EPD successfully intercepts two cases of import of hazardous waste by air and by sea (with photos)

     Following convictions in three similar cases in early June this year, there have been two more convictions for illegal import of hazardous waste. The shipments, from the United Arab Emirates and Thailand, were intercepted at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and the Kwai Chung Container Terminals (KCCT). The two importers involved, namely Uniall Trading International Limited and Everywhere Transportation Limited, were convicted at Eastern Magistrates' Courts and Fanling Magistrates' Courts yesterday (June 24) and today (June 25) for contravening the Waste Disposal Ordinance (WDO) and fined a total of $28,000.

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) has all along been striving to intercept hazardous waste entering Hong Kong illegally through different channels. In addition, the department has been proactively strengthening the co-operation and exchange of intelligence with the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED). With the assistance of the C&ED, the EPD intercepted a batch of air cargoes and two sea containers at HKIA and the KCCT respectively in December last year. The air cargoes and the sea containers were claimed to include computer parts, used photocopier parts and more. After inspection, they were found to be loaded with hazardous waste, including waste printed circuit boards and waste toner cartridges, with a total market value of about $150,000. The EPD immediately returned the intercepted hazardous waste to the places of origin and notified the local enforcement authorities concerned about the return shipments. The department also instigated prosecutions against the two importers under the WDO.

     An EPD spokesman stressed that waste printed circuit boards are hazardous electronic waste containing various heavy metals and other toxic chemical substances. They are classified as chemical waste and are regulated under the laws on chemical waste disposal. Improper handling of hazardous waste, including waste toner cartridges, will also cause harm to the environment and public health. The EPD will continue to rigorously combat the illegal import and export of hazardous waste, bring offenders to justice and prevent Hong Kong from becoming a distribution hub for illegally imported and exported waste.

     The spokesman reminded importers of the waste recycling trade not to illegally import (including import into or transshipment through Hong Kong) or export hazardous waste. According to the WDO, it is an offence for anyone to import or export hazardous waste without obtaining a valid permit beforehand. First-time offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $200,000 and six months' imprisonment. For subsequent offences, offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $500,000 and two years' imprisonment.

     For more information about the control of chemical waste, please visit the EPD's website: www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/waste/guide_ref/guide_cwc.html.

Photo  Photo  Photo  Photo  

“GFiN – one year on” report: reflection of GFiN’s achievements and challenges since inception and ambitions for future

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is pleased to announce the publication of the Global Financial Innovation Network's (GFiN) "One Year On" report.
     The GFiN is a network of international regulators and related organisations committed to supporting financial innovation and to creating a framework for co-operation between regulators to share experiences and approaches to innovation.
     The GFiN has rapidly grown over the past year from its 12 founding members, to be a global dialogue with 35 Member Regulators and 7 Observers from 21 jurisdictions. And it continues to grow.
     The "GFiN – one year on" report sets out what the GFiN has been doing over the past year, the challenges it has faced, achievements, and its ambitions for the future. It is also to show that it is listening to stakeholders, and welcomes feedback in order to ensure that the GFiN continues to add value.
     GFiN members look forward to the next year of engagement and to improving ways of working together for the benefit of innovative firms and other stakeholders.
     Key facts:

  • 35 members and 7 observers from 21 jurisdictions. (Note)
  • 99 responses from 26 jurisdictions received in response to the initial GFiN consultation.
  • 44 applications from 17 jurisdictions for the inaugural GFiN cross-border test pilot with 8 firms being selected to develop testing plans.
  • Nearly 60 representatives attended the first biannual meeting of the GFiN held in London in May.

Note: The full list of GFiN membership can be found in Financial Conduct Authority's website: www.fca.org.uk/firms/global-financial-innovation-network.

Update on cluster of Adenovirus cases in Caritas Medical Centre

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     Regarding an earlier announcement about a cluster of patients in the Developmental Disabilities Unit of Caritas Medical Centre infected with Adenovirus, the spokesperson for Caritas Medical Centre made the following update today (June 25):

     One more patient in the unit (aged 17) has presented with upper respiratory symptoms. Appropriate viral tests were arranged for the patient and the results were positive for Adenovirus. The patient is being treated under isolation, with stable condition. 

