Police condemn protestors for besieging Police Headquarters

     Police condemn protestors for blocking Harcourt Road, Arsenal Street and Gloucester Road started at about 10.50am yesterday (June 21) and further besieged the Police Headquarters (PHQ) in Wan Chai.

     The acts of the protestors seriously affected the work of Police, including the provision of emergency services to the public. The Report Room service in Wan Chai Police Station has been suspended since around 1.40pm yesterday. 60 calls of 999 hotline in Wan Chai Division could not be immediately handled. Extra resources were deployed to follow up. As staff members could not enter PHQ, the follow-up service of e-Report Centre has been suspended from 11pm yesterday.

     Nine female and four male staff members were sent to hospital for treatment with considerable delay during the blockade in the vicinity of PHQ last night.

     While besieging PHQ, the protestors used mills barriers and sundries to block the entrance and exit gates, threw eggs at PHQ, drew graffiti on the outer walls, and covered the closed-circuit television on the outer wall of PHQ with adhesive tapes. They also splashed oil onto Police officer and targeted laser beam at Police officers’ eyes.

     Police have shown the greatest tolerance to the protestors who assembled outside PHQ, but their means of expressing views have become illegal, irrational and unreasonable. Police will stringently follow up on these illegal activities.

Follow-up service of e-Report Centre suspended

     As the Police Headquarters (PHQ) is surrounded by protestors with roads obstructed in the vicinity, staff members are not able to enter PHQ, the follow-up service of e-Report Centre will be suspended from 11pm today (June 21) until further notice. For emergencies, please call 999.

Customs Headquarters Building Open Day postponed

     Since possible traffic disruption is expected on the Hong Kong Island, the Customs and Excise Department announces that the Customs Headquarters Building Open Day scheduled from 9am to 7.25pm tomorrow and the day after tomorrow (June 22 and 23) will be postponed. Ticket holders please keep their tickets and visit the department's website (www.customs.gov.hk) for the rescheduling arrangements.

Government appeals to protesters to express views peacefully and rationally

     In response to the protests today (June 21), a Government spokesman said:

     The Government respects the public's rights to procession and assembly.

     The protests today caused much inconvenience to the community by disrupting traffic and many public services. Since the Police Headquarters and Wan Chai Police Station at Arsenal Street have been surrounded by protesters who also blocked nearby roads, dozens of 999 emergency calls could not be dealt with immediately. More than 100 bus and minibus routes were diverted or suspended.

     The Central Government Offices were closed, and public services provided by Government departments at Wanchai Tower, Revenue Tower and Immigration Tower – including services by the Labour Department, Inland Revenue Department, Environmental Protection Department and Water Supplies Department – were disrupted to varying degrees.

     The spokesman appeals to protesters to act peacefully and rationally, and to take into account the needs of other members of the public when expressing their opinions.

     Regarding remarks in the media today by Legislative Council members about the legislative amendments, the spokesman said the Government had put a stop to the legislative exercise relating to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance. The current term of the Legislative Council will end in July next year, after which the Bill will lapse. The Government accepts this reality.

Temporary closure of Aberdeen Sports Ground

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (June 21) that Aberdeen Sports Ground in Southern District, Hong Kong Island, has been temporarily closed until March 31, 2020 for reinstallation works of spectator stand covers.
     For the most up-to-date closure schedule of the above leisure and sports facilities, the public may refer to the notices at the venue or contact venue staff directly.