
Author Archives: hksar gov

Labour Department to hold occupational health public talks

     The Labour Department (LD) will hold a public talk entitled “Health hazards of hot environment at work” on July 24 (Wednesday). The talk, designed for workers in hot environments to enhance their awareness of heat stroke prevention, will include symptoms of heat stroke, its first aid treatment and preventive measures.
     The talk will be given by the LD’s occupational health nurse and occupational hygienist at 3pm in the Lecture Hall of the Hong Kong Space Museum, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui.
    The LD will hold another talk entitled “Occupational stress” on July 29 (Monday) to introduce the symptoms and health impacts of occupational stress, and some effective stress-coping strategies.
     The talk will be given by the LD’s occupational health nurse at 6.30pm in Activity Room 1, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay.
    Both talks will be conducted in Cantonese. Admission is free. For enquiries or registration, please call 2852 4040.
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Japanese artist Shiro Takatani to present multi-media production “ST/LL” in September

     Japanese avant-garde contemporary artist Shiro Takatani will bring his multi-media production “ST/LL” to Hong Kong for its local debut in September. It is one of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department’s “Beyond Multi-arts’ Series” programmes and one of the celebration events to mark the 20th anniversary of the Kwai Tsing Theatre.
     “ST/LL” is a visual spectacle exploring the notion of time and space. The stage becomes a mirror to reflect massive projections and the movement of actors, aiming to transport the audience into a quasi-hypnotic state. Lighting and images intertwine to showcase mirage-like scenes one after another, leading the audience further into a dream-like world.
     Oscar award-winning composer Ryuichi Sakamoto, together with Marihiko Hara and Takuya Minami, create the music and sound effects for “ST/LL”. Japanese actress Mayu Tsuruta, a nominee for Best Supporting Actress for the Japan Academy Film Prize, is one of the four performers.
     “ST/LL” will be staged at 8pm on September 20 and 21 (Friday and Saturday) and at 3pm on September 22 (Sunday) at the Auditorium of Kwai Tsing Theatre. Tickets priced at $200, $280, $380 and $450 are now available at URBTIX ( For telephone credit card bookings, please call 2111 5999. A meet-the-artist session (in Japanese and Cantonese) will be held after the first performance.
     Two extension activities – a screening of “Shiro Takatani – Between Nature and Technology” (in Japanese, French and English with subtitles in Chinese and English) and a pre-performance talk entitled “Exploring the Theatre Art of ST/LL and Shiro Takatani” (in Cantonese and Japanese) will be organised in connection with the performances. Admission is free with limited seats available on a first-come, first-served basis.
     For programme enquiries, concessionary schemes and reservations regarding the extension activities, please call 2268 7323 or visit read more

Second Belt and Road Joint Conference to be held in Beijing

     The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), the National Development and Reform Commission, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and other relevant Mainland authorities will hold the second Belt and Road Joint Conference in Beijing on July 19.

     The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC; the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development and Hong Kong-side Convenor of the Joint Conference, Mr Edward Yau; and representatives from the Department of Justice, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, the Development Bureau, the Belt and Road Office, Invest Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Insurance Authority and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council will attend the Joint Conference.

     The meeting will discuss work priorities and suggestions related to promoting Hong Kong’s participation in and contribution to the Belt and Road Initiative, which include the setting up of a Belt and Road-related dispute avoidance and resolution mechanism and fostering collaborations on policy exchanges and capacity building between the HKSAR Government and relevant Mainland authorities.

     Mr Yau will depart for Beijing tomorrow (July 18) and return to Hong Kong on July 19. Apart from attending the Joint Conference, Mr Yau will meet with representatives of the Ministry of Commerce and state-owned enterprises.

     During the absence of Mr Yau, the Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Dr Bernard Chan, will be the Acting Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development. read more

“M” Mark status awarded to Kitchee vs Manchester City – Jockey Club Kitchee Centre Cup

The following is issued on behalf of the Major Sports Events Committee:
     The Major Sports Events Committee (MSEC) has awarded “M” Mark status to Kitchee vs Manchester City – Jockey Club Kitchee Centre Cup, which will be held on July 24.
     To provide the public with more opportunities to watch high-level matches, the funding scope of the “M” Mark scheme was expanded in April 2019 to cover exhibition matches or tournaments that are organised by national sports associations. These matches shall involve world-class top athletes or teams. Kitchee vs Manchester City – Jockey Club Kitchee Centre Cup is the first exhibition match to be awarded “M” Mark status. 
     The Chairman of the MSEC, Mr Karl Kwok, said today (July 17) that the exhibition match, like all “M” Mark events, will add colour and vibrancy to Hong Kong. Apart from promoting football culture in Hong Kong, it can help attract more visitors.
     “‘M’ Mark events showcase Hong Kong’s capability to host world-class events and reinforce its position as the events capital of Asia,” Mr Kwok said.
     “‘M’ Mark events also help generate economic benefits for Hong Kong by attracting tourists. They also instil a sustainable sporting culture in the community, and help foster a sense of pride and social cohesion,” he added.
     The “M” Mark System was launched in 2004 to help local national sports associations organise more major sports events and nurture them into sustainable undertakings. Sports events meeting the assessment criteria will be granted “M” Mark status by the MSEC. Funding support will also be provided to some of the event organisers.
     The number of recognised “M” Mark events increased from four in 2005 to 12 in 2018. So far, around $146.31 million has been approved to support recognised “M” Mark events.
     For details of other “M” Mark events, please visit read more