     The hospital has informed relatives of the patients about the situation. Infection control measures of the ward have been enhanced. All other patients in the ward are under close surveillance.

     The case has been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow up.

Exchange Fund Bills tender results

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     Exchange Fund Bills tender results:

Tender date : June 25, 2019
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Q1926
Issue date : June 26, 2019
Maturity date : September 25, 2019
Amount applied : HK$77,147 MN
Amount allotted : HK$43,411 MN
Average yield accepted : 2.16 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 2.28 PCT
Pro rata ratio : About 78 PCT
Average tender yield : 2.26 PCT
Tender date : June 25, 2019
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : H1955
Issue date : June 26, 2019
Maturity date : December 27, 2019
Amount applied : HK$26,142 MN
Amount allotted : HK$9,000 MN
Average yield accepted : 1.93 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 1.98 PCT
Pro rata ratio : About 65 PCT
Average tender yield : 2.13 PCT


Hong Kong Monetary Authority tenders to be held in the week beginning July 1:

Tender date : July 2, 2019
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Q1927
Issue date : July 3, 2019
Maturity date : October 2, 2019
Tenor : 91 Days
Amount on offer : HK$56,574 MN
Tender date : July 2, 2019
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : H1956
Issue date : July 3,2019
Maturity date : January 2, 2020
Tenor : 183 Days
Amount on offer : HK$16,600 MN

