
Author Archives: hksar gov

Special announcement by Education Bureau

Please broadcast the following special announcement immediately and repeat it at suitable intervals:

     Here is an Education Bureau special announcement concerning schools:

     Since students’ attendance of school may be affected by abnormal traffic conditions in the Wan Chai and Central and Western districts today (July 2), the Education Bureau suggests that schools adopt contingency measures under school-based mechanisms and exercise flexibility when handling individual students’ lateness or absence.

     The bureau calls on schools to make suitable arrangements, take proper care of students on campus, maintain communication with parents and, when class is dismissed, allow students to return home only under safe conditions.
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Statement by ExCo Non-official Members

The following is issued on behalf of the Executive Council Secretariat:

     The Non-official Members of the Executive Council (ExCo) today (July 1) issued the following statement against the violent storming of the Legislative Council (LegCo) Complex.

     Hong Kong is a society that respects the rule of law, and has no tolerance for violence. The ExCo Non-official Members strongly condemn protesters who violently stormed the LegCo Complex. Their ruthless and destructive behavior amount to a complete disregard of the law and has seriously undermined Hong Kong’s fine tradition of the rule of law.

     In the face of the protesters’ violent acts, the ExCo Non-official Members render their support for the Police in taking the offenders to task and bringing them to justice to safeguard public order. read more