Getting things done – Magdalen Green #dundeewestend

Recently, the Friends of Magdalen Green highlighted to me the extent of overgrown foliage from the Network Rail land adjacent to the rail line protruding onto the Green – see right.

I took this up with Network Rail and am grateful for its prompt and comprehensive response in thinning out the vegetation.

Mallon announces £500,000 investment for A36 Moorfields Road, Ballymena

Infrastructure Minister, Nichola Mallon has announced a £500,000 resurfacing scheme for A36 Moorfields, Ballymena has commenced.

Mallon commits to turning Northern Ireland’s lights back on

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon has welcomed an additional £3million for winter gritting services, street lighting repairs and road maintenance.

Murphy allocates additional funds for education, health and infrastructure

Finance Minister Conor Murphy has today allocated £18 million to education, health and infrastructure.

No ward surgeries tonight

As today is a school holiday (mid-term), my usual ward surgeries do not take place but I can be contacted at any time at home on 459378 or by e-mail at

My surgeries resume on Thursday – Blackness Primary School at 6.15pm (in the staff room, ground floor).