Road improvement scheme for A29 Desertmartin Road and B41 Main Street, Tobermore

A £145,000 trunk road resurfacing scheme on a section of the A29 Desertmartin Road, Tobermore, from Main Street towards Desertmartin, will commence on Saturday 8 August 2020. The scheme, which is approximately 500 metres in length is scheduled for completion by Monday 17 August 2020.

Resurfacing scheme Main Street and Mullavilly Road, Laurelvale

Main Street and Mullavilly Road, Laurelvale will benefit from a £292,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme which is due to commence on Monday 10 August 2020.

Getting things done – Perth Road to Riverside Avenue #dundeewestend

There’s a path from Perth Road just west of the Ninewells Garage down to Riverside Avenue.

It looks OK at the top end but as residents walk down it, it is very overgrown and a resident said at one point it is actually difficult to negotiate your way down it.

This path was orginally in private ownership but was upgraded by the council around the time Riverside Nature Park was opened to provide access from Perth Road, so I am hoping there is a maintenance agreement in place so I have asked our local environment manager if the foliage can be cut back.

Douglas Ross: give pupils every chance to succeed

6 Aug 2020

Scottish Conservative party leader Douglas Ross MP has said that the SNP Government should give pupils every chance to succeed and change the rules on grades this year.

Douglas has said pupils this year should be allowed to choose to take their existing result, or sit exams this coming autumn or receive their prelim grade.

He added that students waiting for clarity on exam results to take up university offers should be prioritised so they are not held back any longer. 

In his first statement as leader yesterday, Douglas already called for the Scottish Government to “ensure the appeals process is accelerated.”

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said: “Pupils, parents and teachers have contacted me to say they feel let down by what has happened and the lack of solutions that have been proposed.

“In light of the exceptional circumstances of the last academic year, it is only fair that pupils are given every single chance to succeed.

“We should allow pupils far more flexibility and give all pupils – no matter their background – every opportunity to get the grades they deserve.

“Pupils have already earned their prelim grades and if they are determined enough to want to sit the exam later this year, they should be encouraged to do so in order to give themselves the best possible future, with those waiting on university places receiving first priority.

“The futures of an entire year group of young Scots are in the balance.  It’s not just their exam results that have been downgraded, but their life chances.  That cannot be allowed to stand.”

Scottish Conservative education spokesperson, Jamie Greene, said: “John Swinney’s full focus must be on urgently fixing this mess.

“The Aberdeen lockdown clearly requires the SNP Government’s attention but that cannot come at the expense of pupils who have been so badly failed.

“The education secretary must get on top of this and leave the management of the local lockdown in Aberdeen to his colleagues.”

Douglas Ross proposes Aberdeen economic recovery plan

6 Aug 2020

Scottish Conservative party leader Douglas Ross MP has today proposed a recovery plan to protect jobs and businesses in Aberdeen.

On his second day as leader, Douglas has set out solutions to help the city get through the localised lockdown that was announced yesterday afternoon.

The practical steps include a commitment to double coronavirus testing and financial support for businesses and workers who have lost out.

In July, Oil and Gas UK said more than 7,500 jobs have already been lost in the North East as a result of coronavirus and up to 30,000 positions may be at risk.

Douglas has also started work on delivering a jobs plan within his first month as leader.

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said: “The new restrictions placed on Aberdeen will be a further blow to the local economy that has already suffered severely from coronavirus and the drop in oil and gas prices.

“The decision to reintroduce these measures was from a public health standpoint and it is vital that we work together to make sure Aberdeen is not left behind and local people are fully supported through this extremely difficult time that will have hit many businesses and workers hard.

“That’s why I am putting forward a set of straightforward, practical proposals to help the city get through this new lockdown and kick-start the Aberdeen economy as soon as it is safe to do so.

“We must do all we can to keep jobs and businesses in Aberdeen safe and I urge the Scottish Government to take these proposals forward as soon as possible.”

Scottish Conservative co-leader of Aberdeen City Council, Douglas Lumsden, said: “It’s absolutely vital that we do everything we can to support businesses and workers in Aberdeen through this tough period.  

“I hope the Scottish Government will take on board these serious and sensible proposals, and work with the council to get support to everyone who needs it.”


Oil and Gas UK warned 7,500 workers had already lost their jobs:

Douglas Ross’ economic recovery plan for Aberdeen is as follows:

1. Commit to doubling testing in the city over the next week, working with the Armed Forces and UK Government wherever necessary, to get the virus under control and help ensure people can get to work safely. 

2. Follow the success of the UK Government Eat Out to Help Out scheme and commit to providing a discount on meals at bars, restaurants, cafes and pubs when they reopen in a few weeks. 

3. Establish a financial support scheme to help hospitality workers who have lost wages this week. 

4. Set up a general Hardship Fund for workers and small businesses in the area who have lost out directly because of the immediacy of the lockdown.

5. Establish a financial support scheme for the hospitality industry to help them with losses on food and perishable stock that will go to waste this week.