Public urged to report flooding

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:

     Members of the public are advised to report any street flooding that comes to their notice to the Drainage Services Department by calling the 24-hour drainage hotline on 2300 1110.

HA improves presentation of elective surgery waiting time information

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The Hospital Authority (HA) today (July 31) updated on its website the waiting time information for new case booking for Specialist Outpatient Clinic (SOPC) services and elective surgery in the latest quarter.  At the same time, a new presentation of waiting time information for elective surgeries for cataract and total joint replacement has been introduced to show the actual waiting time of patients having their surgeries performed. The new presentation aims at enhancing the transparency and the relevance of the waiting time information as a reference for patients in their treatment plan decisions.

     The HA Chief Manager (Quality and Standards), Dr Lau Ka-hin, said, "For instance, the previous presentation of 'notional (estimated average) waiting time' has presumed a constant surgery service capacity against a snapshot of the number of patients waiting. In fact, the overall service capacity of surgical operations, number of elective and emergency surgeries performed and the actual number of patients waiting are continuously changing. Hence, the 'notional (estimated average) waiting time' may not reflect the actual waiting time situation."

     "The new presentation provides the actual waiting time information of patients having their surgeries performed, reflecting the real service situation. This presentation is similar to the statistical presentations of other HA services such as SOPC new case booking and Accident and Emergency waiting time, by presenting the actual instead of projected situation. This will be more comprehensible to patients and facilitate their decision-making."

     Dr Lau emphasised that the waiting time information on the website is presented as a reference only. Patients waiting for surgeries are having regular follow-ups at the SOPCs, with clinicians' scheduling the surgery dates according to clinical condition and urgency for operation. "Doctors will review the patient's latest situation and provide appropriate treatment during the regular follow-up appointments, while the timing of surgery will also be adjusted according to patient's latest clinical condition."
     With an ever-growing number of patients waiting for elective surgeries and prolonged waiting time, the HA continues to implement various improvement measures. For instance, the HA has reviewed the waiting list of total joint replacement surgery to delete duplicated bookings and completed surgery cases so as to release more operation timeslots. Meanwhile, non-surgical treatments will be provided to patients to alleviate their clinical condition while waiting.
     The HA will continue to allocate resources, through the annual plan exercise, to various Cluster programmes to enhance surgical services in the long term.
     The HA also updated SOPC new case booking waiting time information today. Members of the public are welcome to browse the information on the HA website or the mobile application "HA Touch".

Open API Framework for the Banking Sector: One year on

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) announced today (July 31) the implementation progress and the future plans for the Open Application Programming Interface (Open API) Framework for the Hong Kong Banking Sector (the Framework).
     The HKMA introduced the Framework in July 2018, which aims to facilitate the development and wider adoption of APIs by the banking sector. The Framework adopts a four-phase (Note 1) implementation approach.  Since the launch of Phase I in January 2019 as scheduled, the 20 participating retail banks have made available more than 500 Open APIs, offering access to information of a wide range of banking products and services. Websites and mobile apps are increasingly making use of these Open APIs in the provision of various services such as foreign exchange rate information, deposit rate and loan product comparison.
     The 20 participating retail banks will further launch Phase II Open APIs by end of October 2019 as scheduled (Note 2) to process applications for banking products and services. However, as in Phase I, it may take time for new applications using these Open APIs to gradually emerge in the market, depending on the complexity of the API design of individual banks.
     Since Phase III and IV Open APIs involve access to customer data and processing of transactions, their implementations are more complex and require stronger control measures.  Having discussed with the relevant stakeholders, and taken into account the experience in the implementation of Phase I and II as well as relevant international practices, the HKMA considers it desirable to define a more detailed set of standards for Phase III and IV Open APIs to facilitate secure and efficient implementation across the industry before setting out a concrete implementation timetable.  By standardising data definitions and transfer processes, accurate data aggregation can be achieved and customer trust in using the related services can be enhanced.  In this connection, the HKMA will work with the industry on details of API standardisation in the next few months with a view to publishing a set of technical standards in 2020.
     Meanwhile, some banks and third-party service providers are already collaborating on a bilateral basis for early adoption of Open APIs under Phase III and IV. The HKMA will continue to encourage such developments while working on the sector-wide framework and will take account of the experience of these banks during the API standardisation. The HKMA will keep abreast of market responses and international developments of Open APIs to review and refine the implementation plans as necessary.
     Deputy Chief Executive of the HKMA, Mr Howard Lee said, "We are pleased to see the encouraging progress of banking Open APIs in the past year. As we move on to the next phase, with more sensitive data and complex functions covered, it is even more important to ensure security and safeguard customer interests. What the HKMA now sets for Phase III and IV will lay a solid foundation for further opening up of banking data and functions in a prudent manner while balancing the industry needs for API development. This move will help contribute to Hong Kong's development as a smart city and, in conjunction with other Smart Banking initiatives the HKMA has announced, further strengthen our status as an international financial centre and fintech hub in the region."

