Murphy presses Treasury on support for workers and families

Finance Minister, Conor Murphy this evening joined Finance Ministers from Scotland and Wales on a conference call with Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Stephen Barclay.

Importance of food production and distribution never been more important – Poots

DAERA Minister Edwin Poots has urged consumers to buy responsibly whilst thanks agri-food sector for keeping food on our tables.

Community pharmacies crucial to COVID-19 response

Community pharmacies have a critical role to play in how we respond to the challenges that COVID-19 brings.

£100,000 road improvement scheme at Millfield, Belfast

A £100,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme on Millfield, Belfast will commence on Monday 23 March 2020.

Amazon vans concern tackled #dundeewestend

I have recently had complaints about the extent of white vans parked at various locations north of the Amazon site on Riverside Avenue – for example on Perth Road near to the Invercarse Hotel.

This is not a new problem in that I had complaints last year from Riverside Drive near Vernonholme and in Newhall Gardens.   At the time, the then Amazon Delivery Station Manager resolved matters.

I took this most recent series of concerns to the new Delivery Station Manager who responded very promptly and positively as follows :

“Thanks for letting me know about the issues our neighbours are having. I have already briefed the delivery companies with regards to not leaving vans out on the street. I drove through Perth Road and some of the adjacent roads … (around 03:00) to see the extend of vans being left- and have found 8-10 vans which look like they could belong to the one of our providers. 

I have sent an email to will brief  all delivery service companies again this morning to get these vans picked up by the hire company.

As for blocking the bus lanes and Perth Road in the morning, I can only assume that this is due to the drivers arriving early for work and not having space in the yard to park. We are working on securing perminant additional parking to ensure we have somewhere for drivers who arrive early to go. 

Again, I will brief the delivery service partners on ensuring they don’t block the road or public transport areas.

Please let me know if this continues. I will make sure we are monitoring it from our side as well.

Thanks again for raising your constituency members concerns. I’ll ensure we get this resolved.”