External merchandise trade statistics for May 2019

     The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) released today (June 25) the external merchandise trade statistics for May 2019. In May 2019, the values of Hong Kong's total exports and imports of goods both recorded year-on-year decreases, at 2.4% and 4.3% respectively.
     In May 2019, the value of total exports of goods decreased by 2.4% over a year earlier to $343.1 billion, after a year-on-year decrease of 2.6% in April 2019. Concurrently, the value of imports of goods decreased by 4.3% over a year earlier to $377.8 billion in May 2019, after a year-on-year decrease of 5.5% in April 2019. A visible trade deficit of $34.7 billion, equivalent to 9.2% of the value of imports of goods, was recorded in May 2019.
     For the first five months of 2019 as a whole, the value of total exports of goods dropped by 2.5% over the same period in 2018. Concurrently, the value of imports of goods decreased by 3.8%. A visible trade deficit of $188.8 billion, equivalent to 10.6% of the value of imports of goods, was recorded in the first five months of 2019.
     Comparing the three-month period ending May 2019 with the preceding three months on a seasonally adjusted basis, the value of total exports of goods increased by 6.3%. Meanwhile, the value of imports of goods increased by 6.6%.
Analysis by country/territory
     Comparing May 2019 with May 2018, total exports to Asia as a whole went down by 2.6%. In this region, decreases were registered in the values of total exports to some major destinations, in particular Thailand (-14.0%), Malaysia (-11.6%), Singapore (-9.5%) and the mainland of China (the Mainland) (-4.1%). On the other hand, increases were recorded in the values of total exports to Korea (+24.5%), the Philippines (+12.1%) and India (+8.9%).
     Apart from destinations in Asia, decreases were registered in the values of total exports to some major destinations in other regions, in particular Germany (-16.9%) and the USA (-15.0%). Concurrently, an increase was registered in the value of total exports to the United Kingdom (+9.3%).
     Over the same period of comparison, decreases were registered in the values of imports from some major suppliers, in particular Korea (-29.6%), India (-18.6%), Japan (-10.6%), Malaysia (-4.2%) and the Mainland (-4.0%). Concurrently, increases were recorded in the values of imports from Switzerland (+22.0%) and the USA (+2.1%).
     For the first five months of 2019 as a whole, year-on-year decreases were registered in the values of total exports to some major destinations, in particular India (-19.6%), the USA (-12.0%), Taiwan (-11.7%), the Mainland (-5.0%) and Germany (-5.0%). However, year-on-year increases were registered in the values of total exports to Singapore (+13.9%) and the Netherlands (+10.9%).
     Over the same period of comparison, year-on-year decreases were registered in the values of imports from most major suppliers, in particular Korea (-26.7%), India (-18.8%), Taiwan (-12.5%), Malaysia (-7.0%) and Thailand (-6.7%). The value of imports from the Mainland also decreased by 1.4%. On the other hand, a year-on-year increase was registered in the value of imports from Switzerland (+5.1%).
Analysis by major commodity
     Comparing May 2019 with May 2018, decreases were registered in the values of total exports of some principal commodity divisions, in particular "office machines and automatic data processing machines" (by $6.2 billion or -15.7%), "electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, and electrical parts thereof" (by $2.7 billion or -2.0%) and "miscellaneous manufactured articles (mainly jewellery, goldsmiths' and silversmiths' wares)" (by $1.6 billion or -7.1%). However, an increase was registered in the value of total exports of "telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment" (by $1.8 billion or 2.9%).
     Over the same period of comparison, decreases were registered in the values of imports of some principal commodity divisions, in particular "electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, and electrical parts thereof" (by $7.9 billion or -5.3%), "office machines and automatic data processing machines" (by $5.1 billion or -14.3%) and "telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment" (by $2.4 billion or -4.1%). However, an increase was registered in the value of imports of "photographic apparatus, equipment and supplies, optical goods, watches and clocks" (by $0.6 billion or 6.5%).
     For the first five months of 2019 as a whole, year-on-year decreases were registered in the values of total exports of some principal commodity divisions, in particular "office machines and automatic data processing machines" (by $22.1 billion or -12.3%), "electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, and electrical parts thereof" (by $15.6 billion or -2.5%) and "miscellaneous manufactured articles (mainly jewellery, goldsmiths' and silversmiths' wares)" (by $5.0 billion or -5.3%). However, a year-on-year increase was registered in the value of total exports of "telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment" (by $12.6 billion or 4.4%).
     Over the same period of comparison, year-on-year decreases were registered in the values of imports of some principal commodity divisions, in particular "electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, and electrical parts thereof" (by $49.7 billion or -7.1%), "office machines and automatic data processing machines" (by $17.3 billion or -10.8%) and "non-metallic mineral manufactures" (by $5.0 billion or -5.9%). However, a year-on-year increase was registered in the value of imports of "power generating machinery and equipment" (by $5.8 billion or 19.7%).
     A Government spokesman said that merchandise exports remained subdued in May, affected by the weaker global economy and US-Mainland trade tensions. The situation was similar to that in many other Asian economies.
     Looking ahead, the near-term outlook for Hong Kong's exports will continue to be clouded by various external uncertainties, including notably the evolution of US-Mainland trade relations. The Government will stay vigilant.
Further information
     Table 1 at the annex presents the analysis of external merchandise trade statistics for May 2019. Table 2 presents the original monthly trade statistics from January 2016 to May 2019, and Table 3 gives the seasonally adjusted series for the same period.
     The values of total exports of goods to 10 main destinations for May 2019 are shown in Table 4, whereas the values of imports of goods from 10 main suppliers are given in Table 5.
     Tables 6 and 7 show the values of total exports and imports of 10 principal commodity divisions for May 2019.
     All the merchandise trade statistics described here are measured at current prices and no account has been taken of changes in prices between the periods of comparison. A separate analysis of the volume and price movements of external merchandise trade for May 2019 will be released in mid-July 2019.
     The May 2019 issue of "Hong Kong External Merchandise Trade" contains detailed analysis on the performance of Hong Kong's external merchandise trade in May 2019 and will be available in mid-July 2019. Users can download the publication free of charge at the website of the C&SD (www.censtatd.gov.hk/hkstat/sub/sp230.jsp).
     Enquiries on merchandise trade statistics may be directed to the Trade Analysis Section (2) of the C&SD (Tel: 2582 5042).