Thematic Household Survey Report No. 67 published

     The Thematic Household Survey Report No. 67 is published by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) today (June 27).

     This publication contains key findings on information technology (IT) usage and penetration based on the Thematic Household Survey conducted during June to September 2018.

     Findings of the 2018 survey revealed that the majority of households (92.3%) had access to the Internet at home at the time of enumeration. Among these households, smartphone was the most popular type of device used for Internet connection at home (99.1%), whereas personal computer (PC) came next (81.4%).  

     People using the Internet have been on the rise. The percentage of persons aged 10 and over who had used the Internet during the 12 months before enumeration increased to 90.5% in 2018, from 87.5% in 2016 when a similar survey was conducted then. In particular, the increase was substantial among persons aged 65 and over (from 44.0% to 56.3%).

     Findings of the survey also showed that smartphone had become more popular. Some 5.8 million persons aged 10 and over had smartphone in 2018, around 0.3 million more than that in 2016. The smartphone penetration rate rose from 85.8% in 2016 to 89.8% in 2018. The increase was particularly remarkable among the elderly. About three in five persons aged 65 and over had smartphone in 2018, compared to only around two in five persons aged 65 and over in 2016.

     Moreover, continually more people had knowledge of using PC. The percentage of persons aged 10 and over who had knowledge of using PC was 85.1% in 2018, up from 83.3% in 2016. The increase was particularly remarkable among persons aged 45 to 64 (from 85.7% to 90.0%) and persons aged 65 and over (from 34.5% to 40.8%).

     Findings of the survey also revealed that online purchase had become more popular. The percentage of persons aged 15 and over who had used online purchasing services for personal matters during the 12 months before enumeration increased to 35.8% in 2018, from 27.8% in 2016.

     Confining the reference period to the six months before enumeration, among the persons aged 15 and over who had used online purchasing services for personal matters during the six months before enumeration, the median amount spent in purchasing products / services online during that period was $4,000, markedly higher than the corresponding figure in 2016 ($2,100). Among these persons, online purchase of daily necessities, clothes and footwear (cited by 76.2% of these persons in 2018, up from 65.0% in 2016) and online travel arrangement (cited by 47.3% of these persons in 2018, up from 38.6% in 2016) were most popular.

Other information

     The survey successfully enumerated target respondents in some 10 000 households in accordance with a scientific sampling scheme to represent the population of Hong Kong.

     Detailed findings of the survey (including usage of online purchasing services and electronic Government services), together with the population coverage and concepts/definitions of key terms, are presented in the publication. Users can download the publication free of charge at the website of the C&SD (

     Enquiries about the contents of the publication can be directed to the Social Surveys Section (1) of the C&SD (Tel: 2887 5103 or email:

Third award ceremony for Charter on External Lighting held

     The Environment Bureau held the third award ceremony for the Charter on External Lighting today (June 27) to commend about 4 800 participants. They pledged to switch off lighting installations with decorative, promotional or advertising purposes that affect the outdoor environment during preset times to minimise nuisance and energy wastage, and to provide the public with a better environment conducive to sleep.

     The Under Secretary for the Environment, Mr Tse Chin-wan, and the Chairperson of the Working Group on External Lighting, Ms Caroline Mak, officiated at the award ceremony. More than 3 300 participants fulfilling the pledge to switch off external lighting from 11pm to 7am were awarded the Platinum Award, while some 1 200 participants were awarded the Gold Award for switching off external lighting from midnight to 7am. In addition, over 270 participants newly signed up to the Charter this year were granted certificates.

     The Charter participants come from different sectors including building management, property development, hotels and catering, retail, laundries, banking, money exchange shops, pharmacies, pet shops, massage parlours, salons, telecommunications and real estate agencies, as well as schools, public utilities and public/non-governmental organisations. The Charter has effectively connected various sectors in collaboratively minimising light nuisance, which is conducive to maintaining good neighbourhoods.

     "I hope the community will continue to support the Charter by switching off the unnecessary external lighting at preset time, so as to save more and provide the community with a better environment conducive to sleep," Mr Tse said.

