
Author Archives: hksar gov

Government response to US Trafficking in Persons Report 2019

     A Government spokesman said today (June 20) that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government has noted the release of the United States Trafficking in Persons Report 2019 (USTIP Report) by the United States (US) State Department, which upgrades the HKSAR to Tier 2.

     “Trafficking in Persons (TIP) has never been a prevalent problem in Hong Kong. There is no sign that Hong Kong is being actively used by syndicates as a destination or transit point for TIP. This notwithstanding, the HKSAR Government has all along been combating TIP in an all-out and highly proactive manner. Our unparalleled efforts made in 2018, coupled with substantial additional resources injected to relevant departments and our effective framework of over 50 legislative provisions, will ensure that the achievements made in the past year will be sustained and form a solid foundation for further improvements in future,” the spokesman said.

     “The current-term HKSAR Government is vigorously combating TIP and enhancing the protection and well-being of foreign domestic helpers (FDHs). The HKSAR Government established in March 2018 a high-level inter-bureau/departmental Steering Committee chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration and promulgated the Action Plan to Tackle TIP and to Enhance Protection of FDHs in Hong Kong. The Action Plan comprises a full range of comprehensive, strategic and targeted new measures on victim identification, investigation, enforcement, prosecution, victim protection and support, prevention and partnership building with different stakeholders, which were effectively implemented in the course of 2018.”

     On victim identification, the Police extended the TIP victim screening mechanism to all of its 24 police districts and relevant units. At the same time, the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) also implemented the screening mechanism department-wide. Together with the Immigration Department (ImmD), which has implemented the mechanism since 2015, over 7 500 initial TIP victim screenings were conducted in 2018, which represents a marked 60 per cent increase as compared with the 2017 figure. 

     The spokesman said, “The Police, the ImmD and the C&ED also worked closely together to improve the victim screening form, drawing particular reference to similar screening tools published by the Civil Society Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force. A better tool helps produce more accurate assessment.”

     “Despite such proactive and intensified screening efforts, the percentage of victims identified has remained at a low level of less than 0.3 per cent (with only 18 victims identified in 2018), reinforcing our observation all along that TIP is not prevalent in Hong Kong.”

     On investigation and enforcement, the Police, the ImmD, the C&ED and the Labour Department (LD) developed and instituted an inter-departmental joint investigation mechanism in August 2018 so that potential victims of TIP and FDH exploitation cases can be spared the agony of having to revisit their traumatic experience through serial interviews.

     In addition, all relevant departments have appointed dedicated teams or designated focal points to handle TIP-related cases, greatly enhancing the overall and inter-departmental co-ordination on enforcement.

     “Our law enforcement efforts have been stepped up and yielded positive outcomes. For example, in 2018, the Police conducted a total of 265 anti-vice operations, a 7.3 per cent increase as compared with the amount in 2017. In the same year, the Police investigated 136 sex trafficking-related cases and arrested a total of 19 syndicate members for a total of 110 counts of sex trafficking-related offences,” the spokesman said.

     The LD introduced multiple new measures in 2018 to further enhance protection for FDHs.

     “The well-being of FDHs in Hong Kong is a major focus of the Steering Committee. There are currently over 390 000 FDHs in Hong Kong, constituting about 10 per cent of our labour force. Over the past two decades, the number of FDHs working here has more than doubled, clearly demonstrating that Hong Kong is one of the most popular destinations for FDHs in the world.”

     The LD has vigorously combated the malpractices of employment agencies (EA). Since April 2018, the LD has increased manpower and stepped up enforcement against EAs to complement the six-fold increase in maximum penalties against EAs for overcharging or operating without a licence following the enactment of the Employment (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 in February last year. The Ordinance has also given legal status to the Code of Practice for EAs (CoP) promulgated by the LD. EAs contravening the CoP’s requirements may risk their licences being revoked or refused for renewal. Moreover, the annual target for inspections of EAs was 2 000 in 2018, a significant 54 per cent increase over the 2014 figure. In addition to initiating prompt investigations upon receipt of complaints, regular and surprise inspections of EAs were undertaken by the LD. In each inspection visit, the LD would conduct thorough inspection to scrutinise various records to ensure that the EAs inspected were operating in compliance with the statutory requirements and more than 40 items required in the CoP.

     “Our efforts have yielded effective outcomes. In 2018, the LD successfully prosecuted 10 EAs and revoked or refused to issue or renew the licences of 11 EAs. This also demonstrates the effectiveness of the Employment (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 in imposing sanctions against EAs through enforcing the CoP,” the spokesman said.