Note 1: The four phases of Open API are: Product information (Phase I); Customer acquisition (Phase II); Account information (Phase III); and Transactions (Phase IV).

Note 2: A summary of implementation roadmaps for Phase II was published on the HKMA website in May 2019.

Customs Inspector recruitment examination postponed

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

     Please broadcast the following as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:

     The Customs and Excise Department announces that due to inclement weather, the group discussion for the Customs Inspector recruitment examination scheduled in the afternoon today (July 31) will be postponed. Candidates will be informed of the rescheduling arrangement through emails.

Schedule for issuing press releases on statistical data

     Following is a reminder of the press releases on statistical data to be issued between August and November 2019. The schedule for issuing press releases on statistical data in 2019 was provided to the media in September 2018. No change has been made to the original schedule.

August 2019
Date Press Release
—– —————
1 Retail sales statistics for June 2019
2 Restaurant receipts and purchases statistics for second quarter 2019
13 Mid-year population for 2019
15 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for June 2019
16 Revised figures on Gross Domestic Product for second quarter 2019 (Note1)
19 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for May – July 2019
20 Consumer Price Index for July 2019
26 External merchandise trade statistics for July 2019
30 Retail sales statistics for July 2019
September 2019
Date Press Release
—– —————
5 Statistics on vessels, port cargo and containers for second quarter 2019
9 Quarterly business receipts indices for service industries for second quarter 2019
10 Statistics on trade involving outward processing in the mainland of China for second quarter 2019
11 Construction output statistics for second quarter 2019
12 Index of industrial production and producer price index for industrial sector for second quarter 2019
16 Gross National Income and external primary income flows for second quarter 2019
17 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for June – August 2019
17 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for July 2019
19 Employment and vacancies statistics for June 2019
19 Chain volume measures of Gross Domestic Product by economic activity for second quarter 2019
20 Consumer Price Index for August 2019
23 Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics for second quarter 2019
26 External merchandise trade statistics for August 2019
26 Wage and payroll statistics for June 2019
October 2019
Date Press Release
—– —————
2 Retail sales statistics for August 2019
15 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for August 2019
18 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for July – September 2019
18 Business expectations for fourth quarter 2019
22 Consumer Price Index for September 2019
24 External merchandise trade statistics for September 2019
25 Salary indices for managerial and professional employees for June 2019
31 Advance estimates on Gross Domestic Product for third quarter 2019 (Note2)
November 2019
Date Press Release
—– —————
1 Retail sales statistics for September 2019
5 Restaurant receipts and purchases statistics for third quarter 2019
14 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for September 2019
15 Revised figures on Gross Domestic Product for third quarter 2019 (Note2)
18 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for August – October 2019
21 Consumer Price Index for October 2019
26 External merchandise trade statistics for October 2019
Note1: Starting from the reference period of the first quarter of 2019, C&SD will issue press releases on advance estimates on quarterly GDP. C&SD will compile and release revised figures on GDP in the "Gross Domestic Product (Quarterly) Report" when more data become available. The revised figures on GDP for the second quarter of 2019 will also be included in the "Half-yearly Economic Report 2019" and the press release to be issued by the Office of the Government Economist under the Financial Secretary's Office on the economic situation in the second quarter of 2019 and second update of GDP and price forecasts for 2019 as a whole. No separate press release on the revised figures on GDP will be issued by C&SD.  
Note2: Starting from the reference period of the first quarter of 2019, C&SD will issue press releases on advance estimates on quarterly GDP. C&SD will compile and release revised figures on GDP in the "Gross Domestic Product (Quarterly) Report" when more data become available. The revised figures on GDP for the third quarter of 2019 will also be included in the "Third Quarter Economic Report 2019" and the press release to be issued by the Office of the Government Economist under the Financial Secretary's Office on the economic situation in the third quarter of 2019 and final update of GDP and price forecasts for 2019 as a whole. No separate press release on the revised figures on GDP will be issued by C&SD.  

     The schedule for regular press releases in the other months of 2019 can be downloaded at the website of the Census and Statistics Department (