Wildfires cause lasting damage to local habitats – Poots

Environment minister Edwin Poots has again appealed for the public to not light fires when visiting the countryside.

During a visit to Armoy, Minister Poots said: “The level of lasting damage caused to natural habitat and associated wildlife by wildfire is shocking and unnecessary.

Getting things done – Seabraes #dundeewestend

A resident recently contacted me saying :

“Do you think that you could request that the markings that distinguish and delineate the cycle lane from the footpath at Seabraes between Roseangle and Greenmarket could be refreshed/reinstated?

With the increased number of cyclists and pedestrians using this thoroughfare there needs to be greater clarity as to who should be where on this shared path.”

I raised this with the Director of City Development at the City Council who has responded helpfully as follows :

“I confirm that we are aware that in a number of areas around the city existing cycle path markings and signage have become difficult to see.

We have bid for funding as part of the “Spaces for People” phase 2 bid to allow us to reinstate any worn markings and enhance signage to encourage cycle usage.

If this funding is confirmed I will ask officers to ensure that this marking is replaced as necessary.”

Don’t think Leicester’s lockdown couldn’t happen here

We’ve heard it all before, haven’t we?
Wash our hands, keep our distance, follow the public health advice.

Economy Minister announces £1million export success for White’s Speedicook

Economy Minister Diane Dodds today announced that Tandragee based White’s Speedicook Ltd has secured contracts in the Middle East estimated to be worth over £1million.

Dodds welcomes increase in Foreign Direct Investment projects in Northern Ireland

Economy Minister Diane Dodds today welcomed the news that over 2,300 jobs had been created through foreign direct investment into Northern Ireland in 2019-20 – an increase of 59% on the year before.