
Author Archives: hksar gov

Justices of the Peace appointments

     The Government published this year’s appointments of Justices of the Peace (JPs) in the Government Gazette today (July 1).

     A total of 73 persons have been appointed, including 41 JPs appointed under section 3(1)(b) of the Justices of the Peace Ordinance (Chapter 510) (commonly referred to as “Non-official JPs”) and 32 JPs appointed under section 3(1)(a) of the same ordinance (commonly referred to as “Official JPs”).

     The main function of JPs is to visit prisons, detention centres and other institutions to ensure their effective management and that no individual is unfairly treated or deprived of his or her rights.  JPs will ensure that complaints lodged by individuals are handled in a fair and transparent manner.

     The name list of JPs appointed under section 3(1)(b) and section 3(1)(a) of the Justices of the Peace Ordinance is provided in the Appendix. read more

2019 Honours List

     The 2019 Honours List is published in the Government Gazette today (July 1). This is the 22nd full Honours List since 1997.

     The Chief Executive has awarded a total of 399 persons in this year’s Honours List, including:

   Award                                                  Number
   —–                                                     ——-
(a) Grand Bauhinia Medal (GBM)                   2
(b) Gold Bauhinia Star (GBS)                       11
(c) Silver Bauhinia Star (SBS)                      23
(d) Medal for Bravery (Silver) (MBS)              3
(e) Distinguished Service Medals                  16
    for the disciplined services
    and the ICAC
(f) Bronze Bauhinia Star (BBS)                     41
(g) Medal for Bravery (Bronze) (MBB)            7
(h) Meritorious Service Medals for                 46
    the disciplined services
    and the ICAC
(i) Medal of Honour (MH)                             96
(j) Chief Executive’s Commendation            113
   for Community Service
(k) Chief Executive’s Commendation             41
   for Government/Public Service        

     The Honours recipients are from different walks of life. They are given an honour or award in recognition of their significant contributions to Hong Kong or for their dedicated public and community service.

     The presentation ceremony for the awards is tentatively scheduled for early November 2019.

     The citations of the award recipients of the 2019 Honours List are provided in the Appendix. read more