     Since October 2018, records of conviction for overcharging or unlicensed operation by EAs, revocation and refusal for renewal of EA licences, and written warnings issued to EAs have been published on the LD’s dedicated EA Portal ( to assist employers at large and job seekers, including FDHs, to make more informed decisions when engaging EA services.

     In December 2018, the LD launched a dedicated 24-hour hotline (2157 9537) to provide one-stop support for FDHs in making enquiries and seeking advice on their employment rights and obligations. Interpretation service is provided in seven native languages of FDHs (namely Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, Nepali, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu). An online form has also been made available on the LD’s FDH Portal ( and EA Portal to assist FDHs to make enquiries and lodge complaints.

     “In 2018, 48 FDH employers were prosecuted for aiding and abetting their FDHs in breaching their conditions of stay. Of these, 29 were convicted and sentenced to up to 12 weeks’ imprisonment and fined up to $45,000,” the spokesman said.

     Separately, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare visited Jakarta, Indonesia, in January 2019 to reaffirm the two governments’ mutual commitment to safeguard the interests of Indonesian domestic helpers working in Hong Kong as well as enhance co-operation between the two sides in protecting FDHs.

     On training and partnership, over 2 300 officials from various departments and organisations received TIP-related training locally or overseas in 2018 (around 30 per cent more than that in 2017). In particular, the Hospital Authority and the Multi-purpose Crisis Intervention and Support Centre also participated in such training sessions for the first time.

     Furthermore, to foster stronger partnership with civil society, Government officials actively participated in events and campaigns organised by different local and international organisations in 2018.

     The spokesman said, “Looking ahead, the HKSAR Government has already allocated additional annual funding of $62.63 million starting from the 2019-20 financial year to support various departments to create close to 100 new permanent posts in the civil service dedicated to the fight against TIP. We will sustain our efforts in this regard.”

     To tackle TIP crimes, there are over 50 legal provisions against various types of TIP conduct which equip law enforcement agencies with the necessary power and authority and also the flexibility to take enforcement action against such crimes depending on the details of individual cases, rather than relying on a single piece of TIP legislation. The conduct referred to as “human trafficking” in the Palermo Protocol is fully covered and effectively prohibited by the relevant domestic legislation. Law enforcement agencies may resort to powers and rely on offences provided in different statutes in the course of investigation, enforcement and prosecution, so that they can cover all natures of crime involved, subject to individual case details and evidence. 

     “As a vibrant international metropolis, Hong Kong attaches great importance to the rule of law. We have a wide range of effective and comprehensive legislation to combat TIP crimes. Our multi-legislation approach targeting TIP has served Hong Kong well. It is thus unfair for some critics to maintain the view that the HKSAR Government lacks the determination in tackling TIP simply because there is no composite TIP law.”       
     “We consider some comments made by the US State Department in its USTIP Report on Hong Kong not entirely fair or well founded. We will maintain ongoing constructive dialogue and work closely with civil society and other governments to foster better mutual understanding and stronger partnership in combating TIP.

     The HKSAR Government will continue the fight against TIP through a multi-pronged approach with commitment and determination,” the spokesman said. read more

CHP investigates case of severe paediatric influenza A infection

    The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (June 20) investigating a case of severe paediatric influenza A infection, and reminded members of the public who have not yet received seasonal influenza vaccination in the 2018-19 season that they can still receive it for personal protection against seasonal influenza.
     The case involves a 14-year-old girl with good past health, who has presented with fever and sore throat since June 15. She was taken to the Accident and Emergency Department at Caritas Medical Centre for medical attention on June 17 and was admitted on the same day. She was subsequently transferred to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit of Princess Margaret Hospital for further management today.
     Her respiratory specimen tested positive for influenza A virus upon laboratory testing. The clinical diagnosis was influenza A infection complicated with shock. She is now in a critical condition.
     Initial enquiries revealed that the patient had not received seasonal influenza vaccination for the current season and had no travel history during the incubation period. Her home contacts have remained asymptomatic so far.
     The CHP’s investigations are ongoing.
     “The latest surveillance data showed that the local seasonal influenza activity in the past few weeks was higher than that in early May. Members of the public aged 6 months or above (except those with known contraindications) who have not yet received seasonal influenza vaccination in the 2018-19 season can still receive it for personal protection against seasonal influenza,” a spokesman for the CHP said.
     “Meanwhile, the public should continue to adopt strict personal, hand and environmental hygiene practices against respiratory illnesses and other infectious diseases,” the spokesman added.
     The public may visit the CHP’s influenza page and weekly Flu Express for more information. read more

Government reviews territory-wide cleansing and anti-rodent work (with photos)