     The ceremony also recognised two Partners of the Charter for taking the initiative to encourage through their networks a number of premises with external lighting installations to sign up to the Charter. Ms Mak thanked them for shouldering corporate social responsibility to further promote the Charter to various sectors of the community.

     The Working Group was appointed by the Government in August 2018. Apart from promoting the Charter, the Working Group review the effectiveness of the Charter, and advise the Government on further measures to better manage external lighting. It comprises members from professional bodies, relevant trades, academia, green groups and District Councils. 

     "I hope that the community can actively participate in the coming public activities and express their views, so that the Working Group can consolidate views from different parties, and advise the Government on the way forward for managing external lighting in a more comprehensive and effective approach," Ms Mak said.

     The Environment Bureau launched the Charter in April 2016 to invite owners of and responsible persons for external lighting installations to switch off lighting installations with decorative, promotional or advertising purposes that affect the outdoor environment during preset times (i.e. 11pm or midnight to 7am on the following day). The list of participants is available on the Charter's dedicated website (

Communications Authority press release

The following is issued on behalf of the Communications Authority:

     This press release summarises the decisions of the Communications Authority (CA) following its 87th meeting held in June 2019.

Application for renewal of the non-domestic television programme service (non-domestic TV) licence by Times International Media Group Limited (TIMG)
     The CA decided not to renew the non-domestic TV licence of TIMG under section 11(6) of the Broadcasting Ordinance (BO) (Cap. 562) after its expiry on September 28, 2019.

      TIMG was granted a non-domestic TV licence by the former Broadcasting Authority in 2007 with a validity of 12 years. TIMG operates one 24-hour channel (HKMG TV Chinese Channel) in Putonghua for its non-domestic TV service, providing cultural, arts, general entertainment and TV drama programmes targeting the Asia Pacific region.   

      In considering TIMG's application for licence renewal, the CA took into account, inter alia, the financial and managerial capability of TIMG, the overall performance of TIMG during the current licence period, including serious breaches of relevant licence condition due to prolonged delay in the launch of service and suspension of service on two occasions, and its ability to comply with the relevant regulatory requirements. After considering all the documents and information submitted by TIMG as well as the representations of TIMG in response to the CA's provisional decision, the CA concluded that TIMG had failed to demonstrate that it has the financial and managerial capability to continue to provide the proposed service. TIMG also failed to give sufficient assurances to the CA's satisfaction about its capability to fully comply with all the regulatory requirements if its licence is renewed. Following the CA's decision not to renew TIMG's licence, TIMG shall cease to be a non-domestic TV licensee from September 29, 2019.   

Police stringently follow up on illegal activities of damaging Police Headquarters

     Police strongly condemn protestors for blocking Harcourt Road, Arsenal Street and Gloucester Road started at about 10.30pm yesterday (June 26) and further besieging and damaging the Police Headquarters (PHQ) in Wan Chai. Police will stringently follow up on these illegal activities.

     The acts of the protestors seriously affected the work of Police, including the provision of emergency services to the public. The Report Room service in Wan Chai Police Station has been suspended since around 10.40pm yesterday. Eighteen calls of 999 hotline in Wan Chai Division could not be immediately handled. Extra resources were deployed to follow up. The incident also made staff members who were on night shift could not report duty.

     While besieging PHQ, the protestors used mills barriers and sundries to block the entrance and exit gates, threw eggs at PHQ, drew graffiti on the outer walls, and destroyed the closed-circuit television on the outer wall of PHQ. They also targeted strong lights and laser beam at Police officers’ eyes and maliciously obstructed officers from entering and leaving PHQ.

     Police respect the public's freedom of expression, speech and assembly. However, the behaviour of the protestors obviously went beyond the legal boundary, which is not acceptable in our society. Police will deal with these illegal acts in a steadfast manner.

     For the sake of public order and public safety, at about 3.30am, Police took actions to disperse protestors and to take down the obstacles in the vicinity of PHQ to resume traffic. Police’s operations completed at around 6.45am this morning. During the operations, a man was arrested for assaulting police officer.

Effective Exchange Rate Index

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Thursday, June 27, 2019 is 104.8 (down 0.1 against yesterday's index).