
Author Archives: hksar gov

Heads of disciplinary forces condemn violence and strongly support HKSAR Government’s administration

     The Director of Immigration, Mr Tsang Kwok-wai; the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Mr Hermes Tang; the Director of Fire Services, Mr Li Kin-yat; the Commissioner of Correctional Services, Mr Woo Ying-ming; and the Controller of the Government Flying Service, Mr Michael Chan, issued the following statement today (July 24):

     Regarding some media reports about the comments made by alleged disciplinary force members on Internet discussion forum, the departments solemnly stress that being disciplinary forces of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), we have all along been endeavouring to uphold the rule of law in Hong Kong and strive to maintain its prosperity, stability and safety.

     We strongly condemn the recent violence outbreaks that have harmed the social order in an immense scale and put the public safety at risk. The disciplinary forces will stay united to keep up their commitment, continue to do their utmost in upholding Hong Kong’s rule of law and give unwavering support to the Chief Executive and the HKSAR Government in effectively administering Hong Kong in accordance with the law. read more

Transcript of remarks by SCMA at media session on EAC’s report on REO’s loss of Register of Electors

     Following is the transcript of remarks made by the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Patrick Nip, at a media session today (July 24) at the Central Government Offices on the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC)’s independent investigation report on the loss of a Register of Electors:

Reporter: When exactly did the Chief Electoral Officer first find out about the loss of the Register of Electors? Why did it take so long, nearly two years, for the government to make public the findings? Was there any cover-up involved? Is there any need for a full revamp of the personnel involved in the incident?

Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs: Thank you very much for your questions. The EAC’s investigation report has set out the facts and findings of the investigation.  We have also explained before what follow-up actions we had taken when it came to our notice that there was a possibility of losing the Register.  Once we confirmed the Register was lost, we had taken all necessary follow-up actions to remediate the situation. What’s your second question?

Reporter: Why did the government take so long to make public the findings about the loss (of the Register of Electors)? More than two years.

Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs: The investigation report also explains that because of the deficiency in the internal management of the REO (Registration and Electoral Office) and in the handling of electoral materials, when the Register of Electors failed to be found, there was not an immediate reporting mechanism within the REO (for staff) to report to the seniors.  Even after it had come to the notice of the seniors, because of their lack of sensitivity, no proper immediate follow-up actions had been taken. So it is important for us to set out an internal guideline within the department to make sure that in future there will be a mechanism in place to make sure that whenever there is a possibility (of any loss of electoral materials), this will be reported to the seniors and necessary follow-up actions will be taken.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.) read more

Inpatient absconds from Castle Peak Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Castle Peak Hospital (CPH) made the following appeal today (July 24) regarding an inpatient who has absconded from the hospital:
     A 47-year-old male inpatient was found missing at about 2.40pm today after arriving at the Main Block of Tuen Mun Hospital under escort by staff from CPH for medical follow-up. CPH is very concerned about the incident and reported to the Police immediately. The hospital will fully co-operate with the Police to locate the patient.
     The patient is 1.69 metres tall and of medium build with black short hair. He was wearing a blue jacket and green trousers at the time he absconded. The hospital appeals to the public to contact the Report Room of Tuen Mun Police Station at 3661 5800 or call CPH at 2456 7111 if they know the whereabouts of the patient.
     The incident has been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office via the Advance Incident Reporting System. The hospital will communicate with the patient’s relatives to provide necessary assistance. read more