We must work together to deliver real change for victims of serious sexual assault: Long

Justice Minister Naomi Long has stressed the importance of working together across the justice system, the Executive and the voluntary and community sector to implement the recommendations of the Gillen Report in a way that will delivers the reform envisaged.

Minister announces extension of protections from bedroom tax

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey MLA today announced her plans for the extension of the welfare mitigations to the bedroom tax beyond 31 March 2020.

PwC Assured Skills Academy offers 20 high quality training places in Belfast

The Department for the Economy and PwC have launched a new PwC Future Business Assured Skills Academy offering 20 high quality training places.

West End Local Community Planning Partnership meeting

The West End Local Community Planning Partnership is a quarterly meeting at which representatives from different council departments, councillors and representatives from other organisations like police, fire and rescue and the NHS to discuss local issues and matters of concern and also let local residents raise issues, ask questions and have their say.

The next meeting is at Blackness Library this Thursday – 6th February – at 2pm :


1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Minute of Meeting  of  21st November 2019 and Matters Arising

3. Residents’ Parking – Consultation Plan

4. Local Community Plan

5. Dundee Partnership Funding Allocation

6. Best Value Audit 2020

7. Partner Updates

8. Dates of Future Meetings:

7th May (7pm), venue to be confirmed. Theme – Population/Deprivation, Understanding the West End Community
6th August (7pm)
5th November (2pm)

Walkabout dates 30th April and 29th October; location(s) to be confirmed.

Funding opportunity for older peoples’ groups

Older People Engaging Needs funding – closing date of Friday 21st February :