Protect yourself from winter viruses

With COVID-19 and flu circulating at high levels in Northern Ireland, the Department of Health is reminding people to take the opportunity to be vaccinated.

£400,000 road improvement scheme for Drumnakilly Road, Omagh

A £400,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme at B4 Drumnakilly Road between Omagh and Carrickmore is due to commence on Monday 16 January 2023.

Community Councils across Dundee – public consultation

During 2023, the City Council will formally review its scheme for the establishment of Community Councils.

There are a number of Community Councils (such as West End and Broughty Ferry) and Neighbourhood Representative Structures (such as Ardler Village Trust and Kirkton Community Partnership) currently operating in Dundee.

The council is asking Dundee residents to take part in an informal consultation. 

Further details can be found at

The survey closes on Friday 20th January.

Statement: Independent Review of Invest Northern Ireland

The report on the Independent Review of Invest Northern Ireland has been published today.

Reval2023 will help to rebalance business rates

Land & Property Services (LPS) has today released draft valuations of almost 75,000 businesses in Northern Ireland.