and the legal and administrative safeguards to allay worries raised earlier by different sectors of the community.

     The ExCo Members hope that the Government will continue to enhance communication and publicity in response to public concerns on the matter, and call on members of the public to consider the objectives of the amendment bill as well as its content in a calm and reasonable manner and support the Government's legislative exercise.