     The interdepartmental Pest Control Steering Committee met today (June 20) to review the enhanced anti-rodent work carried out by various government departments since the cleaning campaign over the territory commenced on May 20 and set priorities for the work ahead.
     The Government has provided an additional funding of $91 million this financial year to various departments for enhancing pest control work. During today’s meeting, various departments discussed the extra resources required for the relevant work. The Government had earlier expressed that full support would be given to department’s pest prevention and control work.
     Various departments briefed the meeting on the progress of territory-wide cleaning work in all 18 districts. They include:
– District Offices (DO) of the Home Affairs Department (HAD) have assisted different departments on reporting the cleaning and anti-rodent work carried out in each district as well as the liaison with stakeholders in the community to raise public awareness of rodent prevention and control.
– Among the some 180 public rental housing estates in the territory, the Housing Authority (HA) has examined the rodent-proofing structure installed in 133 estates. The HA will repair and arrange the reinforcement of the existing structure as well as install additional structure immediately if needed with a view to eliminating activities of rodents and their harbourage points. The HA has also enhanced the cleaning work in all public rental housing estates and strengthened enforcement action under the Marking Scheme.
– The Highways Department has filled rat holes at 80 back alleys, and repaired damaged road surface or surface channels at 45 back alleys. Relevant works will be continued to be conducted at other back alleys.
– The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has enhanced cleaning in all public markets, particularly the drains, to eliminate food sources of rodents. During the first four weeks of territory-wide cleaning campaign, the FEHD collected 2 137 dead rodents, caught 1 560 live rodents as well as filled 956 rat holes.
– Regarding illegal disposal of refuse at rear lanes by food premises, the FEHD issued 72 summons, 103 Fixed Penalty Notices, 1 900 advisory letters, 324 verbal warnings and a nuisance notice during the first three weeks (from May 27 to June 16) of the special operation.
     In terms of the focus of the work ahead, the Buildings Department and the Architectural Services Department have drawn up practice notes for building professionals’ reference on incorporating rodent proofing design in new buildings to achieve rodent prevention and control in the long run. On the other hand, the HA has been actively examining the rodent proofing structure installed in over 180 public rental housing estates across the territory. The FEHD has been offering technical support including compiling a checklist of rodent proofing structure for the Housing Department to follow up. The FEHD will carry out an intensive anti-rodent operation in three public markets in early July. Specific measures include speedy clearing of refuse and cleaning all drainages in the markets after the stalls are closed every night to eliminate food sources for rodents and placing traps extensively to strengthen rodent disinfestation. All DOs of the HAD will continue to assist coordination among various departments on cleaning and anti-rodent work as well as cooperation and communication with the District Councils in order to raise public awareness on hygiene and rodent control.
     The FEHD has also stepped up publicity work on rodent prevention and control through various channels to spread the messages of active public participation in anti-rodent operation.
     According to the World Health Organization, several Asian countries are experiencing unusually high numbers of dengue fever (DF) cases for this time of year. The latest figures revealed that 77 040 cases had been recorded in the Philippines (which was almost double the number of cases reported in the same period in 2018), 52 941 in Malaysia (which was around twice the number of cases reported in the same period in 2018) and 59 959 in Vietnam (which was more than triple the number of cases reported in the same period in 2018). According to the announcement of the Health Commission of Guangdong Province, the epidemic season of DF started early this year in Guangdong. As of June 12, 240 cases have been recorded in Guangdong this year, which was significantly higher than that in the same period last year (44 cases). In Taiwan, 21 local cases have also been recorded in 2019. With the approaching peak tourist season in summer, members of the public who intend to travel aboard should stay alert and take appropriate personal protective measures.
     Scientific studies have shown that infected persons can transmit the virus to mosquitoes through mosquito bites even if they remain asymptomatic or before their onset of symptoms, leading to further spread of the disease. Hence, to reduce the risk of local infections of mosquito-borne diseases, travelers who return from affected areas should apply insect repellent for 14 days or at least 21 days after arrival in Hong Kong to prevent mosquito bite. If feeling unwell, they should seek medical advice promptly, and provide travel details to their doctors.
     The more humid weather with higher temperature this year facilitates mosquito breeding. At today’s meeting, various departments also discussed corresponding follow-up work and would enhance anti-mosquito measures at infestation blackspots under their purview. Since this month, the FEHD has conducted a trial of placing ovitraps with improved design in Wong Tai Sin, Yau Tong and on Cheung Chau to calculate the density of adult mosquitoes. The quantitative data would be the basis for planning mosquito prevention work.
     The Under Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Chui Tak-yi, chaired today’s meeting and representatives from three bureaux and 22 departments/organisations attended. The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, and the Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, also attended the meeting.

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