Violent acts in various locations in Hong Kong

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:
     A large group of protestors are blocking roads extensively and setting fire to miscellaneous objects, posing a serious threat to the safety of the road users at scene.  The protestors are surrounding and attacking various police stations and the adjacent Disciplined Services Quarters, hurling igniting objects and hard objects, making damages to the premises. 
     The Police strongly condemn the violent acts and warn the protestors to stop all illegal acts immediately.  Police is using minimum force to disperse the protestors.

North Point Police Station Report Room service suspended

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:

     The report room services of North Point Police Station are now temporarily suspended. Police appeal to members of the public not to obstruct the emergency vehicles access so as to avoid affecting the emergency services provided to the public. In case of emergency, please call 999.

Tin Shui Wai Police Station Report Room service suspended

Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:

     The report room services of Tin Shui Wai Police Station are now temporarily suspended. Police appeal to members of the public not to obstruct the emergency vehicles access so as to avoid affecting the emergency services provided to the public. In case of emergency, please call 999.

SLW visits elderly care facilities in Tokyo (with photos)

     The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, today (August 5) visited a number of public and private organisations providing elderly-friendly services in his visit to Tokyo, Japan.
     Dr Law first visited the Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for Social Welfare and Public Health to learn more about its work on promoting the use of gerontechnology. Together with the Chairperson of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Mr Bernard Chan, and the Executive Director, Charities and Community of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Mr Cheung Leong, he toured an exhibition hall where a wide range of aiding equipment catering for different needs of elderly users in both residential and community care settings was displayed and available for rental. He then visited an integrated elderly care facility of Social Welfare Corporation Zenkoukai and was briefed on how technology has been applied to improve staff deployment to deliver more efficient care services for elderly persons, including patients with dementia and those with poor health or disabilities.
     In the afternoon, Dr Law had lunch with clients of a day care centre for the elderly and was pleased to hear about their daily lives in the centre. He then proceeded to Future Care Lab in Japan under the same operator where he took the opportunity to see tailor-made food products for the elderly. The food texture has taken into account nutrition needs, safety and swallowing difficulties of the frail elderly while the taste is delicious.
     Dr Law also attended a panel discussion on care food to hear presentations by Japanese experts on elderly care food from the healthcare sector, academia and the trade on the importance of rehabilitation nutrition. While giving an outline of elderly policies in Hong Kong, Dr Law pointed out that the blend of nursing care and technology was of great reference value to Hong Kong in developing a more sustainable service model for elderly care.
     He will meet with more representatives of the care food business this evening to discuss the promotion of care food supply and will continue with other visits in the following two days.

Photo  Photo  Photo  Photo  

Police conducting dispersal operation in Wong Tai Sin

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:

     A large group of protestors gathering in the vicinity of Lung Cheung Road blocked the roads, hurling miscellaneous objects at Police officers, posing a serious safety threat to members of the public at scene.

     After repeated but futile warnings, in face of the situation, Police deployed tear gas, using minimum force to disperse the protestors.

     Police appeal to everyone in the area and members of the public nearby to leave immediately.

     Police appeal to residents in the vicinity to stay tuned to the latest situation and if necessary, keep their windows shut and stay indoors.