Douglas Ross elected leader of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

6 Aug 2020

Newly-elected Scottish Conservative party leader Douglas Ross MP has pledged to focus not on the divisions of the past but on rebuilding and restoring Scotland. 

Speaking ahead of his first appearance as Scottish Conservative and Unionist party leader in Forres this afternoon, Douglas has said he will deliver a positive and credible alternative to the SNP for everyone who wants to move the country forward to a post-referendum Scotland. 

Douglas has also confirmed he will deliver a jobs plan within his first month as leader. 

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said: “Becoming the leader of the Scottish Conservatives today is the honour and privilege of a lifetime. I want to thank all those who have given me so much encouragement over the last week. 

“In taking on this job today, I am applying for another: to champion a post-referendum Scotland where we focus not on the divisions of the past but on rebuilding our country from the brink, restoring our reputation for educational excellence, empowering our regions and remote communities, and providing the decent jobs that everyone can aspire to. 

“I am applying to work for anyone and everyone in Scotland who wants that to be the focus of our national debate, who wants to move the country forward, and wants that work to start now. 

“I begin this next step in my life as many young people consider their own futures. The nervous wait for exam results by thousands of young Scots yesterday ended for too many – particularly for those from more disadvantaged areas – in disappointment, confusion and anger.  As leader, education will be a crucial policy area for the Scottish Conservatives. Right now, I know many young people and teachers don’t feel that it is a top priority for the Scottish Government.  “All of this requires a huge amount of work – in a short space of time. But my guarantee to Scots is that when we head to the polling stations next May, the Scottish Conservatives will provide them with the credible and competent alternative to the SNP that the country so desperately needs.”

Lochee Park update #dundeewestend

I recently received a request from a constituent in relation to Lochee Park :

“I noticed a bunch of new benches and bins in Victoria Park, looks great and I am sure will be appreciated. I wonder if there are plans for some more seating in Lochee Park?”

So … I am delighted to welcome the new picnic table and seating at Lochee Park although I have asked our local environment manager if it may be possible to have more provided.

He has responded as follows :

“The picnic table was provided as part of improvements that are being made to Lochee Park. There was only one picnic bench included in the design but if it proves popular and there is a need for more we can consider this later in the year.”

Minister Ní Chuilín to reconvene Partnership Panel

Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín has announced that she is to reconvene the Partnership Panel – a body set up to strengthen relationships between the Executive and local government.

Minister visits north coast following £2.7m investment

Rural Affairs Minister Edwin Poots MLA has visited towns and villages across Northern Ireland’s north coast to see how £2.7million funding provided by his Department can help to revitalise rural communities and stimulate the local economy.

Communities Minister announces £3.2m COVID funding boost

Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín today announced £3.2 million in additional funding to Councils to allow them to support the voluntary and community sector as it continues to recover and help citizens to get through the COVID-19 crisis.