TAC briefed on smart mobility initiatives

The following is issued on behalf of the Transport Advisory Committee:

     The Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) was briefed today (July 30) on the smart mobility initiatives relating to road transport. 

     The Transport Department (TD) has recently published a Smart Mobility Roadmap for Hong Kong (the Roadmap) which integrates the five key objectives of smart mobility, namely Safe, Informative, Green, Mobile and Accessible, into the "ΣSIGMA" vision and sets out the smart mobility strategy comprising three interrelated key dimensions, namely Smart Transport Infrastructure, Data Sharing and Analytics and Applications and Services.

     The TAC Chairman, Professor Stephen Cheung, said, "Members note that the TD is taking forward a wide range of specific projects covered by the Roadmap, and would update the Roadmap in a timely manner having regard to the latest technological advances and the ever-changing environment of Hong Kong. Members welcome the Government's proposals to leverage technology for enhancing traffic management, alleviating road traffic congestion and optimising the use of limited road space in Hong Kong.

     "Members support the Government's various smart mobility initiatives, and in particular welcome the TD's proposals to conduct trials on the application of geo-fencing technology on vehicles in 2020 for enhancing operational safety of franchised buses, and the roll out of pilot projects to assess the feasibility and applicability of different types of automated parking systems. These trials facilitate better understanding of the feasibility of such technologies for wider application in the long term," Professor Cheung added.

Anglers’ Beach reopened

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (July 30) that the shark prevention net at Anglers' Beach in Tsuen Wan District has been repaired and the beach has been reopened.

     The beach was temporarily closed earlier for shark prevention net maintenance work.

Hong Kong signs MOU with Singapore on expertise and experience exchange in infrastructure project management and delivery (with photos)

     The Development Bureau (DEVB) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Singapore signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Singapore today (July 30) to enhance collaboration in exchanging expertise and experience in infrastructure project management and delivery.

     The MOU was signed by the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr Lam Sai-hung, and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance of Singapore, Mrs Tan Ching-yee.

     Mr Lam said, "Hong Kong and Singapore share many similarities in terms of city-scape, population densities and economic activities, among others. Both of us are facing common challenges as well as opportunities in the delivery of infrastructure programmes. Under the MOU, we agree to strengthen the co-operation in uplifting the productivity and performance of the construction industry in our respective markets and transform project delivery through the adoption of digitisation and innovative construction methods, as well as enhancing the leadership competency and project delivery capability of project leaders."

     Also attending the signing ceremony was the Principal Government Engineer, Mr John Kwong, representing the Project Strategy and Governance Office of the DEVB.

Photo  Photo  

Marine Department announcement

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:
     Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:
     As Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.1 has been issued, the Marine Department reminds vessel owners, masters and persons-in-charge of vessels that they should take precautionary measures immediately and properly secure their vessels at safe locations.
     In case of an accident, a report should be made immediately to the Vessel Traffic Centre at 2233 7801.

Effective Exchange Rate Index

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 is 105.3 (down 0.1 against yesterday's index).