
Author Archives: hksar gov

SFH to attend International Council of Nurses Congress in Singapore

     The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, today (June 27) will depart for Singapore to attend the International Council of Nurses Congress.
     The theme of the Congress is “Beyond Healthcare to Health”, with discussions focusing on the causes and prevention of ill health and public health. It will also highlight the critical and leading roles that nurses play in addressing issues such as innovations in health and new models of nursing care.
     Professor Chan will attend the opening ceremony this evening and give a presentation on tobacco control, health promotion and prevention strategies at a discussion session tomorrow afternoon (June 28). She will also speak at a reception organised by the College of Nursing Hong Kong.
     Professor Chan will take the opportunity to share with Congress participants details of the Government’s efforts in achieving the targets set in the “Towards 2025: Strategy and Action Plan to Prevent and Control Non-communicable Diseases in Hong Kong”.
     “By achieving the targets, we hope to reduce the burden posed by non-communicable diseases through promoting a healthy diet, physical activities and reducing alcohol and tobacco-related harms, as well as strengthening the healthcare system,” she said.
     Professor Chan will return to Hong Kong on June 29. The Under Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Chui Tak-yi, will be the Acting Secretary for Food and Health during her absence. read more

STH to visit Shenzhen

     The Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, will visit Shenzhen this morning (June 27) to exchange views with Shenzhen relevant authorities on co-operation on marine matters.      Mr … read more