Bins at Riverside Drive – an update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that I recently highlighted the need for “gull proof” bins on Riverside Drive near to the Bridgeview Café.

I raised this with the City Council and have received the following helpful update from our local environment manager :

“An update on the bins beside the Bridgeview Café. 

We managed to locate the 3 gull proof bins that were originally installed at this location and removed by the contractors on the building of the sea defences. These were installed back at their original locations yesterday and the other litter bins removed.

Hopefully this will resolve the problems we have been experiencing recently but we will continue to monitor the situation.”

See photo below!

The Northern Ireland Planning Statistics: 2019/20 Annual Statistical Bulletin

Planning statistics for 2019/20 are now available. These data provide an overall view of planning activity. Alongside this there is a summary of council performance across the three statutory targets for major development applications, local development applications and enforcement cases as laid out in the Local Government (Performance Indicators and Standards) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015.

Mallon announces face coverings to be mandatory on public transport from July 10

Face coverings will become mandatory on public transport from Friday July 10 as part of the recovery process from Covid-19 to support efforts to reduce the risk of transmission.

Health Minister meets with BDA Representatives

Health Minister Robin Swann has met with representatives of the British Dental Association and reiterated his appreciation for the leading role the profession had played in the battle against COVID-19.

Joint statement from Health Minister Robin Swann and Chief Medical Officer Dr Michael McBride

Health Minister Robin Swann and Chief Medical Officer Dr Michael McBride said: