Police severely condemn radical protestors’ law-breaking behaviours

     Police severely condemn the illegal acts by a group of radical protestors who vandalised numerous government property, setting fires, attacking Police officers with various lethal weapons during protests in Sai Ying Pun and Sheung Wan yesterday (July 28).

     Although the Police have clearly objected to the application for a public procession from Chater Garden to Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park, the Police facilitated the organiser in holding a public meeting in Chater Garden, Central. However, at around 3.30pm, which was about half an hour after the meeting started, a large group of protestors proceeded eastward and westward, blocking carriageways in Sai Ying Pun and Causeway Bay respectively, causing traffic obstruction in a number of areas on Hong Kong Island. According to the law, this was an unauthorised assembly. In addition, protestors in Causeway Bay destroyed government property and created road blocks, causing serious traffic obstruction.

     At 7pm, the radical protestors who gathered around Western Police Station hurled miscellaneous objects such as bricks at Police officers. To prevent the situation from deteriorating, Police stopped such dangerous behaviours with appropriate use of force and conducted dispersal operation. The use of tear gas was to establish a safe distance between protestors and the Police in order to avoid direct confrontation.

     During the dispersal operation, radical protestors set fires at various locations. At the junction of Des Voeux Road Central and Morrison Street, some even set fire to a trolley of carton papers and used objects. They pushed the burning trolley to Police officers, seriously threatening the safety of everyone at scene. Radical protestors also burnt miscellaneous objects inside a rubbish bin at the junction of Queen's Road Central and Morrison Street.

     Also, the radical protestors attacked Police officers with blatant disregard for the consequences. Such attacks included hurling bricks, glass bottles, paint bombs; pouring suspected corrosive liquids; and shooting metal marbles with a crossbow. Large traffic signs removed from kerbs and hefty objects were hurled from height at Police officers near Rumsey Street in Sheung Wan, posing serious threats to their lives. Police also seized at scene bows and arrows which are lethal weapons.

     Regarding the incident yesterday, Police have arrested at least 49 persons for offences including unauthorised assembly and possession of offensive weapon.

     The radical protestors’ acts were getting increasingly violent. They escalated from removing railings, hurling metal poles and bricks to extensive arson and destruction. Police severely condemn such behaviours which have obviously deviated from the principle of expressing opinions in a peaceful manner. Police reiterate the determination and capability to bring offenders to justice.

Government response to protests on Hong Kong Island

     In response to the protests on Hong Kong Island yesterday (July 28), a Government spokesman said the following:

     Since yesterday afternoon, some members of the public had been participating in unauthorised assemblies at various locations on Hong Kong Island. Some radical protesters acted violently in parts of Sheung Wan and Western District, including hurling bricks at police officers, committing arson and pushing towards the police cordon line a cart with burning cardboards, threatening the safety of police officers and members of the public. We strongly condemn the radical protesters who disregarded the law and order and violently breached the public peace. We will continue to give full support to the police to strictly enforce the law to stop all violent behaviours with a view to resuming public order as soon as possible.

     In addition, some members of the public occupied the roads in Causeway Bay. They damaged public properties and obstructed traffic with barriers, seriously affecting public services such as buses and trams. We express regret over such behaviours which are illegal and caused inconvenience to members of the public. We once again appeal to members of the public to express views in a peaceful and rational manner and abide by the law.

Police proceeded with second round of dispersal operation

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:

     Police’s dispersal operation is still ongoing and a large number of protestors are still gathering in Sheung Wan area (July 28). Police officers have proceeded with another round of dispersal operation and are moving their cordon lines from Shun Tak Centre on the west side and Harbour Building on the east side. Also, Police have set cordon lines on the roads on the south side.

     Police appeal to all protestors to immediately leave the area via MTR Sheung Wan Station. Police warn that arrest action will be taken if protestors refuse to leave.

Protestors committed arson in Sheung Wan

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:

     Police officers are conducting a dispersal operation eastward on Hong Kong Island while some protestors committed arson at various locations. In the vicinity of Western Market in Sheung Wan, some protestors set ablaze a cart with miscellaneous objects and pushed them towards Police cordon line, seriously threatening the safety of everyone at scene. Police condemn the protestors’ escalating violence and appeal to everyone at scene to stay calm.

     Police reiterate that the protestors participating in the unauthorised assembly are breaking the law. Police appeal to the protestors to stop charging Police cordon lines or assaulting Police officers. They should stop all illegal acts and leave the scene immediately.

Police appeal to residents to mind their own safety

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:

     Since this afternoon (July 28), some protestors have been participating in an unauthorised assembly at various locations on Hong Kong Island. Police are currently conducting a dispersal operation on the main roads in the vicinity of the Western Division Police Station, including Des Voeux Road West and Connaught Road West. Police officers are moving eastward to Central, with tear gas used. Police appeal to protestors at scene to leave immediately and stop charging Police cordon lines.

     Prior to the operation, Police have liaised with the management of the residential buildings in the neighbourhood, and reminded them about the imminent protests and Police's prospective actions for their respective preparation.

     Police now appeal to members of the public to stay tuned to the latest situation, keep windows closed if necessary, stay indoors and avoid travelling to the area concerned.