Executive Daily Update: Initiatives to deal with Coronavirus (15 April 2020)

Northern Ireland Executive Ministers and their officials have over the past 24 hours been involved in a number of initiatives and critical decisions relating to the Coronavirus emergency.

Our Schools Need You – Education Minister expresses gratitude to volunteers

Education Minister Peter Weir has thanked all those in the education sector who have volunteered to give urgent assistance in response to Covid-19.

Covid-19 press conference – 15 April 2020

The First Minister Arlene Foster and deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill provide an update on actions being taken in response to the Covid-19 crisis. They thanked frontline workers & volunteers and urged the public to stay at home and save lives as restrictions continue.

Long: Stay at home does not mean suffer at home

While we are all being urged to stay at home to stop the spread of Coronavirus, this does not mean victims of domestic violence should feel forgotten or alone, Justice Minister Naomi Long has said.

Latest Friends of Wighton update!

From Sheena Wellington :

Hello everyone, I hope you are fit and well!  

We can’t invite you to the Wighton at the moment but we can invite you to enjoy the music some of our friends are providing online

First up, the great Thursday evening session at the Fisherman’s Tavern, Broughty Ferry, has gone digital and international.    It can be enjoyed at your leisure so catch it here.
And from our PhD student Mary-Jannet Leith and partner Thomas Allery :  

“#Ensemble Hesperi at Home – LIVE lunchtime concert series every Friday!
Having mainly figured out how to live stream, Tom and I will be giving a live concert every Friday lunchtime at 1pm from our little West London living room. Having reviewed the various options for platforms, we have decided to go ‘live’ on Facebook, rather than Twitter as previously advertised.

As far as we understand, you don’t need to have a Facebook account to watch – just head to here and we should, fingers crossed, be there.

We’ll be performing for about half an hour, and chatting a bit about what we’re up to, so please join us – it would be great to see you! There will be some Scottish Baroque, Handel, Fontana, Geminiani, Sammartini and some live chat if that turns out to be possible.”
Hands Up for Trad are also trialling a Hands Up for Trad Afternoon Show which goes out twice a week live on their Facebook page with live interviews and videos. If you can’t make it along at 2pm you can always watch later!
In May Feis Rois are having a virtual festival here.

Enjoy, keep safe and we’ll see you sometime!