Coronavirus (COVID-19): scientific evidence supporting the UK government response

The national and global response to the spread of COVID-19 continues to develop quickly and our collective knowledge of the virus is growing by the second.

Balgay Hill road safety – an update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that I recently had a meeting with a senior member of environment management at the City Council and with two Balgay Park regular users about safety concerns about the speed of some vehicles using the road up to the observatory.

I have now received feedback on actions council management has taken thus far following this meeting :

“Cleaning and signage,
The roads have been mechanically swept and the speed limit is clear to see from road markings and vertical signage. However to compliment this I still intend to add new signage at the entrance providing awareness and educational message. 

Following discussion with Leisure and Culture Dundee (LACD),  I also confirm that we plan to work together to improve directional signage leading to the observatory.

Barrier security, 
Due to operational requirements LACD employees open the barriers when they arrive for duty which is in advance of the public opening times as they have other duties to fulfil in the observatory, unfortunately it is not practical for members of staff to open and secure/close barrier as they come in and then have to come back to re open the barrier for the public opening times. Following discussion with my colleague at LACD I am in agreement that this most practical option available and I am happy to confirm most recent opening timings once received.

Speed bumps, 
Our officers have met with City Development engineers to gain advise on the type, placement and costs for the potential installation of speed bumps and await a response.  

Blocked areas, 
Upon inspection 2 locations which should have rock armour in place and had been moved for operation work requirements, these shall be replaced to ensure the area is blocked off to vehicles.  
Speeding/driver behaviour,
Information received regarding the vehicle speeding etc was passed to our LACD colleagues and understand this has been addressed.

I hope you find this information helpful and will come back to you once I have more information relating to the speed bumps.”

I have fed back some very useful feedback from park users to this response and welcome further feedback.   It is important that the safety issues are comprehensively tackled.

The Northern Ireland Planning Statistics: Third Quarter 2019/20 Statistical Bulletin, has been published today

Provisional planning statistics for the third quarter of 2019/20 are now available. These data provide an overall view of planning activity.

Driving tests suspended for three months to protect DVA customers and staff from COVID-19

The Driver & Vehicle Agency will suspend practical driving tests for three months from the last test today, following the latest advice from public health authorities to delay the spread of the Coronavirus.

COVID-19: Business Support Grant Schemes

In order to protect the livelihoods that support our families and our communities, the Executive has announced a grant of £10,000 to be provided to all small businesses who are eligible for the Small Business Rate Relief Scheme and a grant of £25,000 to be provided to companies in the hospitality, tourism and retail sectors with a rateable value from £15,000 up to £51,000.