
Author Archives: hksar gov

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected smuggled mobile phones (with photos)

     â€‹Hong Kong Customs yesterday (June 27) seized 324 suspected smuggled mobile phones with an estimated market value of about $600,000 at Lok Ma Chau Control Point.

     Customs officers intercepted an outgoing private car at Lok Ma Chau Control Point for inspection yesterday evening and found the batch of mobile phones in two false compartments inside the centre console and beneath the front passenger seat. 

     The 58-year-old male driver was arrested. Investigation is ongoing. 

     Smuggling is a serious offence. Under the Import and Export Ordinance, any person found guilty of importing or exporting unmanifested cargo is liable to a maximum fine of $2 million and imprisonment for seven years.

     Members of the public may report any suspected smuggling activities to Customs’ 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (

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Chief Executive appoints Harbourfront Commission members

     The Government announced today (June 28) the Chief Executive’s appointment of 26 members to serve on the Harbourfront Commission (HC) for a two-year term commencing on July 1, 2019.
     Members who are reappointed include eight public officers, 12 organisation members and four individual members (i.e. Mr Hans Joachim Isler, Mr Karl Kwok Chi-leung, Ms Vivian Lee Ying-shih and Mr Tony Tse Wai-chuen). Two new members (i.e. Mr Mac Chan Ho-ting and Ms Angela So Wing-kwan) are also appointed.  
     The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, welcomed the appointments and re-appointments. He said that the two new members are young professionals who would bring new perspectives to the work of the HC. He also expressed gratitude to the two outgoing members, Mr Chan Ka-kui and Mr Walter Chan Kar-lok, for their invaluable contribution in promoting harbourfront development in the past six years.
     “The HC has all along been the Government’s close partner on harbourfront development and a strong advocate on harbourfront vitality and diversity. With the $6 billion earmarked in the Budget this year, we are going to further extend the connected promenade. The Government and the HC will continue to work together to build an even more attractive, vibrant, accessible and sustainable harbourfront for Hong Kong,” Mr Wong said.
     The HC was established in July 2010 to advise the Government on harbourfront planning, design, management and other related matters with the objective of fostering and facilitating the development of the Victoria harbourfront.
     Following is the membership of the HC commencing July 1, 2019:

Mr Vincent Ng Wing-shun

Secretary for Development

Non-official Members (Organisations)
Business Environment Council
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong
Friends of the Earth (HK) Charity Limited
Hong Kong Institute of Architects
Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects
Hong Kong Institute of Planners
Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong
Society for Protection of the Harbour
The Conservancy Association

Non-official Members (Individuals)
Mr Mac Chan Ho-ting
Ms Kelly Chan Yuen-sau
Mr Hans Joachim Isler
Mr Karl Kwok Chi-leung
Ms Janice Lai Wai-man
Ms Christina Maisenne Lee
Ms Vivian Lee Ying-shih
Mr Alan Lo Yeung-kit
Mr Ngan Man-yu
Ms Angela So Wing-kwan
Mr Tony Tse Wai-chuen
Official Members
Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands) or her representative
Commissioner for Tourism or his representative
Commissioner for Transport or her representative
Director of Civil Engineering and Development or his representative
Director of Leisure and Cultural Services or her representative
Director of Marine or her representative
Director of Planning or his representative
Principal Assistant Secretary for Development (Harbour)  read more

Tenders invited for government properties tenancy (3)

     The Government Property Agency is inviting tenders for a three-year tenancy of Shop No. 2 on the ground floor of the Passenger Terminal Building (Public Transport Interchange), Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point, New Territories.

     The premises should only be used for general retail purposes (excluding fast food shop, restaurant, godown, residential use and office use, and excluding sale of any goods or commodities that are subject to export control under laws of Hong Kong, any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislations).

     The tender notice was uploaded today (June 28) to the Agency’s website: Tender documents are available for collection at the Government Property Agency, 31/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, during office hours (8.30am to 5.45pm from Mondays to Fridays). The documents can also be downloaded from the Agency’s website.

     Interested tenderers who wish to inspect the site should make prior appointment with the Government Property Agency by calling 2594 7697 on or before July 16 this year.

     Tenderers must submit their tenders by placing them in the Government Logistics Department Tender Box situated on the Ground Floor, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, before noon on July 31 this year. Late tenders will not be accepted. read more

Gazettal of revised liquidity rules under Banking Ordinance

     The Banking (Liquidity) (Amendment) Rules 2019 (BLAR 2019) were gazetted today (June 28) to bring the regulatory regime in Hong Kong up to date and in line with international standards.
     The BLAR 2019 seek mainly to expand the scope of high-quality liquid assets recognisable as “level 2B assets” under the Liquidity Coverage Ratio and introduce a stable funding charge of 5 per cent for total derivative liabilities maintained by an authorised institution under the Net Stable Funding Ratio, in accordance with Basel III standards. 
     A government spokesman said, “The continued implementation of Basel III standards underlines our commitment to aligning our regulatory regime with the latest international regulatory standards. This is important for Hong Kong as a major international financial centre.”
     A Hong Kong Monetary Authority spokesman said, “We have carefully considered the international practices and the banking industry’s views in formulating the rules to ensure that they befit the local circumstances.”
     The BLAR 2019 will be tabled before the Legislative Council at its sitting on July 3, 2019 (Wednesday) for negative vetting, and will come into operation on January 1, 2020. read more