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HKETO in Wuhan hosts Reception for the 22nd Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Wuhan (WHETO) today (June 27) held the Reception for the 22nd Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Around 200 guests attended the reception, including representatives from various government departments and authorities, consulates and related institutions, and chambers of commerce and corporations in Hubei and Wuhan; Hong Kong people and students staying in Wuhan; and representatives from Hunan, Henan, Jiangxi and Shanxi. The Director of the WHETO, Mr Vincent Fung, and the Vice Governor of Hubei Province, Mr Zhao Haishan, jointly officiated at the reception.
          In his welcoming remarks, Mr Fung said that since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland 22 years ago, in light of the country’s steady progress on all fronts, the interaction between Hong Kong and the Mainland has become multifaceted. Hong Kong has been actively participating in and taking up significant responsibilities in the country’s process of reform and opening up, and has fully leveraged on the advantages of the “one country, two systems” principle. Through active participation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development, Hong Kong is further promoting the economic development of Hong Kong and the Mainland. Mr Fung added that 2019 is also the year of the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the WHETO. In the years ahead, the WHETO will adhere to the Hong Kong people’s can-do spirit in keeping up its services through participation in and organisation of various activities.
          Thematic exhibitions on the Basic Law and various talent admission schemes were also held at the reception to enhance the participants’ understanding on these topics.

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CE meets with Police Force Council Staff Associations (with photo)

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, met with the chairmen and vice-chairmen of four Police Force Council Staff Associations at Government House today (June 27). The Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, and the Commissioner of Police, Mr Lo Wai-chung, also attended the meeting. The Police Force Council Staff Associations include the Superintendents’ Association, the Hong Kong Police Inspectors’ Association, the Overseas Inspectors’ Association and the Junior Police Officers’ Association.

     Mrs Lam expressed her heartfelt thanks to members of the force for fulfilling their duties with dedication during the disputes and clashes in society caused by the legislative amendment exercise, striking a balance between the public’s freedom of expression and social order, and maintaining law and order in Hong Kong. She said she understands that members of the force and their family members have been put under pressure and that a small number of people even provoked the Police intentionally, which is not acceptable. She praised the force for its distinguished professionalism and restraint all along during this difficult time, carrying out law enforcement impartially against illegal activities and continuing to serve the community. Mrs Lam said that she and her governing team will continue to give their full support for the force.

     Apart from meeting with the Police Force Council Staff Associations today, Mrs Lam met with representatives of the education and religious sectors, senior civil servants and members of other sectors at Government House in the past few days to exchange views on the current social situation. She also met with a number of foreign consuls and representatives to explain to them the latest situation.

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