Mallon announces £206,000 investment for Ballyquin Road, Limavady

Infrastructure Minister, Nichola Mallon has announced a £206,000 resurfacing scheme for Ballyquin Road, Limavady will start on Thursday 13 February 2020.

Department of Health statement on Coronavirus

We would like to again assure the public that plans are in place to deal with a positive test for coronavirus in Northern Ireland when it occurs.

Agencies ready to respond to Storm Ciara

Multi-agency partners met earlier today as preparations continue ahead of forecast severe weather and Storm Ciara this weekend and early next week.

Mallon announces a £195,000 resurfacing scheme for the Great Northern Link, Strabane

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon has announced a £195,000 resurfacing scheme on the A5 Great Northern Link, Strabane will start on Monday 10 February 2020

Getting things done – Clayhills Drive #dundeewestend

I have recently received complaints about the poor road condition of parts of Clayhills Drive.

I took this matter up with the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and have received the following potentially positive response :

“Structural inlays at various location in Clayhills Drive are provisionally scheduled to be carried out in March/ April of this year, subject to budget availability.”

I have asked to be kept updated by the Roads Maintenance Partnership on this given the poor state of parts of the road here.