
Author Archives: hksar gov

EPD successfully intercepts three cases of import of hazardous electronic waste by air and by sea (with photos)

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) successfully intercepted three cases of illegal import of hazardous electronic waste (e-waste) from the United States, Korea and Bangladesh at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and the Kwai Chung Container Terminals. The two importers, namely Chung Wah Hoi Trading Company Limited and Sum Wah Trading (Hong Kong) Limited, as well as a trader involved in these cases, were convicted at Eastern Magistrates’ Courts and Fanling Magistrates’ Courts on June 3 and 4 and today (June 10) for contravening the Waste Disposal Ordinance (WDO). The parties concerned were fined a total of $63,000.

     The EPD has all along been striving to intercept hazardous e-waste entering Hong Kong through different channels. In addition, the department has been proactively strengthening the co-operation and exchange of intelligence with the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED). With the assistance of the C&ED, the EPD intercepted two batches of air cargo and a sea container at HKIA and the Kwai Chung Container Terminals respectively from November last year to January this year. The air cargoes and the container were claimed to include liquid crystal display panels, mobile phone motherboards and laptops. After inspection, they were found to be loaded with hazardous e-waste, including waste flat panel displays (FPDs), waste printed circuit boards (PCBs) and waste batteries, with a total market value of about $700,000. The EPD immediately returned the intercepted hazardous e-waste to the places of origin and notified the local enforcement authorities concerned about the return shipments. The department also instigated prosecutions against the two importers and the trader concerned under the WDO.

     An EPD spokesman stressed that waste FPDs, waste PCBs and waste batteries are hazardous e-waste containing various heavy metals and other toxic chemical substances. They are classified as chemical waste and are regulated under the existing laws on chemical waste disposal. The EPD will continue to rigorously combat the illegal import and export activities of hazardous waste to protect the environment.

     The spokesman reminded importers of the waste recycling trade not to illegally import (including import into or transshipment through Hong Kong) or export hazardous waste. According to the WDO, it is an offence for anyone to import or export hazardous waste without obtaining a valid permit beforehand. First-time offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $200,000 and six months’ imprisonment. For subsequent offences, offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $500,000 and two years’ imprisonment.

     For more information about the control of chemical waste, please visit the EPD’s website:

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Application for list of establishments from Central Register of Establishments

     The Census and Statistics Department maintains a computerised Central Register of Establishments which contains information relating to some 420 000 active establishments in Hong Kong. Information kept in the Register is updated on a quarterly basis through feedback from various surveys of the department and administrative returns from relevant government departments. Information in respect of the first quarter of 2019 is now updated in the Register.

     The Register serves mainly as the sampling frame for various economic surveys conducted by the department. In addition, many other government departments and private organisations also make use of the disclosable particulars kept in the Register for their surveys, publicity, business promotion, customer classification and research work. These disclosable particulars cover the name, address, type of business and employment size class of the establishments. They are available to the public in the following two forms.

20% sample listing

     A sample listing containing 20% of the records randomly selected from the Register, together with disclosable particulars of the establishments, is available to users. Users may apply for all or part of the records in the 20% sample listing in writing by providing the following information:

* Particulars of the applicant (including name, position, organisation, address, telephone, fax and email);

* Details of the project (including name, purpose, expected completion date, and specifications of information required such as industries, employment sizes and districts); and

* Medium of delivering the information (e.g. photocopy or CD-R and file format such as Visual FoxPro, Excel or text, if applicable).

     The application can be faxed to 2827 2296, emailed to or posted to the Employment Statistics and Central Register of Establishments Section, Census and Statistics Department, 20/F, Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

     The information can be supplied in the form of CD-R or photocopies at the following rates:

* CD-R – a charge of about $1,630 per listing, compiled to the user’s requirements (exact amount depending on the complexity of the job concerned);

* Photocopies – a ready, standard listing is available for photocopying (in part if desired). A charge of $1.30 per page is levied.

Matching operation with specified establishments

     Users may apply to conduct matching operations for a list of establishments in their databases and then extract disclosable particulars for the matched establishments from the Register. The matching operation will be done using the application program supplied by the user and conducted on the computing facilities in the Department. Both the name and address of establishment will be used as matching keys.

     Users may apply for this service item by submitting a proposal of the matching operation to the department. The proposal should cover the intended use of the information derived from the matching operation, the specifications of the establishment database provided by the user, the details of the matching process and the specifications of the output data.

     The information can be supplied in the form of CD-R. A charge will be levied at the following rates:

* a minimum charge of about $5,100 for the service required (exact amount depending on the complexity of the matching operation conducted); plus

* $1 per matched record with information supplied to the user.


     Further details about the above service items can be obtained from the Employment Statistics and Central Register of Establishments Section of the department at Tel: 2582 4760; fax: 2827 2296; or email: read more