Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected cocaine (with photo)

     Hong Kong Customs yesterday (August 3) seized about three kilograms of suspected cocaine with an estimated market value of about $2.9 million at the Hong Kong International Airport.

     A female passenger arrived at Hong Kong from Sao Paulo, Brazil via Doha, Qatar yesterday afternoon. During customs clearance, the suspected cocaine was found being concealed inside false compartments of her briefcase. The woman was then arrested.

     The arrested woman, aged 60, has been charged with one count of trafficking in a dangerous drug. She will appear at West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts tomorrow (August 5).

     Under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, trafficking in a dangerous drug is a serious offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $5 million and life imprisonment.

     Members of the public may report any suspected drug trafficking activities to the Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (crimereport@customs.gov.hk).


Police conducting dispersal operation in Western District

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:
     Participants who deviated from the public meeting in Belcher Bay Park have arrived at Queen’s Road West to set up barricades, blocking roads. 
     Police warn all protestors to stop their illegal acts immediately. In face of the situation, anti-riot police are using tear gas and minimum force to disperse the protestors.
     Police appeal to residents in the vicinity to stay tuned to the latest situation and if necessary, keep their windows shut and stay indoors.

Some participants taking part in unauthorized assembly in Western District

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:
Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:
     At 6.45pm today (August 4), some participants of a public meeting in the Western District left the venue of assembly in Belcher Bay Park and proceeded to Des Voeux Road West, heading towards Central. They are blocking carriageways and are committing the offence of “Participating in an unauthorized assembly”.
     Police appeal to members of the public to leave immediately. Due to the obstruction of traffic, drivers are advised to stay tuned to the latest traffic arrangement.

Tseung Kwan O Police Station is criminally damaged

     Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:
     Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:
     A large group of radical protestors are currently gathering outside the Tseung Kwan O Police Station and hurling hard objects into the building, breaking multiple glass windows and causing serious threat to the safety of everyone at the scene.
     In face of the situation, Police will conduct a dispersal operation very soon.
     Police appeal to members of the public to leave the area immediately. Police condemn all violent acts by the protestors.

Protestors hurled objects into Tseung Kwan O Police Station

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:
Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:
     Some protestors gathered outside Tseung Kwan O Police Station, daubing the building with paint and hurling miscellaneous objects into the station.
     Police warn the protestors to stop their illegal acts at once and to leave peacefully.