Dodds visits Craigavon area companies

Economy Minister Diane Dodds has visited companies in the Craigavon area that are adapting to the current economic challenges.

Trust rebuilding plans published

Health Minister Robin Swann has today published the Trust rebuilding plans for July to September 2020.

Executive Daily Update: Initiatives to deal with Coronavirus (10 July 2020)

Northern Ireland Executive ministers and their officials have over the past 24 hours been involved in a number of initiatives and critical decisions relating to the Coronavirus emergency.

Parking charges #dundeewestend

As residents will be aware, the City Council has announced the return of parking charges from next Monday – 13th July.

However, I am pleased to say that my plea to officers to not to reintroduce these in the West End from 13th July has paid off.     Car parks in the seven West End car parks that had charges intoduced for the first time in January of this year will continue to be free until the universities return in October.

The City Council also advises :

“The first phase of charging from July 13 applies to all on-street bays, as well as the surface car parks in the city centre and Broughty Ferry. Limited wait bays will also be enforced from this date.

If progress on the route map out of lockdown continues as expected, the gradual roll-out will see charging resume at city centre multi-storey car parks in August. Greenmarket and Gellatly Street will be full price, while Bell Street and Olympia will cost £3-a-day.                                                              

Normal pricing is expected to resume at Olympia and Bell Street from mid-September.

Finally, the re-introduction of charging at car parks in the West End is planned for October 2020.

Up-to-date information throughout the phased return of car-parking charges can be found on the Dundee City Council website.”

Plan to improve outcomes in cases of serious sexual assault published

Justice Minister Naomi Long has welcomed the publication of an Implementation Plan to deliver improvements identified in the Gillen Review into the Law and Procedures in Serious Sexual Offences.