Dundee & Angus College offer ‘Discover Digital’ learning

I wanted to make residents aware of a free online learning opportunity ‘Discover Digital’ which is being run by Dundee and Angus College to support learners looking to strengthen their ICT and digital skills to enhance their daily life.

In the current unprecedented business environment there may be individuals that you are aware of who have the time and could benefit from this opportunity and in those cases where work has been substantially affected as a result of the global pandemic, time may be available to upskill.

Dundee and Angus College appreciates the requirements associated with furlough. However if this is not considered as a mandatory training requirement for the business and individuals would like to undertake this for personal interest, this would be an available opportunity for them to develop and improve upon existing digital skills and knowledge.

The online programme is based on the UK Government’s Essential Digital Skills Framework and further information about this may be obtained here.

In summary, there are five categories around which the Essential Digital Skills Framework is based, namely :

Ø Communicating – including use of e-mail, messaging platforms and video communication tools
Ø Problem Solving – involving the use of the internet to find relevant information utilising digital tools and online services e.g. to help solving problems at work
Ø Transacting – setting up accounts online and managing transactions
Ø Handling Information and Content – developing the skills to critically evaluate available information as well as handling data securely e.g. via a cloud storage account
Ø Being Safe and Legal Online – gaining skills associated with staying secure, legal and confident online

The online programme is split into six sections based on key components of the Framework with a section on foundation skills for those not presently using digital technology, or if so in limited ways.

Learners will be supported online via the Dundee and Angus College Learning and Digital Resources Team at ldr@dundeeandangus.ac.uk.

Please note that prospective candidates must have registered by 1st May 2020 with the training programme having to be completed by 31st July 2020.

Individuals wishing to enrol should send an e-mail to ldr@dundeeandangus.ac.uk referencing ‘Discover Digital Course’ in the subject box.

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